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How long does Salvia reverse tolerance last? Or am I super sensitive?


Esteemed member
I just received a qp of plain leaf salvia divinorum yesterday. It has been several years since I've worked with salvia. I tried extracts several times, but enjoyed plain leaf much more. After smoking plain leaf daily for a couple of weeks, I would get very close to breakthrough very easily. Almost too easily. That was maybe five years ago.

I'm planning on chewing the rehydrated leaves this time. Last night I decided to chew 3 small leaves. Probably around 250mg dry. After about 20 minutes I got a definite mood lift and body high. I was just testing them for taste. Not too bad. Strangely, the taste reminds me of poppy tea, which I'm glad I've been shut of for a decade now.

So, this morning I rehydrated 3 grams of dry leaf for a test quid. The leaves were small and raggedy, but I managed to make a quid that might hold together. I am going to chew it later today.

I squeezed water out of the leaves and decided to dink the slightly rust colored soaking water. I did it in two mouthfuls, holding each for about 5 minutes. Once again, I am kind of high. I wouldn't want to drive. It seems improbable. Definitely a SD headspace. From so little.

Am I sensitive? Is it reverse tolerance lingering, five years out? Or is it just being familiar with shifts in consciousness and knowing what to look for?
From my experience with quidding (and smoking), I would guess that knowing what to look for is a lot of it. It can be quite subtle, but once you know what you're going for, it's harder to miss.

Over time, I found that I only need 750mg to guarantee that I get 'out of body' so-to-speak. Any more than that is a bit wasteful in the sense that I pretty much plateau in terms of depth. As I add more, I just extend the trip longer, and my body tends to go into more of a sleep mode. If I use less than that, then I might not be satisfied with the depth of the experience.

You might try just a gram initially instead of 3 and see if you get where you want...although you obviously have plenty to spare :)

Let us know how it goes!
After using Salvia hundreds of times, also while having a severe chronic illness, I'd say that my Salvia sensitivity (aka reverse tolerance) has gotten to an absurd level. If I smell the bag of leaves, I enter a subtle SD space. Putting a tiny fleck of a plain leaf in my mouth for about 5 seconds will induce an uncomfortably strong experience for the next 6 hours. Yes, it's that absurd.

I like to compare the mechanism of Salvia reverse-tolerance to visiting a house of people. When it's the first time, nobody knows you, and it's uncomfortable, awkward, and maybe you get one decent conversation. The next time, maybe you get two decent interactions and make a friend.

After 100s of times, everyone knows you and (hopefully) loves you, so when you come back, everybody cheers "Hey, he/she's back! Let's have a party!" It's familiarity.

Hopefully you never get kicked out / ostracized for disrespecting the ethos of the house. Sometimes that happens and you have to win back your honor. Anyway, it's cray. Please tell me if you have come across a way to reverse reverse tolerance. I microdosed with Iboga a long time after basically quitting Salvia, but I am still just as sensitive to it.

It's not a terrible problem. I can just sniff (just 1-3 whiffs of the bag) it every week or so to remain on good terms with the Salvia spirits. I just probably shouldn't ingest it. Ever. Again. : P
Holy smokes RhythmSpring!
That is amazing and a little terrifying. I've only taken SD around 20 times. I'm about to embark on some serious work with the plant, but I just want to be friends. It sounds like the plant wanted, and still wants a lot from you. That is truly stunning. I hope you've learned all you needed to from the plant, or that you can find a way to reset your reverse tolerance.

Even though I have relatively few experiences with it, I've known from the start that it is a plant that demands respect. Serious business. Hopefully it will be a good relationship.
I smoke salvia 10x or 20x once in a long while.. BUT the dose is just a small pinch because ive learned how potent it can be!

Also plain leafe smoking takes much more cumbusted smoke to put into your lungs.. but a tiny bit of 10x produces very little smoke but a large effect...

When i do any salvia extract the effect is so strong that i wonder why this site isnt called.....
the salvia nexus... instead of dmtnexus:roll: ?

I know that DMTs effects are awesome!.. but whenever salvia has a good hold on me.. i see salvia as the possible hidden star of the show?..because salvia seems so much stronger than dmt...

But most seem to like dmt more than salvia....for several reasons..

I think salvia can be a beautyfull experiance in the right lower dose and positive mind set...

but a strong.. [moderate dose]...salvia experiance always makes me feel that im surrounded by beings who are observing me ...naked before the world experiance...and i must keep hold of my now far away awareness that ive just smoked salvia 10 x or i can become memory defeciant and in need of a sitter/ its very strong..
RhythmSpring - that is amazing! At this point, if you did quid an amount of more than a fleck, does the depth of the experience ever change or just the length? I'm wondering if you hit a plateau like I seem to hit?
physics envy said:
RhythmSpring - that is amazing! At this point, if you did quid an amount of more than a fleck, does the depth of the experience ever change or just the length? I'm wondering if you hit a plateau like I seem to hit?
I may have hit a plateau, I dunno, but I'm too scared to try because of health problems that are tied up with the Salvia experience. My heart is... not okay at the moment, and the Salvia cardiovascular effects potentially could make it worse. Used in moderation, I think it actually helps me, but if I push it too far it might be bad. I had an SVT (superventricular tachycardia) episode the morning after a buccal salvia experience, so...
RhythmSpring said:
After using Salvia hundreds of times, also while having a severe chronic illness, I'd say that my Salvia sensitivity (aka reverse tolerance) has gotten to an absurd level. If I smell the bag of leaves, I enter a subtle SD space. Putting a tiny fleck of a plain leaf in my mouth for about 5 seconds will induce an uncomfortably strong experience for the next 6 hours. Yes, it's that absurd.

That's some fascinating stuff. I am quite curious about the effects your use had on you, apart from the reverse tolerance and obvious acute psychedelic effects. How did it affect your health and life? Did it change over time? I would be more than grateful if you could provide us with some more insights into your experiences with Salvia.
MuteUSO said:
RhythmSpring said:
After using Salvia hundreds of times, also while having a severe chronic illness, I'd say that my Salvia sensitivity (aka reverse tolerance) has gotten to an absurd level. If I smell the bag of leaves, I enter a subtle SD space. Putting a tiny fleck of a plain leaf in my mouth for about 5 seconds will induce an uncomfortably strong experience for the next 6 hours. Yes, it's that absurd.

That's some fascinating stuff. I am quite curious about the effects your use had on you, apart from the reverse tolerance and obvious acute psychedelic effects. How did it affect your health and life? Did it change over time? I would be more than grateful if you could provide us with some more insights into your experiences with Salvia.
Wow, a post from almost 5 years ago!
A lot has changed since then. My constitution in body and mind is a lot stronger.
Salvia, overall, has had a positive impact on my life. It has helped me maintain sensitivity, given me so much wisdom and insight, provided groundedness, emotional serenity, inspired poetry, helped shift my perspective on the way the universe works in very profound ways. It has even helped physically, by helping quell nervous hunger, improving digestion, encouraging hydration, and inducing meditative states.

But the quality of the experience has evolved over time. In the beginning, the experience was jarring and new, but nowadays, it just brings a sense of wellbeing, wisdom and wholeness. I feel like I had to experience the discomfort and the deep existential questions in order to move into the comfort and existential answers.

It also helps that I shifted from smoking to chewing. I don't know what would happen if I smoked it now, but I really don't want to find out, haha. I get enough effects from chewing.

Salvia is such an underrated key to insight, wisdom, synchronicity, and peace. It can logistically lubricate the wheels, like giving all the gnomes behind the scenes extra energy, insight, and encouragement. The logistical things that fall into place after a Salvia prayer are uncanny. In my experience, anyway. YMMV.

Years of doing psychedelics has been a journey beginning with dismantling the self (uncomfortable) and ending with putting the self back together (beautiful).
Thanks for the salvia inspiration you regularly provide, rythmspring!

I'm back from a rue and S. absconditiflora experience from last night, and now seeing this, and you mentioning synchronicity with salvia! And all you wrote resonates. Emotional serenity, meditativeness, groundedness... A whole treasure chest of healing gifts which are absent from the tryptamines (DMT actually leaves you flighty for a day or two...).

I am just so excited and full of hope because of this new gift slowly taking it's place in my life. I know I need it. Grounding and centering in the chaotic modern life is especially difficult for me with my specific conditions. Sage appears to be able to take care of it.

And the depth, and connection to emotions...

It's a delicate, intimate connection, foremost with the self. This has to be the actual Gentle Mother goddess!

As for reverse tolerance, I believe it involves more than being sensitive to the effects of psychedelic molecules on the brain. Just smelling any of the plants (including this sage) that I have a deep connection with puts me in a deep state. Drinking the tiniest drop I have an experience.
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