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Hey yall! 👋🏻


Rising Star
Just wanted to say hey to everybody!
Definitely new to this but looking and learning. I am definitely interested in DMT. I have been doing a good bit of research then stumbled upon yall 😊. Yall look like a great group of people! Happy to be here!!
Hello @JB423, welcome to the Nexus! If you're interested in DMT and extracting it, then let me tell you something - you're in the right place. In fact, you're in the best place you're going to find on the whole world wide web. We have an outstanding Wiki page that contains more information than you'd ever want, on all topics ranging from harm reduction, to substance combinations, and of course the crown jewel category of the Nexus - extraction teks and information.

Tell us a bit more about yourself, if you don't mind - how much experience do you have with psychedelics, what kinds, what have been your most important takeaways and lessons from those experiences?

Good to have you here. Enjoy our community. Learn. Share. And, of course, expand. ❤️
Weeeellllpppp ..lol.. I have never done any psychedelics 😳👀. I have definitely don't other stuff. This is a new endeavor for me. I have always been kinda put off by the thought of not being able to control myself. I think i am at a place in life. I could invite it and be in the moment and go where it takes me. Instead of trying to pull myself out of it. I ran across a vid of people talking about there experiences with DMT and it intrigues tf outta me lol.

Thank you for being so welcoming. I fully agree i am in great place for moving forward with this journey
Weeeellllpppp ..lol.. I have never done any psychedelics 😳👀. I have definitely don't other stuff. This is a new endeavor for me. I have always been kinda put off by the thought of not being able to control myself. I think i am at a place in life. I could invite it and be in the moment and go where it takes me. Instead of trying to pull myself out of it. I ran across a vid of people talking about there experiences with DMT and it intrigues tf outta me lol.

Thank you for being so welcoming. I fully agree i am in great place for moving forward with this journey
Ah, if only I could experience psychedelics for the first time again...I envy you, in a good way 😆 For real though, if you have any questions about anything that has to do with psychedelics, do not be afraid to ask them.
Do you have any experience with mimosa hostilis root bark?

I have a recipe using this mimosa for the extract process

Welcome to the Nexus. I am very glad you signed up.

Being new to psychedelics I want to warn you that they are not like other drugs. Because they can teach and potentiate growth, they ask more of the user than a simple upper or downer. They can, in fact, be kind of hard to take.

One thing that is key to psychedelic use is letting go and with DMT it does deeper, the real key is absolute SURRENDER. A letting go of everything, all concerns, an acceptance that no matter what happens, even if you die (this is usually just the ego - you WILL come back), it is meant to be and should be embraced with love.

If you are not going to start with something like mushrooms which can be a pretty good "gateway drug" to DMT then I would encourage you to begin dosing low, in the 10 mgs range.

Try to remember there will be a significant body load with DMT - it feels heavy, it distances us from our body sense. Since we are getting ripped away from body sense we often get concerned about things like breathing. This is the perfect time to surrender. Just let it all go. TRUST the body - it knows what to do even if you aren't in it.

Okay, you have MHRB. You are on your way. I recommend starting simple, like a Straight to Base approach such as Noman's:

Noman's DMT for the Masses TEK

Keep reading and don't be shy about questions.

Maybe check the chat out:

Current Chat Room

I am glad you are here and look forward to seeing you around. This is an exciting time for you, :D.
Hi! And peace to you♥
Can you please tell me if DMT can be extracted from other than acacia and mimosa? In Russia these plants are either forbidden or not on the market:(

You may want to look into phalaris.

Here are a few links to threads about phalaris

One love
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