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hi all. Scared to hit the pipe!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hi everyone.

I have already extracted the spice. All I need to do now is to jump.

I'm quite scared of doing it however which tells me that im not ready. but will I ever be?

I feel that the more I read about the experiences, the less I want to meet bad entities and such and I feel like I may be too weak to fight it?

hi all
I too, have yet to try the spice, however, I haven't even gotten as far as extractions yet.

Have you tried viewing this page? https://www.dmt-nexus.me/users/house/DMTDiagram.png also be sure to view the Health & Safety page and read what is under section 6 Negative trips/ Dark Entities, that should be of some assistance.

Are you simply having pre-flight worries about it going where you don't want, or do you believe there is something wrong with either your set or setting that would cause it to go down a road you'd rather not visit?

If you do plan on trying your spice, remember to be safe, and start with smaller doses, I would love to read your experience!
Program a little voice at the back of your mind that whispers

"This is what I need to do if I want to know..."

Perform the ingestion method to get there...then welcome to hyperspace, what you do from there is up to you...
yeah I know that this is what I need to tell me.

I am a somewhat a experienced psychonaut and some of the themes that people seems to mention definitly resonnate with my psychedelic experiences.

Maybe I dont want to know what out there? Im so happy in my life, or at least, I feel happy.

I think I already know some stuff like we are not just a body. everything is just one conscience ect. but the thing that scares me the most is that I already felt, on LSA for example, what some people in here report as:
``There was something in me, that used me for some reasons``

Ahh anyways. Im suppose to hit the pipe tonight! I'll keep posted.

But there something telling me that theres nothing I can do to stop being somewhat ``scared`` of the spice. I'm somewhat terrified but at the same time ready to see whatever happens. Is it a good way to enter hyperspace? how can I take this out of my conscience?

How can I trick my mind to make me feel less anxious? Did you all, for your first hit, a bit anxious and unsure?
Those who know what they are about to undertake feel fear. I after many 100's of journeys some most extreme I feel that fear every single time. It's normal. To not feel that fear that my friend isnt normal. You are about to go as far as you can in this life. To leave this world and taste of something much like death itself.

Fear is normal no matter how high the status of the user here on this forum most if not all of us fear. You are wise to fear this path. What I do is just take of it trying as best I can to do the action without thinking of the consequences. Just follow the physical mechanics and when it strikes it is too late to turn back. Just remind yourself that even this will soon pass. Hold on and know that in time things will be as normal as they were, well maybe not as normal but as normal as you could ever hope considering what you have done.
WEM said:
I too, have yet to try the spice, however, I haven't even gotten as far as extractions yet.

Have you tried viewing this page? https://www.dmt-nexus.me/users/house/DMTDiagram.png also be sure to view the Health & Safety page and read what is under section 6 Negative trips/ Dark Entities, that should be of some assistance.

Are you simply having pre-flight worries about it going where you don't want, or do you believe there is something wrong with either your set or setting that would cause it to go down a road you'd rather not visit?

If you do plan on trying your spice, remember to be safe, and start with smaller doses, I would love to read your experience!
hey yes I have used the nomans extraction with suprinsignly incredible results. 1% yields and it was totally easy.

Yes I dont want to meet bad entitiea, those scares the fuck out of me. I dont want to be surrendered by spiders. But If I have to go rivers of spiders I guess that will be for a reason.

theres nothing wrong with the set nor the setting but maybe theres something wrong with me and I wont be able to control my fears? thats the scary parts. I often get scared on psychedelic that some bad shit will happens. of course nothing really bad ever happens but the only thought of thing could go bad is already not a good sign? But I am simply not able to just attack the pipe like I would if it was weed. Is it still okay to go or should I do something to calm my fuckin self?
Don't be afraid of entities. Don't "fight" them. Accept and embrace them. Embrace the spiders.
Mysmelf told me: Smile as you go in.
It works for me.
I'm always terrified before going into hyperspace. Like Vovin said: "To not feel that fear that my friend isnt normal."

Take the plunge, or don't. Hyperspace will always be there (as far as I know). You'll do it when you are ready. You are so worried about "bad entities" and such, but you'll probably get something you can't even imagine.

Don't stress yourself out about it though.
Those who know what they are about to undertake feel fear. I after many 100's of journeys some most extreme I feel that fear every single time. It's normal. To not feel that fear that my friend isnt normal. You are about to go as far as you can in this life. To leave this world and taste of something much like death itself.

Fear is normal no matter how high the status of the user here on this forum most if not all of us fear. You are wise to fear this path. What I do is just take of it trying as best I can to do the action without thinking of the consequences. Just follow the physical mechanics and when it strikes it is too late to turn back. Just remind yourself that even this will soon pass. Hold on and know that in time things will be as normal as they were, well maybe not as normal but as normal as you could ever hope considering what you have done.


It seems as if the experience is already teaching you things you need to face, and you haven't even been there yet. Do not ignore this.

You need to understand the nature of your fear, and figure out how to quiet your mind. These are valuable lessons to carry with you in life.

The fear is a part of the process. If you cannot let go of it, or at least acknowledge and compartmentalize it, the breakthrough will be...rough for you.

murphy, I'm in the same position as you. I have my spice extracted, and even had it melted in a "mini machine" and up to my mouth, but I just couldn't go through with it. It's like at the last minute everything comes rushing through the floodgates of thought & possibility, and an overwhelming sense of anxiety hits me so strong I can physically feel my stomach wretch. It was at that point I decided, "whoa, wait a minute, this is not a good state to be in before plunging", and thus put the pipe down.

As per my introduction post, I spoke about fear a bit, and how I try my best to quell it and face any situation unfettered by it, but DMT ingestion is a different story; one I've never read for myself yet, and I hear that sometimes the story can be rather unpleasant. I've always been a fan of pleasant things. So I guess you can put 2 and 2 together to see how that fear has made itself loud and clear for me too.
I've been there too, scared to take the plunge. Most of my experiences have been very positive, but still get the shakes or nervous tremors preflight. Sometimes I get the same tensions and anxiety just talking about or describing the experience or process. I have known that this medicine is a good match for me, and have been patient in approaching the use of the spice, but the tendency towards preflight jitters had me staying away.

Until recently, that is.

The mushroom told me recently, and very specifically; "The shaking, nervous tension you feel when getting ready to partake is all of your stress and worries, all of the body armoring you carry around, the psychic and real wounds, all of this is your body getting ready to let go of that stuff."

SO now I look towards the experience with greater openness, less fear, and the shakes are welcome!

Using Changa has helped greatly with the more logistical/technical aspects of smoking/vaporizing. It is so much easier that the idea of FB alone seems silly.

Hope this helps:thumb_up:
Fear is a big part of the DMT experience IMO. It doesn't go away either. Sometimes it is there just as a tiny speck on the horizon and other times it is there consuming you. It is something that needs to be addressed in everyday life and also in hyperspace. Do not give in to it. If Spice travel is something that you wish to partake in, get used to it - over come it and you will be rewarded with one of the most remarkable experiences known to man 8) Or, y'know, don't 😉

fermentman said:
The mushroom told me recently, and very specifically; "The shaking, nervous tension you feel when getting ready to partake is all of your stress and worries, all of the body armoring you carry around, the psychic and real wounds, all of this is your body getting ready to let go of that stuff."

I get this sort of vibration at the back of my head / brain / top of my spine before vaporising - EVERY time. I had always wondered what it was, and have in the past assosciated it with my internal fears - like my ego squirming trying to get away from what is about to happen or something. What you wrote makes sense to me how ever, thats a nice perspective the mushrooms gave you :thumb_up:
The first hit I ever took was only about 5mg. I was super nervous but about 30 seconds in, I remember thinking, this is awesome, why have I been waiting. I was so glad to feel the effects.
Fear is just part of the deal with this. There's really no way around it. In fact, I'd say that you're likely to be a lot more fearful your 2nd time than the 1st.

As others have mentioned, I've done this a lot and have never not been afraid. But this is a drug that rewards your courage and will like nothing else. Just let yourself go and resolve to flow with whatever comes your way.

There's a depth of beauty in there that you cannot possibly ever imagine. You've done the work. Go collect your reward. It's an amazing, amazing privilege.
I felt fearful the first time I tried spice, to be honest I thought my first experience was a bit of a let down. I can’t remember at what point I found quite how much power was contained in my little bottle of leaf matter infused with DMT.

The more I’ve delved the more I feel fearful of the experience, I loaded up a pipe 4 days ago and still it sits beside me waiting for the right time to appear. Despite this fear I still put myself into situations that may well show me new depths to the meaning of fear. I find the most difficult experiences far and away the most useful, but I believe going quite that far is not for many.

If you want to work with the more extreme end of psychedelics you need to submit to the concept that something so mindblowingly terrifying you could never have imagined may happen. This is part of the game. For me it has served to help me understand that I am far stronger than I could have thought.

You may go a while without having to deal with the difficult aspects of the psychedelic experience, if you don’t play too much maybe you never will. It may happen on your first time, who knows. Roll the dice and get what you get.
wow thanks guys for all your response.

I have not breakthrough but went pretty damn close I think.

Two hits: the most vivid, real, alive, complexe hallucination Iv ever seen.
I still felt my body. Right when exhale the second hit, the most weird hallucination Iv ever seen occured. it felt so real. There was sort of face just like the cat from alice in wonderlands. there was dozens of them with a weird smile. they were all telling me to look to my right. Right after my second hit, it just felt like a circus. I almost heard the little freaky circus type of music at least I could feel how those things were telling me to look to my right. I was so overwhelmed by this instant world. It was going so fast and I was sort of fighting it because I didnt want to breakthourgh and I still felt my body. The hallucination were so vivid; a world of geometrical patterns that felt real and everything was spinning. I have never seen such 3dimensionnal or shall I see 4 or 5 or 6 dimension all at the same time. The vivid aspect of the colours, colours more real then reality. I think I have seen a small part of what is a breakthrough. All I know is that I have never even considered to see such beautiful world.
I was too afraid to let go howver so it felt like the little red faces that told me to look right were not mean but like insistent like if they told me to hurry. it was a big stress for all the patterns it seemed. It all seemed to be happy to show itself to me, in all its bizareness. I mean I cant describe this world but my god it was so fast yet so real. it felt like ;oh yeah, you again. I have never seen such hallucination. its better yet even stronger then I could have ever imagine.
It lasted around 2 minutes. after that the colours dissapred. but for that 2 minutes, my heart was totally pumping out. I remember tooking a big breathing and felt how much the hallucination relaxed at the same time.I felt possesed by something. My whole spirit felt free. As I breath, I feel how its not my body the feels the breath but my spirit. I then tried to look at my right: there was such a impressive connexion between every little geomatrical patterns. they felt so real.it happens so fast. Incredible world of swriling. I felt going in those spirals but sort of backed off. when I looked at my right, I think that there was a sort of imposing sort light but I couldnt totalle understand anything. everything was spinning. with layers of each other spinning. but its so impossible to describe I was able to see those thing happening in 360 degree! the little red face with the big smile stressing me to do something! I cannot repeat enough how extremely vivid and real the hallucination were; they were alive and moving towards something. I felt compelled to follow it but I guess my dose wasnt strongenough?. nothing even close to any shrooms or mescaline visuals. no it was the most purest colours, vivid things flying around, and a whisper sort of telling me, a whisper trying to calm me down it seemed. It was so intense. so intense, intense as I could have never imgine or even dreamed of. the hallucination were so immersive. wow.

I now sort of know how the hallucinations are. Im actually surprise I didnt breakthrough or maybe I hald breathrough?

The rest of the night I didnt try it again. My friend didnt smoke enough so he didnt saw the hallucination.
sounds interesting,lol.
Ive had many many awesome near break through explorations.
I love them, think they are amazing, and would have been happy if that was all there was to to it...
BUT...breakthroughs...for me, each breakthrough I have had felt like a life changing moment of massive proportions, and I am literally left saying a list of expletives and WTF WTFWTFWTF=)
I have been left balling my eyes out with JOY and shaking like a leaf.
It can be different for everyone, although, I see a LOT of people come back with the WTF syndrome,lol.
DMT has several different levels you can use for healing and exploring, it is AMAZING.
Much Respect!
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