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How long will it take me to recover from from first 3g dose of psilocybin?

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Rising Star
Hello all, I've spent the last few months growing my first ever batch of mushrooms. I've dried them out and have tried a couple of micro-doses, which were extremely pleasant. I was planning to do a 3g dose tomorrow evening and have my sitter arranged. The only thing is I've been asked to go to a social occasion the night after with some non-psychedelic friends. I'd like to go, but I'm wondering if I'll be in a fit state after my first 3g experience, bearing in mind that this is my first real psychedelic experience. I've done my research and feel ready but obviously not really sure how it will impact on me. Should I put it off for another week? Or should I just go for it? Thoughts much appreciated. Thanks guys xx
Congratulations :)
I would say you'll be fine to go to a social occasion the evening after a trip. A whole day off for recovery / integration is great.

I would say, though, that 3g is a pretty high dose to start with. My personal preference with psychedelics I haven't tried before is to be a little bit conservative and subsequently work my way up to see what different dosages do for me personallly. Everyone metabolises differently, and 3 grams for you might be the equivalent of 5 for someone else. To each their own of course 😉
Thanks :) Yeah I just had a conversation with a friend who advised me to start with 1g. Perhaps a more sensible option 😁
3g is a good dose for me and I feel great the days afterward! As PlantTraveller stated each to their own.

Always good to start low dose and work your way up. Don't build it up too much in your head. Relax and enjoy the journey!

You will be perfectly fine the next day! You might even feel great!
I find no matter what the dose, it depends how I sleep on the night after tripping. If I have poor sleep, which can happen easily due to the stimulant effects of the shrooms, I'll be really low energy the next day. If I time it right, and smoke some weed +/- some melatonin and camomile tea, I'll sleep fine and be fine the next day. In other words, its not so much about teh substance, but quality and quantity of sleep.
A lot depends on the potency of the mushrooms your using
1 gram may not be sufficient to get things going and could be underwhelming I vote for 2 . You'll be fine by the next day
Keep some ginger handy when you do them just in case of any stomach issues. Mushrooms are an amazing thing to experience . Have an option to go outside during your trip if you can . All the best
Tara123 said:
Hello all, I've spent the last few months growing my first ever batch of mushrooms. I've dried them out and have tried a couple of micro-doses, which were extremely pleasant. I was planning to do a 3g dose tomorrow evening and have my sitter arranged. The only thing is I've been asked to go to a social occasion the night after with some non-psychedelic friends. I'd like to go, but I'm wondering if I'll be in a fit state after my first 3g experience, bearing in mind that this is my first real psychedelic experience. I've done my research and feel ready but obviously not really sure how it will impact on me. Should I put it off for another week? Or should I just go for it? Thoughts much appreciated. Thanks guys xx
You'll be fine mushroom trips last for about 6 hours i find the come down pretty smooth get some sleep after you'll be fine. Ive grown/ingested lots of mushrooms in my time 3grams imho is a good starting dose if you're a little unsure start with 2 grams wait an hour if you feel you want more then take an extra gram enjoy.
Listen friend, first off, you do NOT need a sitter; in fact it would be better if you did not have one. The less stimuli the better and more intense the trip. Being able to let go and embrace what is happening is how you breakthrough on them. All you need is a safe place, in the dark where you wont be bothered.
Your bedroom for instance. Eat them, go to your bed in the dark & play some relaxing music to calm yourself down during come-up, and then peak in the dark. You will learn so much, and if you do high doses in the dark it is eerily similar to DMT.
Do not worry about recovering from it, it will be beautiful and you will learn a lot if you follow the above text, (this set&setting provides and intense but pulchritudinous & manageable trip.) The less stimuli the more your brain draws the picture. If you can let go fully, no interruption, no stimuli, not worrying about someone watching what is happening, you can truly reach a new level. (entities , travel) I am sharing my input as a small tip for whenever you would like to try, as reference I have dosed at least 120+ times thus far in my life. Recovering comes from really BAD trips, which result in improper use, improper settings. After about T+8hrs your mind goes back to normal, especially after a good nap you are back to yourself. Really bad trips(I have never had one & can be easily dodged.) that the casual cant face, is what leads to needing recovery. You do not do these kind of things recreationally. The state of your life has little effect, you can use it to get past the dysphoria and into the euphoria by facing your problems head on. Sorry for the rambling, just give it a shot and let me know what happens!
Astonish said:
Listen friend, first off, you do NOT need a sitter; in fact it would be better if you did not have one. The less stimuli the better and more intense the trip. Being able to let go and embrace what is happening is how you breakthrough on them. All you need is a safe place, in the dark where you wont be bothered.
Your bedroom for instance. Eat them, go to your bed in the dark & play some relaxing music to calm yourself down during come-up, and then peak in the dark. You will learn so much, and if you do high doses in the dark it is eerily similar to DMT.
Do not worry about recovering from it, it will be beautiful and you will learn a lot if you follow the above text, (this set&setting provides and intense but pulchritudinous & manageable trip.) The less stimuli the more your brain draws the picture. If you can let go fully, no interruption, no stimuli, not worrying about someone watching what is happening, you can truly reach a new level. (entities , travel) I am sharing my input as a small tip for whenever you would like to try, as reference I have dosed at least 120+ times thus far in my life. Recovering comes from really BAD trips, which result in improper use, improper settings. After about T+8hrs your mind goes back to normal, especially after a good nap you are back to yourself. Really bad trips(I have never had one & can be easily dodged.) that the casual cant face, is what leads to needing recovery. You do not do these kind of things recreationally. The state of your life has little effect, you can use it to get past the dysphoria and into the euphoria by facing your problems head on. Sorry for the rambling, just give it a shot and let me know what happens!

This is not a good advice, please don't follow it if you take high dose for the first time.
"Do not diddle the dose" - Mckenna

Speaking of own experience having taken more or less everything alone in high dosages in a dark room. Mushrooms I have been eating more or less my whole life.

If you are a strong and confident person that are open and ready for adventure just go for it, and in high dosage.
If you are a more fragile person that wouldnt handle an crisis good alone, have a sitter in the next room if something happens. If you ask a Shaman you shall not have a sitter due to the input he/she will give even if in another room.

Also the dosage... Personally I do not think that "trying" a smaller dose prior to the experience is a good idea. Especially not with mushrooms due to 1-2 gram comparing to 3-5gr is like a completely different drug.

I would suggest either micro dosage or heroic dosage. The second one I think has got some stigma but the heroic dosage is nothing more than a breakthrough dosage in my sense.

Regarding the recovery phase.. If doing the full dosage expect to have a hangover day the next day.. Your seratonin need to climb back.. but in this you are often so happy from the experience so its often equals out. But you can definitely go to some happenings in the evening.

Beautiful that you grow them yourself, it is another connection and it will affect the experience..
Thank you so much for the advice! I went ahead and did my 3g dose yesterday and it was totally incredible. And I feel absolutely fine today with no side effects really, apart from being a bit tired this morning.

Now, I know its early to ask this question, and maybe I need to start a new thread, but how long do I need to wait until I go back in? I was going to try 5g this time. My friend has suggested that I wait about a month.

Any thoughts on this? If it was up to me I'd probably be back there next weekend (I have questions for which I am looking for answers) but I know I'm new to this so I would appreciate any advice.

Cheers xx
Tara123 said:
Thank you so much for the advice! I went ahead and did my 3g dose yesterday and it was totally incredible. And I feel absolutely fine today with no side effects really, apart from being a bit tired this morning.

Now, I know its early to ask this question, and maybe I need to start a new thread, but how long do I need to wait until I go back in? I was going to try 5g this time. My friend has suggested that I wait about a month.

Any thoughts on this? If it was up to me I'd probably be back there next weekend (I have questions for which I am looking for answers) but I know I'm new to this so I would appreciate any advice.

Cheers xx

Waiting a month is good advice, however a week in between is not a bad thing. It is all relative to how one feels about it...

IME, if I feel clear-headed, calm and content, and it wasn't one of those super-heavy, intense, change-my-life-forever trips (which often times leads one to needing a year or two, or at least several months to fully integrate/process the experience), waiting one week and then diving back in the next weekend is not at all inappropriate.

I hope that makes sense. Some trips are amazing, yes, but they are not full-on, in-your-face, dissolve-your-face-and-everything-else-that-is-you, make-you-seriously-question-reality trips, and those trips, IMO, can be followed up quite rapidly with other journeys.

It is all in how you feel about it. Take it seriously, but don't take anything too seriously. It's a fine line; a delicate balance.

You'll find your balance.

May you find your Peace Tara123
Hey that's so great that you had a good trip and feel fine :)

I suggest waiting at least a week between doses so that you're not wasting molecules - your receptors need time to become receptive again. if you wait only 2 days as mentioned above you need a higher dose to get the same effect, etc.

Integration is also very important. Still, so long as you are aware of this and not just jumping into trips to escape reality you should be fine with trips spaced a week apart, just not on a long term basis and with a long term attitude of integration (i.e. incorporating what you've learned and experienced into your regular waking life). there are no hard and fast rules except the brain receptor stuff and that even varies enormously between individuals. I always feel that a week apart and a reasonably relaxing day off afterward are good benchmarks to start with.
PlantTraveller said:
Hey that's so great that you had a good trip and feel fine :)

I suggest waiting at least a week between doses so that you're not wasting molecules - your receptors need time to become receptive again. if you wait only 2 days as mentioned above you need a higher dose to get the same effect, etc.

Can you back this up? Two days in a row seems sometimes to cause this phenomena but with one day between it has never been a problem for me. Two days to be safe.

I have a lot of experience with these little babies..have eaten them my whole life more or less and over a period of 6 months I ate them nearly each and every day..:)

For the integration part its another story and usually highly personal! But another way to do it is to go as you did with 3 gr than wait two days go for 5gr.. then wait a couple of weeks or more. This is usually the way I do it both with shrooms and Ayahuasca. Like riding a bike.. you have more fun when you are comfortable driving:) but if you only drive one time every sunday you just start over everytime.. but when driving some days in a row then you can start doing wheelies and stuff!:):):):))
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