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Hola Explorers: my intro

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hola fellow travelers,

I’m a new member and this is my first post but I’ve been lurking read-only mode for well for a few years. I’m also new to the world of psychedelics but now that I have a trips of my own and I’ve been preparing my own plants, I’m finding I have more and more questions.

First off, how did I come to arrive here?

Growing up I never had much interest in drugs in fact I can recall be whole heartedly anti-drug for quite a while. Part of this was parents, religion, DARE propaganda, and an outright fear from fried egg commercials. But mostly I just wanted to push forward in school, and along with my other hobbies I didn’t have time for much else.

Up until my late-thirties I hadn’t even experienced cannabis.
My wife, having many pleasant travels of her own, has helped me to become more open minded. As the years have gone on I’ve attempted to collect as many new experiences and tools as is practical.

I was introduced to several plant medicines while traveling in Peru and South America. This was shortly after leaving a failed startup that was the source of much stress. Our company began with all the optimism, and opportunity one could think of but in the end it fizzled down a spiral of in-fighting, directionless nonsense and negative energies. At work I found myself in a constant dark head space, stuck in the same though loops and endless senseless repetitive actions that led to nowhere. It was difficult to leave but when I did things got much brighter very fast.

I was fortunate to be able to travel in between jobs and Peru was perfect to start to a new beginning. In these days I was in search of tools to break these mental blockages, to short-circuit the mental loops. In this time I encountered San Pedro and found it to be a fascinating, eye opening, beautiful teacher plant. When I find the time I hope to write some detailed trip reports.

For quite a while I’ve been reading as much as I can about DMT, Aya, San Pedro, and Psilocybin mushrooms. This site has been an invaluable source of information, so thanks to all for all your contributions.
Welcome to the nexus.

I would love to hear about your San Pedro experiences. Although I am a lucky man being able to use several substances, DMT, ayahuasca and Salvia Divinorum, San Pedro is out of the question here. But isn’t it true one always wants to try and have what he can’t get :)?

What kind of plants are you preparing? Did you not have the opportunity trying ayahuasca in Peru? Safe trips and let us know how thing evolve.
strtman said:
Welcome to the nexus.

I would love to hear about your San Pedro experiences. Although I am a lucky man being able to use several substances, DMT, ayahuasca and Salvia Divinorum, San Pedro is out of the question here. But isn’t it true one always wants to try and have what he can’t get :)?

What kind of plants are you preparing? Did you not have the opportunity trying ayahuasca in Peru? Safe trips and let us know how thing evolve.

I've been working on Caapi harmalas extraction. My experiments were failing and I kind of thought I was getting bad product. But after a few adjustments I think may be working.

Unfortunately in Peru I didn't have sufficient time for Aya.

San Pedro was quite interesting. It seems to give you this strong ability to see or sense metaphor all around you. Meaning is imbued in everything, particularly living things. At points the euphoria is amazing.

With SP I had a failed trip once and I only say failed because I vomited most of it out way too soon. Having a warm blanket I can remember the feeling of being transported back to a time where I was a small child and embraced by the love and protection from my mother. Simultaneous it occurred to me that this was kind almost hedonistic to absorb this much un-earned euphoria. I had visuals of a mother's embrace for a child, my mother and her two sons and for a moment had a disconnection with the concept of me as her son. Instead I just saw her as a woman giving all the love and embrace to her two sons. Then the thought occurred to me that mothers a people just like everyone else. They give so much and yet they need love too.

If it wasn't for the trip it would seem like a lame hallmark card but in the moment it felt like a stream of pure truth. From where I don't know but the way things are in the world today I can't help but imagine it's from somewhere beyond the here.

I tend to be a bit distant from my mother so this is something I'm going to work on.
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