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How does it feel?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am still waiting for my plants and it'll take some time until I have grown enough to extract Spice from them, so in the meantime I want to learn about it. I read various of your journey reports but (and that's surely not astonishing) I don't get a clear image of how a Spice journey is or can be yet. I am quite experienced with Sage, from waxy bleeding walls (very low dose), ego death, becoming one with many, being cut to pieces, being flushed away in a wave of thick blood to complete blackout (overdose). Never have I seen or communicated with an entity, though I have seen strange places, I could only feel the presence of others.

Now I read a lot about entities regarding Spice journeys and dealing with them seems to be an important part. So here is my short list of questions:

1. During a journey, do you know that you have taken Spice?
2. Can you remember your... umm... *this* reality when on a journey?
3. Can you influence Spice space and if, how? Can you interact with entities?
4. Does Spice space fully replace *this* reality or is it altered? If replaced, are there any attachments to *this* reality.
5. Are there any rules to follow when in Spice space?
6. Should I have a sitter? - I'm not a walker on Sage.
7. Does spice (or the plant it's extracted from) have its own Spirit, like the Sage goddess many claimed to have met? - I felt her caring motherly presence myself.

Thanks for taking the time answering.
gigaschatten said:
I am still waiting for my plants and it'll take some time until I have grown enough to extract Spice from them, so in the meantime I want to learn about it. I read various of your journey reports but (and that's surely not astonishing) I don't get a clear image of how a Spice journey is or can be yet. I am quite experienced with Sage, from waxy bleeding walls (very low dose), ego death, becoming one with many, being cut to pieces, being flushed away in a wave of thick blood to complete blackout (overdose). Never have I seen or communicated with an entity, though I have seen strange places, I could only feel the presence of others.

Now I read a lot about entities regarding Spice journeys and dealing with them seems to be an important part. So here is my short list of questions:

1. During a journey, do you know that you have taken Spice?
2. Can you remember your... umm... *this* reality when on a journey?
3. Can you influence Spice space and if, how? Can you interact with entities?
4. Does Spice space fully replace *this* reality or is it altered? If replaced, are there any attachments to *this* reality.
5. Are there any rules to follow when in Spice space?
6. Should I have a sitter? - I'm not a walker on Sage.
7. Does spice (or the plant it's extracted from) have its own Spirit, like the Sage goddess many claimed to have met? - I felt her caring motherly presence myself.

Thanks for taking the time answering.

1- Sometimes so, sometimes not.. Depends on dosage too.. Most of the times SWIM does know he has smoked at least to some extent but it has happened that SWIM was just totally on the other side and had no idea.. Wasnt scary at all though, just pure awe

2-Same as above.. most times yes, sometimes not

3-SWIM most times feels like a pure observer, but it has also happened that swim was sort of playing with the visuals.. SWIM has mostly been aware and saw that entities were aware, but hasnt talked to them yet.. There are people that do talk to them... SWIM has encountered indiferent, loving and also angry entities.

4-Depending on dosage, yes, fully replaced, sort of like questions 1 and 2... Noises and such from 'this' reality may enter 'that' reality, but they come as very very different and maybe you wont really know if it's a big truck passing outside your window or if its the humming sound of the universe, for example :D

5- Not that I know of.. More like, guideliness when you're outside the spice space (which involve basically respecting it)

6-Hmm.. I would guess its prudent to at least for the first time have a sitter.. Many people dont, but I mean.. Its a difference substance, so it could always be you act in unpredicted ways.. SWIM personally cannot even imagine walking or so, SWIM is fully stuck to the position, but guess some people might move

7-Yes, there seems to be a specific spirit to it.. There is a constancy in trips regarding these busy fast colourful beings that some define as 'machine elves'.. but seems also that there is some sort of bigger being behind it all, some very intelligent ungraspable something

these are all imo, obviously.. hope it helps :)
Yes, thanks, that helped a little getting an impression. Sounds like Spice is to some grade comparable to Sage then. Many of the experience reports very much sound like that too.
If you are refering to S divinorum, then it is similar in its ability to quickly and totaly replace the universe with its/your own, but the dimentional destinations are compleatly different. nnDMT's worlds are more reminiscent of other tryptamines, mushrooms lsd and the like, just way more full on. While sally has something very different about it. Also the spice can often be very euphoric to the body, especially noticable durring comedown.

3. Outside infulence, music friends etc, will flavour the experience. So choose set and setting acordingly.

4. There is also this very intresting effect where a wallpaper/sphere/etc of hallucinations overlays what is left of reality, it seems that it is being precieved by something other than your eyes, and sometimes competes for your attention.

5. Respect is of course always good. You can storm heaven, but you only have a few minutes.
"You can storm heaven, but you only have a few minutes."

Pretty much, you will be in wonderland, magic is everywhere, this is your ticket! just try to remember that is most important, and tell us about it! ;p
fourthripley said:
What plants you growing gigaschatten?

Chacruna. I wanted to grow Yage too, but that seems a bit problematic, so I'll have to grow some Syrian Rue for later Ayahuasca experiments.
1. During a journey, do you know that you have taken Spice?
2. Can you remember your... umm... *this* reality when on a journey?
3. Can you influence Spice space and if, how? Can you interact with entities?
4. Does Spice space fully replace *this* reality or is it altered? If replaced, are there any attachments to *this* reality.
5. Are there any rules to follow when in Spice space?
6. Should I have a sitter? - I'm not a walker on Sage.
7. Does spice (or the plant it's extracted from) have its own Spirit, like the Sage goddess many claimed to have met? - I felt her caring motherly presence myself.

For me:

1. Yes, but it is in the back of my head.
2. Yes, but it is a separate reality, or I am caught up in the other one.
3. No, I am passive, I can not interact with entities.
4. It FULLY replaces this reality. They are very similar, but It is a different place. Even if it looks mostly the same.
5. Yes, take it easy.
6. I never have, and I wouldn't want one. I know this sounds reckless, but I can not be around anyone when I am on any drug... Maybe 'cides DXM
7. Some say. I just appreciate the sacrament's smell, it is representative of all plant life on earth.
gigaschatten said:
I am still waiting for my plants and it'll take some time until I have grown enough to extract Spice from them, so in the meantime I want to learn about it. I read various of your journey reports but (and that's surely not astonishing) I don't get a clear image of how a Spice journey is or can be yet. I am quite experienced with Sage, from waxy bleeding walls (very low dose), ego death, becoming one with many, being cut to pieces, being flushed away in a wave of thick blood to complete blackout (overdose). Never have I seen or communicated with an entity, though I have seen strange places, I could only feel the presence of others.

Now I read a lot about entities regarding Spice journeys and dealing with them seems to be an important part. So here is my short list of questions:

1. During a journey, do you know that you have taken Spice?
2. Can you remember your... umm... *this* reality when on a journey?
3. Can you influence Spice space and if, how? Can you interact with entities?
4. Does Spice space fully replace *this* reality or is it altered? If replaced, are there any attachments to *this* reality.
5. Are there any rules to follow when in Spice space?
6. Should I have a sitter? - I'm not a walker on Sage.
7. Does spice (or the plant it's extracted from) have its own Spirit, like the Sage goddess many claimed to have met? - I felt her caring motherly presence myself.

Thanks for taking the time answering.

1. During a journey, do you know that you have taken Spice?

Yes. But you are not really thinking about that becasue you are totally distracted with the amazement before you. Sometimes i felt "lost" but i still knew it was becasue of the DMT.

2. Can you remember your... umm... *this* reality when on a journey?

Yes becasue some trips are focused on 'fixing' thing in my real world. Kinda like shrooms. Then again some trips are sooooooo magnificent and fantastic that you dont really think about your 'real reality'.

3. Can you influence Spice space and if, how? Can you interact with entities?

Somewhat. At first its hard to control anything.. BUt i learned how to ask questions and ignore negative entitites.

4. Does Spice space fully replace *this* reality or is it altered? If replaced, are there any attachments to *this* reality.

This reality is completely replaced especially when you keep your eyes closed. Eyes opened can either alter reality or replace it ( depending how hard you have been dosing).

5. Are there any rules to follow when in Spice space?
There are guidleines before you take DMT, like how to dose and how to smoke and creating setting/mood/meditating. But rules in hyperspace? Not really becasue you aer usually there for the ride and expanding your mind.

6. Should I have a sitter? - I'm not a walker on Sage.

I have never had a sitter.

7. Does spice (or the plant it's extracted from) have its own Spirit, like the Sage goddess many claimed to have met? - I felt her caring motherly presence myself.

People meet different entitites ( reptilian, alien, angels, elf's, etc.) Ive met some of them and sometimes met ones passed away or spirits in plants in my backyard. So i dont think there is a particular entity to meet.
Thank you, I think I have a better understanding now and I guess I can deal with it. Hope I'm gonna find that out soon.
gigaschatten said:
1. During a journey, do you know that you have taken Spice?
2. Can you remember your... umm... *this* reality when on a journey?
3. Can you influence Spice space and if, how? Can you interact with entities?
4. Does Spice space fully replace *this* reality or is it altered? If replaced, are there any attachments to *this* reality.
5. Are there any rules to follow when in Spice space?
6. Should I have a sitter? - I'm not a walker on Sage.
7. Does spice (or the plant it's extracted from) have its own Spirit, like the Sage goddess many claimed to have met? - I felt her caring motherly presence myself.

1. Yes and no... I know I'm in the hyperspace experience but it's so overwhelming that it's the last thing on my mind.

2. Yes, but see the above answer

3. No idea, I can interact with it's entities

4. Yes... in a way... I knew what something "was" before in transformed into something else

5. Don't stare into the abyss for too long, it will crush you

6. If you don't think you need one then you don't

7. It's own spirit, no, it's more like a civilization of oneness
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