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Hi there! In search of collective help and guidance. receptive issues

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi there everyone! I am a long time viewer and first time poster. Recent events have lead me here to find help, or insight as to a current reception problem i have been seeming to have. Not quite sure as to if this is the proper place to be discussing such things or if i should go to a different thread, so on that note I am sorry. But I am in desperate need of help I fear I will never travel space again.
Welcome to the Nexus!

If you don't mind me asking, can you give us a little more detail as to what problem you are experiencing? There are a lot of brilliant, good-natured folks here at the Nexus who can probably help once we know what is going on.

Thank you for responding. Just wanted to be sure it was okay to discuss such things here before i started spouting off at the mouth haha.

but my last two experiences have been quite off putting. The other night. 2/4/16 I went to bed and readied myself for what i hoped/thought/expect to be a pleasurable "normal" hyperspace experience. It was not. I smoked some jungle spice (AC). not sure of the exact dosage but what i assume to be a nice fair amount. (this is all through a water pipe mind you.. my normal device of which i have no previous problems with) I proceeded to the second. I felt the usual first sensation of my head tightening/clouding up. I then got the body high but it was different. I was extremely lethargic, felt more tired than usual. but still no visuals. I proceed with third. still feeling very tired I am trying to yawn or take in mass amount of air/oxygen as that is what my body and brain are telling em todo. I could feel the DMT filling up my body from my back up to my chest (i am laying down) then it felt as if it reached a wall and stopped. my left hand went dead cold. I then started to hallucinate. nothing out of control mind you but extremely delayed from my initial rips. The whole feeling was not like that of any normal trip I've had (even with this same batch) it was very unsettling, oddly familiar in an unpleasant way.

Then last night I was with a good friend and I told him of my experience he didn't really know what to say. The end of the night comes along and looks like its time to blast off or at least one of us. We decided to go with our white fluffy goodness. Which before has transmuted to what i would consider the peak of my psychedelia. My friend goes first and has an incredible beautiful experience. as we both have had in the past with this same batch. Now its my turn. nervous about what might happen due to the previous nights experience my heart is racing a bit more than usual. I go in. same thing happen. tightening and clouding of the head on the second hit but then even more intense tiredness, as if i was going to faint. I didn't even want to take the third hit. No visual at all this time just utter discomfort in mind and body. Then I was hit with a humongous wave of sadness and i wanted to burst into tears. thinking to myself is my relationship with this wonderful thing over? i certainly hope not.

I am wondering if any of you have had a similar experience and if you've had success in re entering hyperspace

A part of me feels like I may be rushing it and I am telling it when its time rather than it telling me when its time for my experience. All of spices were self extracted from ACRB and have been self proven and tested multiple times to work beautifully. I am the only thus far to have this experience. twice. I hope it is just a phase.

Never had a better teacher.

Thanks for listening/reading.
The Grateful One said:
Welcome to the Nexus!

If you don't mind me asking, can you give us a little more detail as to what problem you are experiencing? There are a lot of brilliant, good-natured folks here at the Nexus who can probably help once we know what is going on.


Hope that (^see above^) helped. As you may know it can be very hard to relay in words what happens during these experiences
How is your vaporization technique? That tiredness I get with low doses or when I do not vape enough. The sadness thing I have found I get with mushrooms from time to time.
Maybe it is the feeling of disappointment that occurs when you realize you are not going to have the type of experience you were expecting?

Occasionally I have felt as if I was going to pass out or faint with both smoked & oral spice, but it has always been using ACRB when this happens. I have yet to experience it with any mimosa extract or brew. It still may be possible, but I have not encountered it yet. I have some ACRB that is different than what I have used in the past, i have yet to test it but I am curious whether that feeling is normal or has something to do with ACRB or certain batches of ACRB.

Something I have thought about in the past though, this feeling as if I am about to pass out, i have experienced this with different drugs.
Most recently I have noticed it occurs sometimes when I drink energy drinks on an empty stomache before work. Not every time, but it is difficult to work & deal with until it fades when it does happen, sitting down, breathing deep, & eating some food seems to make it go away.

I have also experienced it with smoking too much cannibas from a bong too fast, & on dxm & CPM (coricidin) when I was younger.

From what i recall now, it seems to occur more frequently when smoking a substance or with an empty stomache. I think it may have something to do with either rapid absorption of a foreign substance into the bloodstream & sudden rush of strong effects or blood sugar and/or pressure.

I plan on picking up some medical tools at some point to measure blood sugar & blood pressure when this happens.

Also, what I experience may be different from what you are experiencing or have different causes.
Trying to isolate variables & paying attention when it does happen should help you get a Bette idea of what exactly is going on.
Concombres, sounds to me like you're simply talking about taking drugs on an empty stomach!

It's always been a no-no for me, for one actually having something in my stomach if I'm taking an oral dose of something seems to help distribute it into my bloodstream quicker, but also I don't have to deal with those pesky "feel like I'm going to pass out" low blood sugar symptoms.

The tiredness feeling I definitely get on low-dose DMT, actually sometimes feel like I'm literally asleep but it's not a lightheaded everything goes black pass out sort of feeling, more like I'm simply asleep, I'm sorry I know that doesn't make any sense.

0P, the only time of experienced anything close to what you've experienced, the source has been from within myself. Perhaps I indulged in the spice when some part of me is telling me I shouldn't for one reason or another, or I took off the launch pad with some kind of strange trepidation or some stupid thought just catapulted it's self into my brain at lift off. If that may be the cause, only you can answer that.
null24 said:
Concombres, sounds to me like you're simply talking about taking drugs on an empty stomach!

It's always been a no-no for me, for one actually having something in my stomach if I'm taking an oral dose of something seems to help distribute it into my bloodstream quicker, but also I don't have to deal with those pesky "feel like I'm going to pass out" low blood sugar symptoms.

The tiredness feeling I definitely get on low-dose DMT, actually sometimes feel like I'm literally asleep but it's not a lightheaded everything goes black pass out sort of feeling, more like I'm simply asleep, I'm sorry I know that doesn't make any sense.

0P, the only time of experienced anything close to what you've experienced, the source has been from within myself. Perhaps I indulged in the spice when some part of me is telling me I shouldn't for one reason or another, or I took off the launch pad with some kind of strange trepidation or some stupid thought just catapulted it's self into my brain at lift off. If that may be the cause, only you can answer that.

Yeah that's what I was thinking null.
He mentioned that he felt as if he would faint on the second go around so I thought mentioning that & giving some info would help him to adress that specific feeling & understand what the causes may be.

The sadness thing I feel deffinately is a thing of set. Whether it be the mind saying this is not the time or just dissapointment due to expectations of the experience, there is a message here that needs to be worked out.
There are some good points here already. Like UV suggested, I've been "shut out" of hyperspace before with no rhyme or reason, it just happens. I've also felt extreme cold when indulging the spice in different extremities, usually my feet. These days, I make sure I am nice and warm before blast off and I'll even throw on an extra pair of socks for good measure.

The bodily sensations that occur from DMT are very strange and sometimes hard to manage but learning to go with the flow and riding it out makes a world of a difference. Easier said than done, of course.

Perhaps take some time off, say a week or two...? After that, come back and see. Most of the time, a short break does the trick. The alternative would be to keep trying but as many of us here know, trying to push it too far, or forcing results, usually results in a hyperslap of sorts.

But ultimately, I am me, you are you, and these are just thoughts and speculations. So whatever you do, be safe and good luck!
Thank you for all your responses everyone! TO answer some of the questions i posted generated. my friend and I made a batch just this late january since then I have only indulged in it say 10 times? no more..

as for my vaporizing technique I just put it on top of bowl and slowly bring the flame close while pulling. This is the way i normally do it with great success.

I have been shut out of hyperspace before as well with proven stuff. But this was different. These different times I've been "shut out" i don't feel anything at all. these two experiences i felt something, and it wasn't comfortable. but once it faded I felt happy and energized like I just had blasted off.

Im going to put it aside for some time. Stop rushing it and just do it when the time is right. I thank you all for your kind helpful words. I shall let you know how my re entry goes. whenever it does.
I just had a thought about smoking technique...if you were to infuse your DMT onto the herbs you would have a much better chance of properly administering the dose, leaving little room for error. Even throwing some herb on top (aka the sandwich method) could prove useful.

These days, I always make changa with mullein. It has never let me down to date....anyway it is late and those are just a couple thoughts to mull over...

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