This thread brings to mind the fruitful debate re, abiogenesis and teleology in nucleotide informed LIFE on planet Earth. This is a pregnant topic.
The reductionist, consciousness as emergent(from matter) myth, begs the question. A huge body of "objective" evidence supports a non-local apperception of sentience by Earthly life forms.
The capacity for EXCEEDINGLY informed molecular structure/function of biota, over expansive time references(billions of years), on an obviously typical solar/planetary reference frame in a fairly typical galactic vortex, using material ubiquitously flung and floating through the cosmos, demonstrates a "fall into complexity" T McKenna was so fond of yarning over.
Deep in the billows of a plant(our terrestrial brethren)induced, reality shaking, mystic tempest, one is gifted sacred gnosis. The overwhelming gestalt is profoundly UNITIVE. The laughingly obvious, often forgotten, sensibility that we are cosmic excrescences, allowed a space/time reference frame through which to flux, is glaringly manifest. Additionally, the giftedness of this unfoldment, delivered, MOMENT TO MOMENT, by the Source is self evident. The grandeur of IT humbles the spirit and engenders DNA deep, self-effacing supplication.
Ain't it grand! Thank heavens for the catalysts.