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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hiii nexus
im lowp ive been searching all throughout this beautiful cache of great info the past few months and decided to signup on one of the days that allows signups.

through the use of this site i have managed to extract some spice for my own use, and have been experimenting with it since. im just happy to have a large yet intrinsic group of people to talk about this most curious and awe inspiring molecule with. i dont think anything happens by accident, and im glad to have found my way onto this forum.
Hello and welcome to the Nexus!

DMT is a curious molecule indeed! For me, the Nexus has become a home away from home of sorts, a safe haven for those who are on a psychedelic path. It is a really unique place to be, to put it lightly! That being said, enjoy the forum and I hope you find whatever it is you are seeking here. Have a good day!


Welcome to the nexus friend.

Glad to see the info on here helped you to successfully extract your own spice. What tek did you go with?

Enjoy your stay, safe and happy journeys :thumb_up:

Spaced Out 2 said:
Welcome to the nexus friend.

Glad to see the info on here helped you to successfully extract your own spice. What tek did you go with?

Enjoy your stay, safe and happy journeys :thumb_up:


thanks =D and i went with nomans tek, as i didnt want to have to do any heatbaths. i intend to switch to cybs salt tek when i have easier access to a stove over winter break (living with relative while attending college, i live in the loft above the garage, but no stove, so nomans tek was perfect for me)

but yeah... just looking to learn and talk to likeminded individuals and lurk more and learn about hyperspace... it sure can be spooky in there sometimes... but beautiful and bewildering too. sheesh. about to take another leap into the unknown yet oddly home-like word of spice. wish me luck :)
Yes Cybs tek will help maximize yeild and improve efficiency. I think I started out with the lazyman tek and yielded great results but have since moved on to Cybs.

And yes DMT is very strange indeed and can be freaky. It is almost every time for me.

Plenty of us to chat with, so chat away!😁
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