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Hey, Nathanial.Dread

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
You're Psychedsubstance, right? Or, as my wife likes to calls you "Youtube drug guy". ;)

I'm not a full member, yet, so I can't send you a PM personally. (Stuck on the 3rd or 4th questionnaire question...). So I hope this is OK. If not, I appologize.

Just wanted to drop you a note and give thanks producing your videos.

Your videos have really helped me with interpeting, developing ideas and ultimately understanding my true nature. OUR true nature.

Just think, you played a role in waking up another human being out there and there are others.

Perhaps this is part of your 'greater purpose' in this life. You're helping to wake us up.
Er, uh, I think you've got the wrong guy.

That goof flounced from this site a long time ago when people took exception to some dangerous harm encouragement (in the form of reckless dosing recommendations) that he was pushing in his silly, self-serving, ever so hungry for internet celebrity videos.
PsychedSubstance's youtube channel isn't so bad. There's some HR, experience reports and general info about psychoactive substances. I do not advocate creating videos or endorsing activity as such but it is what it is. I'll admit to, he can be quite silly at times but at the end of the day, his intentions are good I think. Although I wasn't aware of their activity here. Perhaps much younger on the Nexus, he was.
Psychedsubstance > self-serving DMT-Nexus internet police. The first videos were indeed underwhelming and had nothing to do with harm reduction. But now the videos are watchable and the jealous internet police guys need to check their egos.

Edit: Okay, this post can be misinterpreted. With self-serving DMT-Nexus internet police I mean folks flagging mostly harmless videos for no good reasons. If you flag videos with really stupid content then it's fine imo. I did that too.
Ufostrahlen said:
Psychedsubstance > self-serving DMT-Nexus internet police.
Ouch, that hurts,

And no, I'm not, never made a YouTube video before. I've never watched PsychedSubs stuff but I gather he's got some good stuff mixed in w/ controversial stuff.

Nathanial.Dread said:
Ouch, that hurts.
Hey, I didn't mean you. :love: You are actually one of the smartest and balanced person around here. When I read your replies they always leave me with the impression of an intelligent and humble human being.

Edit: edited the initial post for some clarifications.
Ufostrahlen said:
Nathanial.Dread said:
Ouch, that hurts.
Hey, I didn't mean you. :love: You are actually one of the smartest and balanced person around here. When I read your replies they always leave me with the impression of an intelligent and humble human being.
Aww shucks, you're making me blush.

*Kicks feet awkwardly*

Bodhisativa said:
His name on the Nexus is beatenwarrior. I don't know why i remember that.

That makes sense. Although his user status seems perma-gone. I recall their post about the extremely high dose of HBWR. 25-30 seeds. The video is still available on his channel but it's different from what he posted here about his experience. He's moar informed nowadays and has good storytelling.
Ahhh, well now I feel kind of silly. ;)

There was some post that referenced the Psychedsubstance guy (posting here) and it linked to one of ND's postings.

The writing style seemed consistant with his 'style' of videos so I made an assumption.

For what it's worth though, I did read the earlier postings about his videos that must have been kind of early in his channel. A lot of those videos were deleted at some point so I just haven't seen them.

I suppose when I came in, he was polishing his craft at that point.

So, the good news, he's apparently gotten better and more mindful of what he puts out.

If you haven't seen his DMT mirror trip report, check it out - it's a GOOD story.

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