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Hi I'm Robert and love dmt...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm from México, i love pshycodelics, especially dmt, lsd, nbome, cannabis and l
Also like opiates, benzos, actually, iam strugglin' withdrawals and having some issues with diamorphine, alprazolam, tramadol, cannabis, tabaco, alcohol sometimes, sugar.

I would like you can give me some adviced, i'd like to share more.

Good vibes.
Welcome to the Nexus!

Please feel free to elaborate on your current situation, if you feel up to it. With more information, people can hopefully give you better advice. There is a strong and compassionate community here, willing to support its members whenever needed. I hope you are able to find what you are seeking here.

My man looks like you are into lots of substances that are bad for you. My advice stay the hell away from them...especially sugar it is pure poison.
Hello and welcome to the nexus!

All I could suggest is make a list of these substances in order of which is worst for you, and slowly begin to kick them in that order. I'm not personally experienced with opiates or benzos.

The only psychedelic on your list that I think is NOT good would be NBOMe compounds. I'm assuming 25-i/b/c ? They can seriously mess with your cardiovascular system in a bad way. They're also the only substance that gave me HPPD for a while, despite having used other psychedelics for years. Since it's not addictive this could be an easy place to start.
Welcome. Just to grab your interest, ex-heroin addict of 25 years currently in recovery here. Two time suicide survivor as well, and i credit a couple powerful psychedelic experiences with CATALYZING that recovery.

I'm guessing that you've read through the forum and it interests you because people for the most part here are intentionally using psychedelics as the means to achieve various ends, from exploration to therapy to research and studies people here are not simply getting high for the sake of being high.

Been there, done that. I can tell you that you won't find many people extolling the (non-existent) virtues of addictive and/or synthetic drugs. I'm not sure if I'm making the right assumption but it sounds like you may want advice on how to curtail the use of some of the more damaging substances through the use of psychedelics? You may find some useful input on that here.

I am very familiar with benzo and opiate addiction, and feel I've been able to work a holistic practice of recovery that addresses and meets my personal needs on all levels allowing me to live a life free of the need to maintain on illicit drugs. I promote harm reduction, not abstinence as a reasonable and effective route to recovery and that recovery is as individual as the addiction.

Again, welcome, more than happy to talk, PM if you want. Be good to you, friend. Benzos and opiates are a passive suicide, the combination is deadly and is a soul killer. Without even knowing you i can honestly say you deserve better than anyplace those things will lead you.
Yes, sugar is the worst jaja.

Thanks, all of you, I'm fully aware about the danger of mixing opiates and benzos, I'm physically dependent on alprazolam, I've taking it for almost three years (2-10mg per day) . Recently I have been experimenting with diamorphine 11 days in a row, low doses actually, heroin is a very interesting drug, I'm not fully adicct to opiates, I love them, but I think can manage it.

Definitely I'm not using heroin any more, at least for a couple of weeks or even months, it was my first contact with heroin, and I don't know what to say, I like it a lot but is not my favorite drug, maybe the third (First DMT/LSD/Psyclocybin,Xanga, I love changa, Second cannabis and then opiates) I'm suffering from depression and a lot of anxiety that's why I love benzos too, especially alprazolam and diazepam...

Benzo withdrawal is the hell, I've experienced tramadol withdrawal and is a hell too (it's an. Opiate and a SNRIs), but xanax is the worst for me.

I'm considering taking pregabalin (Lyrica) and tapering off alprazolam during a month.

The are a lot of alternatives safer than benzos and opiates, like kratom, kava kava, cannabis (I love indica), psychodelics, etc...

I have one day without heroin, before touch heroin I used a lot of tramadol, I'm a little scared for a some kind of opiate withdrawal, but I don't think touch them again for a while, instead I'm planning use cannabis and benzos if I had very bad symptoms.

So thanks for your answers. This is one of my favorites forums, especially for the community and the information, there is so much information available. I've been reading the forum for years I couldn't create an account multiple times in the past, but now I'm a member (well, new member)

I'm thinking use dmt again, I enjoy it and makes me aware from my currently situation and it teaches me a lot of ways to improve my life. But I don't feel ready to take a strong pshycodelic yet. I need to solve this dependency first.

Sorry for my English it's not the best, but I try to explain me the best I can.
Robertusto97 said:
I'm not fully adicct to opiates, I love them, but I think can manage it.

Definitely I'm not using heroin any more, at least for a couple of weeks or even months

I was addicted to heroin and valium/temazepam for 20 somthing and a few years (for the benzos)...obviously you are aware that you are in a very vulnerable position regarding opiates, use can very easily creep up on you until you have your first withdrawl and you realise what this drug is all about. Even then you may not stop because it changes the way you think and before you know it 20 years have gone by. I found withdrawl from benzos to be worse than that from heroin, which is bad enough...
I think you need a completely different mind body practice. Only love can kill pain. Love is about being healthy and strong enough to give to yourself and others. The best role for psychedelics in this is not an alternate relief from boredom and pain but a light to expose and free you from the sources of pain. The medicine can illuminate the path and be part of the path but there is a way of being that is the deeper goal of healing.
Yoga, Qigong, bicycle riding, music, art, service to others, gardening, hiking, building . Think about some non chemical options for growth and focus.
ridnovir said:
My man looks like you are into lots of substances that are bad for you. My advice stay the hell away from them...especially sugar it is pure poison.

I know sugar isnt the best thing to eat too much of... but why do you call it poison???/:?:
starway7 said:
ridnovir said:
My man looks like you are into lots of substances that are bad for you. My advice stay the hell away from them...especially sugar it is pure poison.

I know sugar isnt the best thing to eat too much of... but why do you call it poison???/:?:

It literally is poison I suggest this good book "Fat Chance" to enlighten yourself:
ridnovir said:
starway7 said:
ridnovir said:
My man looks like you are into lots of substances that are bad for you. My advice stay the hell away from them...especially sugar it is pure poison.

I know sugar isnt the best thing to eat too much of... but why do you call it poison???/:?:

It literally is poison I suggest this good book "Fat Chance" to enlighten yourself:
Another good read on this matter is "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price, DDS. Pub.: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (www.ppnf.org) ISBN: 978-0-916764-20-3
Cover blurb said:
An epic study demonstrating the importance of whole food nutrition, and the degeneration and destruction that comes from a diet of processed foods.

For nearly 10 years, Weston Price and his wife traveled around the world in search of the secret to health. Instead of looking at people afflicted with disease symptoms, this highly respected dentist and dental researcher chose to focus on healthy individuals, and challenged himself to understand how they achieved such amazing health. Dr. Price traveled to hundreds of cities in a total of 14 different countries in his search to find healthy people. He investigated some of the most remote areas in the world. He observed perfect dental arches, minimal tooth decay, high immunity to tuberculosis and overall excellent health in those groups of people who ate their indigenous foods. He found when these people were introduced to modernized foods, such as white flour, white sugar, refined vegetable oils and canned goods, signs of degeneration quickly became evident. Dental caries, deformed jaw structures, crooked teeth, arthritis and a low immunity to tuberculosis became rampant amongst them. Dr. Price documented this ancestral wisdom - including hundreds of photos- in his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

WESTON A. PRICE - "Life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed."
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