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Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I came here because the regular chemistry forum got pissed of the nootropic action caused by my pseudo vitamin topic about choline(bitartrate) purification, from supplement capsules.

I had some ideas and made some calculations about solubility in water. The choline is more soluble in water, than the listed magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

In my infinite lack of chemistry experience, I did some tests dissolving it in water. But I think my filter is off since my jield is still too high after boiling off the water. Or my process is bad.

So I wanted to start a topic about this as a little chemistry project :)

Hi Skupje,

As you, I am a new member. While here, I have learned from the attitude section that RC and Nootropic talk is not allowed for us saplings.

Although your topic is quite interesting and I am also interested in learning more towards these things, please excuse me and not think of my answer as a means to burst your bubble, but consider it rather a means of getting to know more about the guidelines of this community.

Discussions about Novel Psychoactive Substances (RC) and Nootropics are only allowed for full members
New members cannot discuss Novel Psychoactive Substances (RC) and Nootropics, only full members can. Read more about it here NEW SUBFORA 'Nootropics' and Novel Psychoactive Substances (RC)'

The above is an excerpt from the nexus attitude section.

That being said, welcome aboard!

My apologies, I blatantly posted my topic without checking in here first.
It's a precursor not a nootropic. So it has no affinity for the receptor sites, just keeps them well stocked. It's not as good as choline containing foods, that's for shure.

But do as you will,

Skupje said:
I came here because the regular chemistry forum got pissed of the nootropic action caused by my pseudo vitamin topic about choline(bitartrate) purification, from supplement capsules.
Most chemistry forums are mostly dedicated to school related homework type chemistry. Glassware seems to be a dirty word around many of those places and the paranoia is intense. I am not sure if the negative reactions you got stem from fear of aiding a drug cook or merely because you are actually attempting to do chemistry outside of a paper notebook. On the other hand, if you make the impression that you are attempting to perform chemical operations before reaching a basic understanding of the theory behind the principles and the procedures, that could also explain the negative reactions.

Skupje said:
So I wanted to start a topic about this as a little chemistry project :)
Well, too bad for you that you've come to the wrong forum, again. This forum is focused on dmt (and perhaps some closely related substances), not on general chemistry. The chemistry that you are inquiring about bears no relation at all to dmt, so it is off-topic here.

Did you try registering and posting to the sciencemadness.org forum? It might just be the place that you are looking for. That forum is geared towards practical, hands-on chemistry. As with this forum, it is recommended to read the FAQ and the general posting guidelines before rushing in to make the wrong impressions and spoiling the goodwill.

Sorry, but welcome to the forum anyway.
I'm into psycho actives, I agree this bares little resemblance to a naphthalene pull. :lol:
Around here in Holland we don't have much of "those" trees tho, but we have other trees.

Most chemistry forums are mostly dedicated to school related homework type chemistry.
Yes the mod made the assumption it was a nootropic, based of the psychonaut wiki which he dismissed as a valid source of information. But it probably is a bit psychoactive (tiny) tho.

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