At the top of this page, it says:
"WELCOME AREA (new members can post here) >> FAQ >> All your basic questions and answers..."
With respect, what you are proposing would not fall under "basic questions and answers".
Neither does casually prescribing a PhD thesis and some other highly commendable monographs...
And what about mestizos who claim no particular tribal origins? Are they excluded from your survey?
Which plants? As many researchers have found, Linnaean taxonomy can collapse pretty quickly once it's just you and a machete, so translating reliably between indigenous and Western names is fraught with difficulty.
And the "conclusions" are dependent on view-point/belief-framework: does a plant really "drive out demons" or just exhibit sedating, anti-psychotic properties, or both?!
A curandero from one location might always do X, yet his near-neighbour might never do X. Which is correct, who is the true, complete, authentic maestro?
Your aims are laudable, Ganesh, but they have eluded all the pre-eminent researchers to-date. So perhaps all this is still some way off being ready for the WELCOME AREA...:surprised
In the meantime, while people periodically show up asking "how can I get into healing?" Be it for themselves, their loved ones...whomever, it would be great if they could scan something quickly that shows the multiverse of possibilities for them to explore. And that shaman is originally a specific term that has since evolved to possess generic usefulness.
And there's a lot more to it than simply throwing leaves around (sic) with some psy-trance pumping in the background... 
Note, be careful of accepting any medicine from a man like this...!