Rising Star
It's very hard to understand such events afterwards! Even if a doctor would monitoring them live it would be difficult to determine...
I experienced physical difficulties with drugs since the first flash of cannabis or furthermore the first drunk state or the first nicotine shock....
With tryptamines it's very different to alcohol or nicotine or opioids etc..
Although I died a thousand times on cannabis the level of exhausting is much higher with tryptamines or LSD
The events experienced on these substances especially smoked DMT with a potentially, really harsh and rough "effect curve" are most of the times capable of grabbing or moreover stealing my whole attention, which means I don't recognize breathing enough and also don't recognize dehydrating - I only recognize pure panic if my head or heart starts hurting - it happens like really often when tripping in the past | than I remembered to drink, to calm down, to breathe with all I have - because these states of mind are like overdriving your whole system not only with the biochemical reactions, but also with the psychic components - which tend to make me speechless, sitting there with closed eyes, breathing flat and only on a reflex base, mouth wide open :O
After all sessions over the years I'm more and more able to react to this and recognize sooner and sooner my "spacing out"
I try to drink enough water BEFORE the trip and I'm using "Bioflavonoids" as vaso dilator beforehand, too
With the breathing there is only calming and breathing... doing exercise and workout and stop smoking on a daily base "independent from tripping"...
If all the physical "symptoms", appearing side effects and conditions accumulate in addition to
someone experiencing something that was firsthand reported in such way
IMHO she was experiencing sheer psychic terror of some really deep manifested traumata's which resulted in a spike that happened so dramatically because of the physical conditions which were simultaneously going "through the roof"
Maybe the point with her mother was something she had suppressed successfully over her whole lifetime and the disarming space shuttle (especially first timer) has confronted her or moreover trapped her, like she described, in this pure terror
I think it would be very important to look after these things even though your mum seems to be tough and healthy, what she probably is, I think someone should take her first "afterwords" serious and may afford/support her healing in this specific type of illness, too.
No one to blame!
I wish your whole family as much health and luck as possible!
I hold your honesty and courage in high esteem!
EDIT: I just wanted to mention that in animal kingdom (sounds stupid, I know) there are many species that have mechanisms that acting as a safeguard and there are also safeguard mechanisms in the animal kingdom that initiate or trigger death itself in an instant - the sloth is one of them if I remember correctly...
So to say there is also a possibility that the drug induced a psychosis or (semi-)schizophrenic episode solely that was in terms of it's context so bad for your mother - something like the "I'm always the responsible"-voice, in your mothers head, was revolting {and although your mother lives a "good life" and had arranged with the "fact" (don't get this wrong) that she's the "I'm always the responsible"-one} and became dominant - she wants to quit the circle and was fighting with all her love to regain her reality for the people for whom she loves to be the "I'm always the responsible"-one...
messy formulation, but should be understandable - but the above seems to be a very regular trip sensation and problem for many people which try psychedelics (also therefore never again)
IMHO the psychic component is at least as important in this case as the stroke and physical conditions which may are also related to her age and the force of DMT
I experienced physical difficulties with drugs since the first flash of cannabis or furthermore the first drunk state or the first nicotine shock....
With tryptamines it's very different to alcohol or nicotine or opioids etc..
Although I died a thousand times on cannabis the level of exhausting is much higher with tryptamines or LSD
The events experienced on these substances especially smoked DMT with a potentially, really harsh and rough "effect curve" are most of the times capable of grabbing or moreover stealing my whole attention, which means I don't recognize breathing enough and also don't recognize dehydrating - I only recognize pure panic if my head or heart starts hurting - it happens like really often when tripping in the past | than I remembered to drink, to calm down, to breathe with all I have - because these states of mind are like overdriving your whole system not only with the biochemical reactions, but also with the psychic components - which tend to make me speechless, sitting there with closed eyes, breathing flat and only on a reflex base, mouth wide open :O
After all sessions over the years I'm more and more able to react to this and recognize sooner and sooner my "spacing out"
I try to drink enough water BEFORE the trip and I'm using "Bioflavonoids" as vaso dilator beforehand, too
With the breathing there is only calming and breathing... doing exercise and workout and stop smoking on a daily base "independent from tripping"...
If all the physical "symptoms", appearing side effects and conditions accumulate in addition to
someone experiencing something that was firsthand reported in such way
Jalaxaposse said:“I was with my mother, I was abandoned”
“My mother wasn’t there to take care of me”
“I was remembering when I was a baby”
“I was raised by my grandmother, I never had a mommy”
“I need a mommy too, I can’t always take care of everyone”
“I’m always the responsible one”
“The trip started off with beautiful colors but then I remembered I was on a trip, on a drug and I felt like I needed to get back but I couldn’t. I was scared I couldn’t get back”
IMHO she was experiencing sheer psychic terror of some really deep manifested traumata's which resulted in a spike that happened so dramatically because of the physical conditions which were simultaneously going "through the roof"
Maybe the point with her mother was something she had suppressed successfully over her whole lifetime and the disarming space shuttle (especially first timer) has confronted her or moreover trapped her, like she described, in this pure terror
I think it would be very important to look after these things even though your mum seems to be tough and healthy, what she probably is, I think someone should take her first "afterwords" serious and may afford/support her healing in this specific type of illness, too.
No one to blame!
I wish your whole family as much health and luck as possible!
I hold your honesty and courage in high esteem!
EDIT: I just wanted to mention that in animal kingdom (sounds stupid, I know) there are many species that have mechanisms that acting as a safeguard and there are also safeguard mechanisms in the animal kingdom that initiate or trigger death itself in an instant - the sloth is one of them if I remember correctly...
So to say there is also a possibility that the drug induced a psychosis or (semi-)schizophrenic episode solely that was in terms of it's context so bad for your mother - something like the "I'm always the responsible"-voice, in your mothers head, was revolting {and although your mother lives a "good life" and had arranged with the "fact" (don't get this wrong) that she's the "I'm always the responsible"-one} and became dominant - she wants to quit the circle and was fighting with all her love to regain her reality for the people for whom she loves to be the "I'm always the responsible"-one...
messy formulation, but should be understandable - but the above seems to be a very regular trip sensation and problem for many people which try psychedelics (also therefore never again)
IMHO the psychic component is at least as important in this case as the stroke and physical conditions which may are also related to her age and the force of DMT