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Hi from Mexico

Migrated topic.


Hello Nexus, I am clouds and I am glad I have found this site. English is not my natural language, but I can read it pretty well.
I have been reading this forum as a guest for almost 6 months and with this account less than a week. I am amazed at how knowledgeable some people are here in matters like chemistry and philosophy in relation with psychoactive substances. I have experienced several other psychedelics like wild mushrooms in Oaxaca and Peyotl in San Luis Potosí which sparked my interest in psychoactive compounds, especially "psychedelic" ones. I now know that MHRB is what people call "tepescohuite" here in this country, which mostly is used for different purposes than extracting NN-DMT.
I have never smoked NN-DMT but I have the intent to perform an extraction some day, right now I don't really feel the "urge" to enter this kind of hyperspace but right now I am more like in the process of learning as much as I can from your experiences and some points of view.
Yes I know what McKenna and Strassman and Shulgin had to say about it in general terms, but I think its also very important (if not more) to hear what some experienced psychonauts have to say about it. I do know reading and experiencing are worlds apart, but I think learning as much as a I can from this special molecule is what I "should" do first, under the actual context, of course.

At this point I'm not really sure if "hyperspace" is a place that our spirit can visit or such a profound and intense hallucination that our mind can perceive as a place, but not really being a "place". Mushrooms and Peyotl have never taken me somewhere I could recognize as a "place". The implications of knowing the answer to this in scientific terms has, I think, very important social consequences. What do I mean?

I know our governments have forbidden us to search truth / pleasure / happiness / or whatever in psychoactive substances (I know it's kind of unfair, but I guess it a little more complex than it appears), but... if what NN-DMT is offering us is a "place" in physiological terms (including our spirit as part of our being, of course) then this is a real problem and it bothers me.
It's like if literally, it was prohibited to move from a place to another. From point A to point B. And from what I've read... it would be like if "space exploration" was illegal. Science hasn't recognized the "spirit" as part of our being yet, I think psychoactive substances like NN-DMT and some derivatives can help to change that. I do believe we have a spirit. I know someone could say "Who cares about science? I'm smoking this and it delivers the most amazing experience." but I think science is important because it can reach most of humanity, and I am the kind of person that thinks that truth should not be kept secret or underground.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the Nexus community for its initiative to start a hyperspace lexicon and trying to map this different spaces of reality that, I think, need to be looked at and in some way shared with humanity.
Welcome clouds.

I love your name as clouds are often a very powerful thing to watch and enjoy.

I don't urge you to try DMT, but if you feel the time is right, it is right. For me personally, whenever I smoke spice it is all about traveling. I have watched my soul and energy blast from my crown chakra from outside of myself. It is a very sacred and holy and humbling experience. It can be scary when you don't know what it is capable of, however DMT is nothing to fear.

I hope your curiosity and study of DMT lead you to the experience. Though, no amount of studying can explain what one DMT/Spice can or will do. Even afterward's studying and communicating can only scratch the surface of the experience.

I think the government doesn't want you to know you have a soul. I think if people were in tune with their soul then they might do more things like love their families, and do what they love, instead of slaving and going crazy to serve the government.

I am also impressed by your english. If I ever say anything you don't understand let me know I will try to clarify!

Take care and much love to you friend.
Thanks bancompuma! :)

mydriasis said:
I hope your curiosity and study of DMT lead you to the experience. Though, no amount of studying can explain what one DMT/Spice can or will do. Even afterward's studying and communicating can only scratch the surface of the experience.

Take care and much love to you friend.

I hope too that someday the opportunity of experiencing the spirit molecule comes near.
I have read that some people recommend trying Ayahuasca first, I might follow that advice.

Much love to your my friends and thanks.
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