hixidom said:I think that if Sam continues his experimentation with psychedelics, he will find that his disturbing bedtime experiences are merely a result of his subconscious fascination with an incredible first experience.
hi hixidom
the last dmt experience was one of about 20 trips that i had in a three month timeframe. the "sword drill" that i mentioned that was "raping" my dna/third eye on the last trip...it appeared in an earlier trip that did not fully "evolve" into this abject terror i experienced in the last trip. i have thought about "re-entering" if you will, but won't. This evening (12/25) i again had another "infusion" terror session. whatever bear i poked - is still very much interested in me from a trip that ended almost a year ago. so i don't think smoking more dmt is the "answer" (as if there is an answer when i am not really sure what exactly the source of the problem is [in my mind or existential]).
at this point i am leaning very much toward the existential/possessed bucket.
in terms of taken this too serious - i'd like to put all of it behind me - i'd like to not be posting intimate details of my life on the web, but the reality is - there is not a community of folk who even marginally understand what i am expressing off-web. my wife thinks it is in my head...my shrink thinks its in my head...other close web-friends think it's in my head...dr strassman thinks it's in my head - and I "know" it is not in my head...so am i bat shit crazy?...perhaps, but i really don't think so.
and because i don't think so - i look to the experience itself for understanding as seen through my lens of reality...and my lens of reality has always been a bit odd - mostly odd in the sense i believe the "distraction apparatus" that we exist in our sober (mostly) awake (as in not sleeping) state... is specifically designed to distract us from "seeing" our own self actualization (that is we are each a pure undistorted manifestation of "source" that is defined as clarity, vibrant awareness, free will, positivity, love and the egoless power that naturally flows from this actualization) in the short life we live in our bodies...everything from bullshit wars to crappy foods to porn to social media to paying taxes to debt to sports - music - books - elections - mass shootings - "god", ascended beings, the three desert cult religions, all religions, things that shine and supposed gubbermints that say we are "free".
as i look for understanding with my terror sessions (that are not sleep paralysis [in fact i would very much prefer they were]) - and i find my mind's eye wrapped in a dark evil flesh ripped organic matter swirl within reptilian eye soup... i "see" the extension of the "distraction apparatus". what ever "it" is "it" does not want me "seeing" something within myself... perhaps because i have pegged, as bullshit, just about every "input" in the "real world" fed to us by the "man behind the curtain" that does not address/acknowledge/mitigate the suffering of all living things on this planet (and others) in this dimension (and others) this battle for control of my "attention" has now been taken to my molecular being and deeper yet within my conscious being by what i can only define as reptilian evil.