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Hi..Relative newbie to Psychedelics

Migrated topic.

Hi everyone, :?

As the subject states i'm relatively new to the whole world of psychedelics.I'm just a very average guy.Never tried any hard drugs before.Never had any interest in them or the culture.In part when i met my partner my understanding changed.I learnt alot from him and began to dismiss alot of the governmental negative hype.
It was only just nearly a year ago that my partner,a well versed user of psychedelics himself,offered me a number of substances to try.My first basic experience was with ecstacy.Apparently i had some real "out of this world" trip.It was only a couple of days later that i ventured further and took my first hit of salvia.Now from someone who,pre-trip,did not believe one bit about the associated effects and visions possible with psychedelics,i was quite frankly...BLOWN away.
My salvia hit was nothing my partner had seen before.It was not a conventional reaction to what he thought was the "norm",he had never seen anyone trip on it as i did.My partner put it down to the fact that i had done ecstacy and salvia in the same evening and the combined effect was the result.Altho he can't be sure,but it was certainly different.That in itself had intrigued me.It was overwhelming.It became my herb of choice.
To cut a long story short,to this day,what i saw still fills me with absolute amazement.All i can say is,i was witnessing what i did in the physical,i was there,watching events unfold.By the time i was coming to the end of my trip i was on my knees in floods of tears,but tears of joy.Never in my life has something affected me in such a profound way.It took me some time to gather my thoughts and begin to process what had just occurred.I had no preconceptions about what i may or may not experience.Why did i see what i did ? where did it come from ? was it just a byproduct of an over imaginative spaced out mind,a construct from my own psyche,OR,did i actually venture beyond the veil and witness something REAl ? My psychedelic revolution had begun.
To say the least i was freaked out :shock: .Not in a negative way but in the knowledge that i had smoked this seamingly innocuous little herb and someway or how ended up gaining more than i had ever imagined.I have taken salvia a number of times since and have had similar occurrences.
From just these experiences i have realised that there is certainly a greater understanding to be learnt.It isn't just about our mortality,its about our mentality and our consciouness.
After releasing myself to the spirit of salvia,i felt i was ready to make a significant step and venture further,and it seems DMT is the key to opening "THE" door to all possibility.Altho as yet i have only used DMT about 8 times,the key has been turned and the door is open.I haven't as yet experienced anything close to what has been presented on this site,but what i have is just the start of my journey.I hope to gain knowledge and wisdom from you all in the hope that i can keep moving forward and step right on thru that door :d
Welcome to the nexus... your story is very familiar, you'll read them all over this site... it's cool once you've gone there and realise the people in authority don't have all the answers.. actually one of my earliest and most vivid yet enduring memories is when I realised that my parents didn't always tell the truth :).... I will say this though, your story is familiar because it's clearly the early stage of psychedelic use, I'm sure you're responsible but I have to say tread lightly, the thing about psychedelics is that they're unpredictable and even the best users have slipped off more than once... I personally know many casualties ranging from career driven elitists turned into grungy hippies, too many space cadets, all the way to mental patients and suicides/attempts... that shit is real so please please tread very lightly with psychedelics........

.........on the other hand.. dont be afraid to find your limits because that's usually when the magic happens, just keep your judgement, research, respect what you're doing and only push it a fraction at a time.

Thankyou.Yeh its all pretty new to me still.Sometimes i think i should have broken myself free years ago and not taken authority as gospel.Still now i've cast off my shackles,i can begin to find myself and tune in to the world around me and inside me.
I'm finding my feet but at the same time i'm cautious about the whole thing.I'm not rushing to jump in feet first without any real thought as to what i'm doing and how much.I have already had one bad trip.That was a lesson learnt.

More so now i deeply respect what i take.To think a year or so back it was just for kicks and fun but thru my first encounter it adjusted my way of thinking.It can't be taken lightly and everything for me is in the preparation...physically and mentally.

You're totally better off doing it later on... most people get psychedelic when they're in their early teens and are already burnt out by their 20's.. I was quite lucky in that respect I didn't even start till my twenties, felt a bit stupid at the hundreds of hits of acid I turned down, but it's better to do it in a responsible state of mind, because it only takes 1 really bad trip to ruin all the fun... SWIM pushed it too hard with mescaline and couldn't ever do any phenys ever again, maybe one day, also overdid mushrooms in a mirror covered hotel room in Holland, that trip put SWIM off mushrooms for about 5 years... yeah bad trips ruin all the fun! also never go psychedelic in a bad mood unless you deliberately want to face your demons.

Hey, i guess i'm starting at the right time then.I'm 38 now but never thought about it in my teens.I never knew anyone that was into them either.It was only 6 years ago when i met my other half that the whole community came to my attention.Even then i wasn't interested.I may have had a few pulls on a spliff once in a blue moon but that was my limit.
Now,specially at my age,after trying salvia,shrooms and dmt,i think i'm in a better position to understand the whole concept.

As i said before i have already had one bad trip with DMT.It was a truly frightening experience.If there was ever a time i thought i was going to be permanently insane it was then.The days of SWIM estimating doses and frequency are long gone 8)
As my other half estimates doses its difficult to say.We had done 2 trips each in an hour.By the time he was ready for a third he was increasing the dose.So my third was a high dose but i cannot say how much.
The trip was just screwed up.

It started as per usual...geometric and kaleidoscopic patterns etc..but then that faded and it was just nothing.I was lying on the bed and the whole room looked weird.It was like the room was in a void.There was like another room overlapping the first but just slightly out of sync.Even with the window open no air was moving.The night sky looked bland and the trees outside had no shape or distintion.This was the same for the room.Although i could recognise everything like my bed..chair...desk ..pc..hi fi..few clothes hanging around.They had NO shape.They had no form and the colour was faded.Plus my body looked warped.And there was a god awful humming noise that went from a low pitch to a higher pitch and continued.Plus altho the hi fi was on the sound coming from it was deep and somewhat malevolent.At one point i honestly thought i could hear an underlying voice coming thru the hi fi,and i can only guess but i feel it was saying something like "come with us" or "follow us".It was just terrifying.The room just continued like this for some time and the longer it went on i thought,Oh my god,this aint right.What made it worse was the fact that my other half had also done a large dose,and just looking at him he was muttering something continuously,just jibberish to me.I honestly thought he was having the same kind of bad trip that i was experiencing.It was at that point i was truly believing that i for one was just gone.That my mind had been so screwed that this was gonna be the situation for the rest of my life.Call it insane if you will.I just remember thinking to myself that at some time in the morning my brother would walk into the room and see 2 vegetative people slumped on the bed.
It just felt it was never going to end.For the first time in my life i literarly closed my eyes and prayed.I kept repeating the same thing..."Have faith and it will pass...We will be fine".Sure enough some minutes later i started to come out of it.It was only some minutes later that my other half came round,but had experienced a good trip.It took me about 2 hours to calm down fully and try to compose myself.

Now,i dont know if it was a factor or not,its possible,but that weekend i was on medication for an infection.But the fact that i had done 2 trips with good visions already,it was confusing why the third was freaky.
Looking back tho i realise that it probably wasnt a good idea in the first place,3 trips each in one hour and on meds.I should have kept to my limits but my other half is somewhat persuasive at times.After that night tho i made damn sure that we never did the like again.

Will have to have a search thru the site to browse other bad trips,if any.
Ive had some uncomfortable trips....

I would say really think about what made it seem like a darker trip to you and go back their with the intent to face and explore these places. Chances are you'll have a beautiful trip instead, but incase not, youre prepared to explore and not be scared.
Uncomfortable trip aint the word :( .I was getting something from it but it all seemed just malevolent.Everything just looked weird.No definition.I've never been so freaked out.And as for my frame of mind i think i was in a pretty cool calm and positive demeanor.
The room seemed to have been uprooted and deposited in another place.A dark void of nothingness.The humming noise and what i thought was a voice coming over the radio was the most unsettling.The pulsing hum was reacting in sync with the second overlapping image of the room.But it was the voice that i'm sure i heard thru the hi fi speakers that forced me to say a prayer.I was willing myself and my other half back to our normal space and time.

I guess that sounds kinda pathetic.Its all i could think of doing.Least we came back.
Not every epiphony is going to come on the back of a dove......

If I was you i'd be happy, definately alittle shaken.... but it sounds like the trip was a success :)
Holy mutha ! If you call that a success i'd hate to have a real failure :shock:

Success or not,i NEVER want to repeat it.

There is just a niggling feeling in the back of my mind that it was just WRONG.Totally and utterly ! An air of,say,evil about it.
A place i should not have been present in.

I understand your point.All trips aren't gonna be bright,wholesome and positively emersive.
It seems to me, that you're still pretty unsure about how to proceed or ...to proceed at all. Maybe you just want to be a "true psychonaut" because your beloved one is into this stuff. What are your motives? Psychedelics can surely exacerbate underlying fears...you have to TRUST the experience to deliver what you need. Wether it be pleasant or not..you have to trust the forces behind or everything is lost.

Maybe THEY wanted to tell you exactly that: You're not welcome because you lack the motifs.

If you decide to try again, surrender yourself to the experience. Accept that you might be scared to death but also expect the possibility of love beyond words. You don't control it. But if you feel that you get "the call" to do it - trust them..and GO with them!!
Let me explain a few things further.I have been with my "beloved" for 6 years now.Of course being with someone that has an active passion for psychedelics and various other substances,you learn about the effects of such.It was only thru hearing details of my other halfs experiences that i grew a minor interest.
It was just last year,September,that i took my first try of anything psychedelic.Admittedly,this first time was in all intent meant as "a bit of fun".My other half had some salvia extract so for once i just let loose and took a hit.From what i had been told and had seen i knew what to expect.But,that trip didn't turn out quite the way it was expected to (long story).

From that experience i had an awakening if you will.I had always been curious about spirituality and beliefs in an existence beyond our visible universe.But my trip with salvia had changed my whole outlook.My epiphany if you will.Two or three more trips with salvia had given me similar 'visions' and so case in point my belief had been intensified.

Now regarding DMT.The fact that my use of salvia awarded me vivid trips and afforded me an insight into a spiritual/supernatural realm,my partner thought that if i wanted to delve deeper,look beyond the boundaries of our physicality and expand my understanding of what we are,maybe DMT could offer me further insight.Not just in a spiritual sense but in a way to allow my inner being to feel a connectedness to aspects of what life is,what i am and how we relate to each other and everything.
My motives are simple.I want to understand.There are limitations to my mortality,what happens when i die ?? does my consciousness live on,if so where does it go,what is it capable of..To find meaning and possible answers in the metaphysical.

You are right.I have to maintain my full trust in it.My one bad trip has temporarily knocked my faith.I know its unfounded but i'll work my way positively towards my next encounter.I will take your advice in hand.

I absolutely respect DMT,as with any other psychedelic.I am not here for cheap thrills.I do not take it lightly :!: Hence the name.

Greatly appreciate your input.As a dmt novice i welcome all comments from the experienced on this forum.

Peace and love

:) :) :)
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