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How come, every microsoft product is shitty?

Migrated topic.
^^ Buy linux? Why on earth would anyone need to do that? I haven't spent a dime on anything I'm running. Most linux programs are open source. I'm sure there's some commercial software available, but I have yet to run into any, personally. I remember it being hard as hell to find free software on windows, as it usually turned out to be trial software or pseudo-shareware. As far as I know, even if you need some sort of professional software for linux, you can often find it for free. Perhaps you have a much greater need for very specific professional software than myself or most people I know.

Also, I haven't noticed a whole lot of change in Ubuntu for the last few releases, other than running smoother and improved compatibility. If I'm understanding what you're saying about optimization, I would say that most linux platforms seem specifically designed for that (Xubuntu, for instance). Not to mention that there's generally a linux platform designed to run on practically anything with a hard drive.

Honestly, I know very little about computers, but the little bit I do know, I've learned from the time I've spent with Ubuntu.
and ron.. if you use linux you see why there are no linux softwares being sold on stores: because you can download them all for free and safely from the 'add remove programs' or 'synaptics' option :)

I disagree linux is made for geeks... Ubuntu is much more intuitive than Windows, simpler design, less fancy unnecessary stuff running in the background, runs out of the box and has all the programs most people will need.... and just in case you run into some program which there isnt any for linux and neither a free alternative (which I havent yet in a year of linux using), well then just have windows as a dual boot and with the press of a button you do what you want :)
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