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How come, every microsoft product is shitty?

Migrated topic.
Why put some silly question on philosophy..
If you don't like Microshit, then go for linux or some other OS.
No need to talk about Windows on Philosophy..
In order to stay on top, they have to continue to expand their software base and try cover many markets at once. Ultimately, they're like butter being spread too thin. Yes, it's delicious butter, but not fully satisfying.
It's successfull because it's easy.
Everybody is used to it.
Software is developed mostly for Windows.
And after all it's EASY!!!
jacetea said:
In order to stay on top, they have to continue to expand their software base and try cover many markets at once. Ultimately, they're like butter being spread too thin. Yes, it's delicious butter, but not fully satisfying.

I just got electrocuted trying to get some of this butter
I am still kicking my self for buying my laptop with XP. I was not about to upgrade to something even better(SARCASM):lol: I have no planed upgrade pending if you know what I mean. Wile typing this I was asked if I was sure I wanted to continue FIVE times:shock:
So I know exactly what you mean.

Cant be a Gates hater he does care and donates LOTS of money. I applaud his Corporate Responsibility but we have little choice in computer operating systems his or the Mac.

There are a few more OS choices but the common man cant find the software to run on them.

We dont have a Technology section so were else should this be posted?

I did not vote yet I guess this would fall under the last option on the poll.

One word Monopoly!

I'm happy as can be with my O/S... MAC O/S that is. :)

Windows and PC's never seemed to offer a coherent platform by comparison to me.

I like what Ian Pundit said recently about it on Coast to Coast AM, "Have you seen the mac computers? They're like the Legos of computers, everything just fits together..."

I even infinitely prefer running windows vista on my MAC for the handful of APPS that I use it for...

What an awesome software PARALLELS is... running multiple operating system side by side on the same computer...
Spock's Brain said:
I'm happy as can be with my O/S... MAC O/S that is. :)

Windows and PC's never seemed to offer a coherent platform by comparison to me.

I like what Ian Pundit said recently about it on Coast to Coast AM, "Have you seen the mac computers? They're like the Legos of computers, everything just fits together..."

I even infinitely prefer running windows vista on my MAC for the handful of APPS that I use it for...

What an awesome software PARALLELS is... running multiple operating system side by side on the same computer...

I have consider a Mac before but now they run windows as well could be my next computer. I never talked to a Mac user that did not like them.

MV, I also had the image that linux had no softwares.. But honestly, I've been running Ubuntu for a year now and its GREAT.. Its like the simplest linux for those coming from Windows.. You can test-boot it straight off the cd without installing, to see if you like. This also means if you ever have a serious problem (which I never had of course) you could boot from the cd so it would not be a problem if you had corrupted files or these things that happen to windows but not to linux hehe

Also, remember you can have both in your computer.. I have ubuntu and windows vista dual boot.. The only only reason I ever turn on windows at most once a month, is when I need to get some pictures from the xD card of a friends camera, because my laptop's internal memory card reader for some reason works on linux with all the cards except xD.. All the rest works, all sorts of software I wanted has or has a good equivalent in linux (skype, firefox, office equivalent, photoshop equivalent, msn equivalent, etc etc)..

And it runs all out of the box, its all plug and play, or at least was for me, no driver installing ever. And no need for antivirus :)

Try it if you have some patience.. just make a partition (or two) for linux on your hard disk and install it... Back up before just in case, of course, but it should all work fine and once installation is finished, automatically on the start up it appears a list for you to chose which OS to start in every time you turn on your computer
M$ has many great app's today but their evil doing of the past gave them a bad corporate karma.

Yes windows isn't optimal but there is NO other OS that is supported with so many apps and that runs on so many types of hardware. With the Mac Apple has an easy job, they only have so many types of hardware. Linux is already better but is still in the corner of the geek.

The only possibility I see to break the Microsoft OS hegemony is with Android and it's bigger brother Chrome OS. It's all moving to cloud computing and M$ knows this, they are working as hard as they can on Azure, their cloud computing variant. Maybe they can catch up but in the end the days of monolithic OS's like Windows XP/Vista/7 are over.

In not so many years we have enough bandwidth available everywhere to stream the application and games real time, just like in the past with terminal computers. No need for fancy client hardware anymore, the app/game server calculate everything. I'm not sure if this is a good thing but it certainly is the way we are moving to.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
MagikVenom said:
I am still kicking my self for buying my laptop with XP. Wile typing this I was asked if I was sure I wanted to continue FIVE times:shock:
So I know exactly what you mean.
It's exactly these totally idiot pop-up's with lame excuses for why your computer is crashing this time, bizarre anouncements and weird questions, that in a reflex made me post this poll.

I believe that their monopoly position must indeed have something to do with the shittyness of their products. So i would go for them having adopted the businesmodel of the firm that produced the infamous trabant in the DDR.

Windows is the trabant of the I.T. world.

Looking at it from a moral perspective, i find making shitty products (especially when spending billions of dollars on research) is a form of waste. Waste of time, waste of money, waste of energy, waste of technology and therefore waste of materials and resources.

I don't understand that people even dare, commiting their name to some products and asking money for it.

I don't understand bad design. You would expect firms to do some test-runs on the stuff they sell.
"It's exactly these totally idiot pop-up's with lame excuses for why your computer is crashing this time, bizarre anouncements and weird questions, that in a reflex made me post this poll."

:d I share your frustration.
I use "Litestep" as Shell Replacement. I didnt set "Explorer" as shell since long imte. :) nobody hates microsoft more than me trust me. They are giving us very useless primitive technology, they are selling us their constipated shit to eat. Its inhuman what they are doing. Every body knows its just a marketing strategy. "Why to sell a perfect system, while we can sell 100 useless systems to people" is a really crappy idea.
MS and Apple produce poor quality products and have shady business practices because the consumer more often than not has more money than sense, and doubly so when it comes to computers. My friend bought an MS Zune 1st gen, and it will regularly shut off if it's in his pocket because of an issue with static electricity building up between the headphones and the unit. MS refuses to acknowledge the issue, despite lengthy threads in their forums of people having the same problem.

That said, Windows 7 is awesome and "just works"
Ubuntu is wonderful, but you have to be willing to learn a thing or two about your computer and Ubuntu itself. Hardware developers are still generally hopelessly devoted to microsoft and tend not to make things incredibly easy for linux developers. Most computers work fine with it right out of the box, but my custom desktop and my laptop had some issues to overcome in terms of getting the sound and whatnot to work properly. The advantage is that if you do have a problem, there's a fairly strong centralized community to help you out, but be prepared to learn a thing or two about scripts and command-line. My in-laws' computer worked just fine with Ubuntu, however. I can't imagine ever going back to windows or mac ever again.
The main thing I hate about Windows (and this applies to Linux, Apple, etc.) is that with each version it gets larger and larger and larger and takes longer and longer and longer to do anything.

No one does optimized coding anymore. The consumer has bought into the idea that you need a faster computer every time you upgrade your OS.

With every enhancement to an OS comes slower performance. The main OS loop for all of these keeps getting bigger and bigger with each release.

They are all lazy about how they code and its getting worse. They pretty much no longer use assembly code and are moving away from C. These are two of the fastest programming languages. Assembly code is basically raw CPU code formatted so a human can easily read it. It’s the fastest you can use. If Windows was built with 100% assembly code, it could run perhaps 10-50 times faster than it does.

This problem is only going to get worse as programming languages keep getting slower and slower. No one likes to program in assembly language or C anymore, they like things like C# and java, which are memory hogs and very slow programming languages.

When I boot up my machine, all I need the OS loop to do is operate the mouse, the screen, the speakers, the drives connected, and run the app I select from the GUI. That’s it. Everything else that is OS oriented should be loaded by the app, not preloaded by the OS. If you want certain OS elements to be preloaded, that should be an option only. Linux is close to being like that, but not a real consumer product in my opinion. It’s for computer geeks.

I’m not happy with any of the operating systems out there. Linux has just a tiny bit of software, Apple’s stuff only runs on pricey proprietary machines, Windows has the most software and runs on more systems. Because there is flat out more software and more hardware that runs on Windows than any other platform they will continue to dominate the scene for a long time. Only geeks buy Linux. My local store doesn’t carry anything for Linux at all. Not 1 single piece of software. And next to nothing for Apple. It’s 90% Windows products. That’s reality and it’s been that way for a long time and I don’t see any changes coming any time soon. Linux has been around a long time and still only computer geeks use it. Windows is THE OS whether you hate it or not.
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