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Hey everyone :)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi guys,

I've frequently browsed these forums over the past 2 years, but never got around to registering until today. I've benefited immensely from all of the knowledge and kindness shared on these forums, and I wanted to join so that I could help give back to a community that has been an incredible resource for me since I've begun exploring the parts of the universe that DMT grants me access to.

Hopefully I'll be able to be of assistance to others as they begin their journeys, and contribute as much love and guidance as the many other great people who've been here since I began reading.

Much love 😁
Welcome to the Nexus!

This is a great community to be apart of, indeed. The resources are vast and the people here are genuine, which isn't all that common with Internet forums typically. Anyway, enjoy your time here!

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