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Historical / Tribal usage of 5-MeO-DMT?

Migrated topic.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Established member
Does anyone know if there is any historical usage of 5-MeO-DMT by any cultures or tribes going back into the past? Some people claim that 5-MeO-DMT usage by humans might be a new phenomenon, dating back less than 100 years. I am curious if anyone has any info that might expand this timeline back into the past with traditional or native usage of certain plants or animals that contain 5-MeO-DMT. Thanks for any info anyone can offer.
Use of 5-MeO-DMT containing Virola snuffs has a very long history in the Amazon.

Here is a paper that elaborates further:

Schultes, Richard Evans. "Hallucinogens of plant origin." American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1969.


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There is plenty of archeological evidence of Anadenanthera spp. use dating thousands of years back (Pochettino et al 1999, Pagán-Jimenez&Carlson 2014), though generally Anadenanthera contains mostly bufotenine, some have been found to contain 5-MeO-DMT, as well as DMT (Agurell et al 1969, Holmstedt & Lindgren 1967, Schultes et al 1977)

The Anadenanthera archeological findings that were tested by mass spectrometry have not been shown to have 5-MeO-DMT, but this may be due to degradation. One sample from Shultes (1977) 5 months after collection had 5-MeO-DMT but months later only showed bufotenine, which could be an indicator of such degradation

This paper also claims there is no direct archeological evidence of Virola being directly used in the ancient past, and that the first western account from a westerner is Koch-Grunberg in 1911 seeing snuff made from Virola spp. That does not mean it wasn't used before, just that no westerner had seen it before and archeological evidence hasnt (yet?) been found.

Dreamer, in that paper it doesn't talk about ancient historical use of virola though, does it?
OP, you may be falling victim to the marketing ploys of Octavio, Gerry et al, who are trying to push an agenda that legitimizes their profitable toad venom enterprises.

These people have been using psuedo archeology and anecdotal reports to claim a non existent heritage of indigenous and traditional use of toad venom in the Americas, have created a lexicon that synonymizes toad venom with 5meoDMT, claim that synthetic is inferior to a substance that arguably is sourced through animal abuse as well as having a plethora of personal egregious behavior levied against the lot of them individually, from theft to physical,emotional and sexual abuse of patrons. They don't seem to be able to hold power without being corrupted. The problem is they see their corruption as apotheosis.

They are all very loud and visible in their pursuit of profit and power and unfortunately are the mouth pieces many people have their only exposure to a lot of this information through.

But yes, 5meoDMT is perhaps the oldest archeologically substantiated ancient entheogen.
Thanks for the feedback guys. It confirms what I thought to be true. I've been a bit bothered by Hamilton Morris claiming that there is not evidence of 5-MeO use past say 50 years ago. I don't think he has done much research into the subject actually and very well might have bought into the 'marketing' null24 is talking about. Too bad. He is a smart guy with good intentions, but he sometimes spreads misinformation.
I've been a bit bothered by Hamilton Morris claiming that there is not evidence of 5-MeO use past say 50 years ago.

As has been said, many confound 5-MeO-DMT use with toad use. And there is no evidence of the historic toad use, but plenty of plant usage...
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