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How do you make huge crystals?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My friend wants to know how to make something like this...

anyone have any ideas/suggestions for him?
newswimmer, I'm pretty sure that is a picture of a magnified crystal. yours my look similer if you look at them through a microscope.

I don't know that pic is magnified for sure but it sure looks like it to me, I've seen it on Erowid before and I think it said it was magnified.

Either way, pretty crystal!!

I have heard that large crystals can be obtained by doing the crystallisation really slowly, like 3 days at room temperature followed by 3 days at fridge temp followed by 3 days at freezer temp.
If you have the patience.
I can't get anything but lovely potent oil. From acacia, I think I need bark instead of phyllode.
Fable said:
I have heard that large crystals can be obtained by doing the crystallisation really slowly, like 3 days at room temperature followed by 3 days at fridge temp followed by 3 days at freezer temp.
If you have the patience.
I can't get anything but lovely potent oil. From acacia, I think I need bark instead of phyllode.

Progressive temperature control would probably come closest to being able to do that. Starting at 65f and dropping the temperature gradually so that it is sub zero after a month.
My friend decided to try the method that saldin linked.....he used 1gm and 50ml of vm&p. He'll try 3-4 days @ room temp, 3 days in the fridge, then 3 days in the freezer, and see what happens.
newswimmer said:
My friend decided to try the method that saldin linked.....he used 1gm and 50ml of vm&p. He'll try 3-4 days @ room temp, 3 days in the fridge, then 3 days in the freezer, and see what happens.

Have your friend let us know how it goes, I've just let it sit for 3-4 days at room temp, then slowly evapped. Curious if the fridge/freeze does any better.
Saidin said:
newswimmer said:
My friend decided to try the method that saldin linked.....he used 1gm and 50ml of vm&p. He'll try 3-4 days @ room temp, 3 days in the fridge, then 3 days in the freezer, and see what happens.

Have your friend let us know how it goes, I've just let it sit for 3-4 days at room temp, then slowly evapped. Curious if the fridge/freeze does any better.
yep, keep it covered and just let it sit. that's how the one pictured above was grown. worked great.
So my friend used the method linked in this thread 2 days ago, and has it sitting in a shot glass covered in saran wrap on the shelf. Two days in so far, and he's got what looks pretty similar to XENONSION's picture posted. There's 4 bunches that are about a half an inch in size. He's gonna go several more days to see if anything else comes out. He'll then re-do the entire procedure, and use the largest chunk as a seed crystal to see how big it can get.
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