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history of the dmt nexus?

Migrated topic.
whooo i haven't been here in ages :surprised
the site changed soo much since my last visit/post, not even think there's any of my posts alive here :p anywoo im glad to be back here alot has changed for me aswell(but thats a different trip hehehe) got alot catch up reading to do here,interesting story traveler 8)
gonna check this new site layout and surely ill be posting again very soon


(that's all very good Doc , but, i still think farting is hilariuous)
I know this is an old thread but I just read it and wanted to say thanks. Thank you traveler for keeping this site going for it really changed my life. Also I can't imagine a better admin then The Traveler. Always seems open minded and kind. If more people acted like you this world would be a better place.
-thanks again
I love to think of this website as a rag-tag bunch of misfits, banding together to bring knowledge to the world. You guys went from a few posts to thousands. Pat your selfs on the back! This is THE most curious and kind forum I've ever posted on. Thanks!
Awesome history lesson. Like visiting city hall to learn about your home town's past :)

I love this place. The respect and attention to safety that pervades the forum eventually works its way outward to places where the less-educated people can learn how to change their ways to be more conscious of the repercussions. I love that even places like Shr***ery are full of links to non-toxic food-safe teks now.
After ending the now-famous Strassman´s explorations of the spirit molecule´, the DMT Nexus is the only research of the DMT. Cheers!
Wow, nice thread! Interesting to hear how it came about. I was a moderator on DMT-World back in the day, and then it kind of died off. Being that I frequent other related forums, I found this place and signed up after awhile. I do enjoy the higher standards that the people here seem to hold themselves to. Thanks The Traveler for taking over and helping make this place what it is today!
The Traveler said:
However, after a few months it was clear that the DMT-Nexus was growing and that a lot of people were reading the forum. The monthly limit of available bandwidth was steadily reached faster and faster, up till the moment it was not viable anymore. This was the moment that I offered to Blackclo to host the DMT-Nexus on my own server, plenty of bandwidth there. Blackclo happily agreed and the whole site was moved. This was also the time I registered the dmt-nexus.me domain.

I see your joined date is January 2008... Is that when this happened?
RobMarley said:
The Traveler said:
However, after a few months it was clear that the DMT-Nexus was growing and that a lot of people were reading the forum. The monthly limit of available bandwidth was steadily reached faster and faster, up till the moment it was not viable anymore. This was the moment that I offered to Blackclo to host the DMT-Nexus on my own server, plenty of bandwidth there. Blackclo happily agreed and the whole site was moved. This was also the time I registered the dmt-nexus.me domain.

I see your joined date is January 2008... Is that when this happened?

In January 2008 we moved to new forum software. All the data had to be converted and the joined date of all the members who already signed up was set to January 2008. I think that we already had the site running on my server for about a year or so before that happened.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Yeah, it is nice to know the history of this site now. I just browsed through some of Blackclo's postings, some of them were very interesting.
it's really been over 4 years now, hasn't it? I'll say this, this website picked me up and took me to a whole new world. I don't know who or where I would be without you guys. I do not post that much but without a doubt this forum has been my home, through the good and the bad, the whole of the members guiding me spiritually even furthur and furthur. I don't know if you all know what we have done and what we are doing, but we are in ALOT of ways reliving and hopefully finishing what started in the 70's... We hold in our hands alot of power that is guided and protected by the forces of light I do believe...
We are the vanguard, welcome or no,
And we shall lead the meak mighty and low
And leading, follow all, so we may flourish and burgeon and grow,
Tilling the ground and sowing the know:

Soar above
till below
Enjoin the flow.

The vanguard is dead; long live the new vanguard!!
Thank you Trav, and everyone else! So funny that I was drawn here tonight and this thread is here... I remember finding this place in 2008, from a link from Erowid. And I was kind of abrasive when I arrived, I admit, but people were still kind, and helped me, and my life was changed forever! I haven't met the molecule in years (nor any other molecule other than the odd little bit of cactus) yet I kid you not, it lives within me now, and I only have to think of it and I'm filled with its power, love and energy. It has helped me become the good person I always wanted to be. I love you all! Best secret club ever :D
ohayoco said:
I kid you not, it lives within me now, and I only have to think of it and I'm filled with its power, love and energy. It has helped me become the good person I always wanted to be. I love you all! Best secret club ever :D

Beautiful sentiment which fully resonates within me. This place has truly embraced everyone with open arms and ears of understanding.
Cool. I was wondering how this place got started...and I'm glad things turned out the way they did :)

Thank you guys.

Much love,
soulfood said:
Ehm. this is kind of related and the person in question holds much shame on the matter, but someone got some Coleman fluid to do their second lot of bark... and they can't open it is what I'm saying here.

Are they stupid or what? Is there some trick to get the brick wall out of the spout? Someone feels like a can of coleman fuel is laughing behind their back and all!

That's a really piss poor first post.

Talk about biting off more than you were expecting to chew!

Nearly 3 years later and I walk with my head held higher, am noticably more inteligent and I'm actually getting laid.

Some call it coincidence, I call it the power of spice :)

DMT-Nexus... Made me the man I am today :D

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