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Herbal supplements causing diminishing effects from psychedelics

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I've been taking an Ashwagandha (extract 15:1) before bedtime for about 2 months and now the last month a Gingko biloba extract (6000mg herb equivalent) daily. I feel that it supports good sleep and that it regulates the feeling of stress and gives focus. I've also noticed that I don't get upset or nervous in situations were I usually should. I'm not having any problems with that before taking the supplements either but it's just that I notice that I feel less.

I'm curious of how this works. That they seems to have a antidepressant effect or at least anti-exiting. I also suspect that they are effecting psychedelics.

I've taken mushrooms twice lately. Once about 13 days ago and the yesterday. The first one was 2,5 g dried Psilocybe semilanceata harvested this year.

I've noticed (and written around some else on the forum) that I hardly get any visuals anymore (if I don't take a good dose of rue and vape DMT, then the reality get shifted and altered, not the fractals, neon lights and otherworldly domains as in the beginning thou) and also that the feeling of 'expanded mind/thoughts' has changed. But the first trip from 2,5g was good. Mixed the mushrooms and brewed in hot water for 20min with a bit of citric acid. Subtle movement and patterns, not much more but strong light and colors in the room. Good time for reflection and thoughts around my life.

Then yesterday. 12 after the first trip I'd like to up the dose and took again 2,5 g dried P. semilanceata harvested this year but also 0,75 g that was harvested 2021. But this time no, zero, visuals (except that the lights were strong, perhaps due to pupil dilation) and in general a trip that consisted in inner thoughts and reflections, questions around my life and so on. Some hard questions around how I life and so on. Good to have this from time to time but I was expecting to trip a lot more. Getting out of my head a bit more...

Later in the trip (3-4h in) I vaped some cannabis and that really loosens things up. The visuals start eyes closed, the video of patters and flying landscapes that I've had on cannabis as long as I remember (but not so often that later years since I've become a daily user, small quantities in the late evening). I also could feel the mushrooms and it's power, but being just beneath the surface.

Anyhow. I wonder if this was the unpredictability of psychedelics, that is might be different next time, or if the herbs (Ashwagandha + Gingko biloba) are blocking the experiences? This thread tells something about Gingko and I can attest that is does interact with rue and MAOI, making me purge from my usual dose of rue tea/extract.

Curios of any thought around this.
I would focus more on how you "feel" during the mushrooms and listen to what they are trying to "teach" you internally rather than looking for "visuals/colours" and fancy stuff.

Sometimes we don't "trip" because we need to sober up and apply/integrate the "trips".

You can always up the dose to 3.5 - 4g+
Hi murklan,

I am an avid fan of herbal teas and powders and used in the correct dosages they can truly assist one in getting healthier and improving a whole range of functions from sleep to mood. I also use alot in combination with my entheogen use, I find more often it potentiates the trips or helps to protect certain parts of your body that will be under stress during a trip, like Milkthistle protects ones liver and Hawthorne protects the heart. This is the reason changa mixtures differ so widely and the herbs one uses truly gives a different experience.

Ashwagandha is a great adaptogen, it balances ones serotonin and dopamine levels in ones body. Given that psylocibin and other entheogens also affect serotonin there will be slight differences but not alot. I have noticed good visuals on mushrooms with Ashwagandha and 5HTP even which is a direct serotonin increaser. Ashwagandha balances serotonin. so it will bring you back to normal so that your mushroom adventures are still fungatastic. However you should be careful of brewing your mushrooms in hot water. Vere hot water and boiling water actually degrades psylocibin alot so that could be the cause. rather soak it in pure lemon juice for 20 minutes give it a stir and then add mildly warm water and drink as a tea and chew all the pieces. Lemon tek does increase potency of the trip but shortens the duration. Wisdom Tooth’s advice in taking more dosage of the mushroom is also wise. Terrence Mckenna says if you not sure double the dose, haha.. but yes potency does vary across mushrooms even in the same strain.

Also you don’t want to use any supplements constantly. 2 months is a long time. rather use it for 3 weeks, take a break for a week and then get back on it. Cycling your supplements and alternating them is always a good idea, unless otherwise indicated. Ashwagandha with warm (again not hot or boiling) milk is really good an hour before bedtime and helps one sleep. The powder form of Ashwagandha is better and closer to how it is used in Ayurveda. Hope this helps. Happy journeying.
There are some anecdotal reports on Reddit and shroomery about ashwaghanda seemingly diminishing the effects of psilocybin even days after the previous use. I’ve taken ashwaghanda with mushroom microdoses and seemed to experience diminished effects. However, it sounds like these effects may vary from person to person. I like ashwaghanda, but haven’t been taking it so as to have full effects from mushrooms when I take them. Perhaps, a more balanced approach may be in order, whereby it’s not all or nothing…
Thank you ommani for your insights. Perhaps then I stand to be corrected and more research will be very helpful on Ashwaghanda. I would have thought as its not a direct stimulant it wouldn't directly affect the experience. Stimulants and depressants like coffee and alcohol respectively definitely diminish the effects I have noticed. Yes a more balanced approach is always good and good to fast and watch ones diet for at least 3 to 7 days before a big dose. So maybe cutting out meat alcohol coffee and other substances. Also sometimes the dose is not as important as ones intention and ones set and setting.
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