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How many of you are working your way to 30+ grams of mushrooms?

Migrated topic.


infant in the infinite
Hey all :)

After recently watching a video on youtube on Kalindi Iyi talking about taking 31 grams of mushrooms and explaining how it isn't actually such a feat and we should almost all be working our way towards this, its inspired me to work my way up.

I LOVE MUSHROOMS. They have assisted me in so much personal healing. I do believe it is a process though, of wading into the deep end, not just jumping in and potentially not being able to swim back to shore. I have taken 5 grams but now i am starting a little lower, i am planning to understand the lower levels completely, then integrate them back and work my way up slowly. I do have my entire life (hopefully). I feel if we wade in and slowly learn how to swim, then we can swim out, enjoy the ocean, and because we learnt how to swim well enough, we can easily make it back to shore and integrate the experience successfully in our lives.

Anyone else on this journey with fungi? would love to hear about it :)
I tried this a few years ago. I got up to seven grams. I personally do not want to venture past this dose. Each to their own, but I found that the high dose was extremely difficult for me. Seven grams was enough for me to see and experience what I needed to. I have repeated this high dose three times. Each time I lost myself into time and space. It was very powerful!

I don't know how Kalindi Iyi and his group ingest such high doses. Perhaps I would think about taking such a large dose if I had a support group. I would never take that high of dose alone. I was out of my mind on seven grams. 30 grams sounds just insane. I always enjoy Kalindi Iyi's talks and he is the reason I had even considered working my way up to high dose.

Tread carefully I suggest. Mushrooms are very powerful teachers!
DmnStr8 said:
I tried this a few years ago. I got up to seven grams. I personally do not want to venture past this dose. Each to their own, but I found that the high dose was extremely difficult for me. Seven grams was enough for me to see and experience what I needed to. I have repeated this high dose three times. Each time I lost myself into time and space. It was very powerful!

I don't know how Kalindi Iyi and his group ingest such high doses. Perhaps I would think about taking such a large dose if I had a support group. I would never take that high of dose alone. I was out of my mind on seven grams. 30 grams sounds just insane. I always enjoy Kalindi Iyi's talks and he is the reason I had even considered working my way up to high dose.

Tread carefully I suggest. Mushrooms are very powerful teachers!

Have taken mushrooms more than any other psychedelic and know it quite well, i respect its power and i will mention again the importance of not jumping into high doses, but wading in, a good friend of mine has take 20+ on more than one occasion, and another 10 and 15, they both have been able to integrate the experience fully and they are some of the best people i know :) Did you wade into it or just jump in with 7gs?
DmnStr8 said:
I waded in. Slowly worked my way up.

Thanks for your feedback, haven't gotten there yet, but what you've said has been noted, will be weary and take care.
I find Klindi endlessly entertaining, but take his talks with a little salt. Not to say that i don't think he is being truthful, he is, but there are mitigating factors to his practice that might make it "not such a feat" to him.

I think for one that his weights might not be cracker-dry. A tiny amount of moisture in a "dry" sample can increase weight drastically. Here's an example to illustrate: the last time i ate mushrooms, they were dry enough to snap and the dose weighed over 4 grams. However, a day later and the same amount would have weighed right around a gram and the trip was mild. Definitely not what one thinks when they hear about someone eating 4 grams.

My trip partner took it as a matter of pride that he could eat over an eight so easily and thought it was reflective of his psychonaut status. Until the next day,when we re weighed the samples we hadn't eaten. He still tells people about the recent time he ate "over an eighth, man" and got really really high, except it's true but not true.

There's a pretty big inferred difference between a 4 gram 'dry' dose and a ~1gram dry dose, but either statement was true in that case. I'm not saying that K is fudging his weights to impress others with his mentalkung-fu prowess, buuut...at least he does caution others to not follow his lead.

Also, i think repeated dosing close to each other in time is part of the practice, and while psilocybin tolerance doesn't exist, per sé, familiarity does make navigation easier. I feel this type of tolerance is the main mechanism for approaching such high doses. That is the "working-up" he talks about as far as I've understood him.

From my experience, i don't know if a 30 gram experience would be of any benefit at all. It seems like it would not be remembered, just a white-out. I once (stupidly) took a sip from a vial of liquid LSD, and within fifteen minutes my visual field was completely overwhelmed with translucent after images of electric neon colors, after that i remember nothing for 12 hours and was apparently just in quiet trance the whole time. Sounds great, yeah? "quiet trance" eh? Must've been really enlightening, huh? Again, i recall nothing and the trip left me with no takeaway whatsoever except the wild memories of the first few minutes and a lost night.

Although at the same time K talks about dosing "middle age housewives and mothers" and such, indicating that he supports psychedelic-naive individuals with one-off 20+gram doses. IDK, man.

I'm not saying by any means Klindi is talking s###, i just don't know how he does it, and I'm not swallowing it offhand, let alone thinking about repeating it.

Like i said, I've taken pretty high doses of LSD and psilocybin and would mega-dose acid waaaay higher and sooner than i ever would psilocybin. Mushrooms are so overwhelming to me, so...fungal, as opposed to the human-sourced and crystalline subjective nature of LSD, that I'd never subject my wetware to such a high dose as 30"cracker-dry" grams of a potent psilocybin species.

I feel i would not be able to withstand the proximity to Azathoth and my mind would be torn forever into shreds, yeah, no way man.

Which also brings up the alkaloid content of his samples. Pretty sure he generally uses a common cube, not a woodlover.

Again, i think K, like so many others from Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones to Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock is an entertainer who mixes a message that holds some type of vision with appealing theatrics to get his rhetoric out there, and make a name and provide a living for himself.

I've seen and spoken with him in person, his is a very big personality and he is a man who seeks attention for himself. I don't mean thatas the negative comment that it sounds like. This is not bad, it is what all of us with any amount of drive or passion for living do in capitalist culture, but it is how one preserves the vision,stays in service and handles the power they seek once they have it. I don't think K has arrived at that yet- if it is what he seeks, but we've seen quite a few others in his circle fall victim to a certain self aggrandizing and self apotheoizing once it does happen, not to get too tangential.

I just mean that to say that before one jumps into a 30g trip because Klindi said it's okay, that he has reasons to do that that might not have to do with your wellness or enlightenment and to know yourself and your limits very well. You might be able to get there with a lot less a lot more safely, unless you're just seeking bragging rights.
Seems not a fun or enlightening kind of thing to me at all. Maybe you do build up some tolerance, if you start overdoing it like that. It could be that cross-tolerance with some other substances is involved. Maybe the guy has done so much acid or mescaline, that he became less sensitive to psilocin. Or maybe he is less sensitive to it anyway, because of his genes.

But extreme doses are no joke. I wouldn't be surprised if you would either pass out, or get seizures at such extreme amounts.
I must say, 30+ grams is super daunting, and the fact that i have only taken 5 dried grams means i don't really have experience on higher doses, and the experience was extremely powerful from just 5gs, it does make me question the circumstances of his experience, also how large is he? like above comments mentioned, how dry? what tolerance? I will cautiously move forward with my experimentation and slowly work my way up gram by gram, and see how i feel personally, i am also a relatively small female and this probably makes a difference, although when he speaks of housewives taking it, it does motivate and challenge me in some weird way, however my main goal is to be able to gain as much from, and integrate as much of the experience as i can, so like i said will take it gram by gram :) thanks for all the feedback
It is important to realise that there are two types of tolerance. One is the immidiate tolerance, that will last for a couple of days after ingesting a psychedelic substance.
The other is a tolerance that very gradually builds up over a longer period of frequent use.
It builds up so gradually that you hardly notice it.
But it will eventually turn a person into a hardhead who doesn't get powerfull or deep experiences, even with extremely high doses.

I don't see the sense in "working your way up". It's overdoing it. Take the time to integrate your experiences and don't take more than you think you can handle. It's not a competition. It's not about numbers. If you take too much, you'll only ruining the whole experience. You'll not learn anything and you may not ever want to take psychedelics again.
get ready, i write long ones!

i know most folks probably wont read all this, but hopefully those that do will gain some insight on ways to approach "legendary mushroom trips" in a safe and enjoyable manner. trips like these will change you, for better, or for worse. they have changed my life in the best of ways, but i can imagine how it could also be very traumatizing.

I once ate a whole dinner plate full of closed cap cubensis- estimated to be ~12-14g, cracker dry.
the most powerful experience i have ever had. makes blasting off on spice look easy.

not recommended, except for those truly committed to the mushroom path.
an experienced friend that ate with FREAKED out (on just an 8th), well into the next day. they are fine now, but they never spoke to me again. it sucks to lose friends.

i cannot stress enough how heavy the feeling was of "utter despair" for 90% of the experience. i was sure i was dying, in fact i saw my death, every possible way that i might could die. my friend that freaked out, never spoke to me again. i feel we somehow connected out in hyperspace, and they went through it all with me, saw all my dark sides, and was essentially scarred from the experience. maybe they just had their own rough time, but this was not their first time on the merry-go-round, and they ate significantly less than i did, and freaked wayy harder wayy longer. i honestly couldn't even really digest what had happened- i ended up spending 3 months in jail soon after (for unrelated stupid kid stuff that had finally caught up), and believe this time spent away from Babylon, with not having to worry about meals, laundry, a job, cleaning, time, people, etc its like living in a cave, on a scant, bland diet, with no sunlight, just artificial fluorescents, and the constant murmuring of other inmates around- its like sensory deprivation- this allowed me to really meditate on what had happened and begin to assimilate it into my life. without having this extended time to reflect, free of real distractions, legendary trip experiences such as these may be difficult to gain-from and assimilate-into ones life.

i have done it again since, once a year each for the next 3 years. these times, accurately weighed 12g. eaten slowly, one mushroom at a time. the last time i went, i was also on concentrated passionflower tea, and opened the door to harmalas & ayahuasca. all of these experiences were a lot less profound and life changing than the first, perhaps because i already had that peak experience in this lifetime, but they were still on a whole other level.

again, it changed my life, in the best of ways, i think about it almost every day, yet happened a decade ago. i cannot recommend this path to everyone, though.

if given the opportunity, try some different mushrooms. wild woodlovers, truffles, Pans- all lend their own experience, especially in higher doses. but dont eat 30g!!! even 10g, sweet jeebus...
3.5g dried wild azurescens, from the "Mothership", in one mouth-full= Alien Abduction Experience
taught me to stop being so nosy and invasive, stop "poking and prodding" in order to figure out how these things work. my body was strait paralyzed on the couch, whilst my consciousness had been beamed me up to the mothership, poked and prodded me a lil bit, "what are with these humanoids??" was out of my control and quite uncomfortable. i was like "can we just be friends??" and then everything went happy joy blissmode, with a solid slice of wisdom.
felt like about 10g dry cubes, but with a distinctive personality & intelligence.
again, not for the light hearted haha.

7g cubes can be a real trip. if youre used to eating 8th, i bump up to 7g. when comfortable with this, try eating 7 alone (if youre not already).
10g+, i consider "legendary". how fast you eat them, and how long theyre chewed for makes a difference too. some people try to shoot down some tea or hide them in pb&j. if you want to go deep, man up and eat a whole pile, in one mouthful, and chew for 30mins-1hr... i cant do piles at a time anymore, or at least have no desire to ha, just one at a time for me, though i still chew for a while. at 10g+, physiologically, i think you trick your body into thinking that its actually dying, then you begin to drop your endogenous DMT, and the experience changes drastically.
vaping DMT is quick, youre in and out and its over in just a few minutes, and throws you with such propulsion that it just happens.
legendary mushroom trips, however, can be lonnnnng, they last for hours, into the next day, takes almost a week to fully come to base level again, if it even really happens. you come out a bit different, i do at least. you will spend an hour or two (at least) in the bathroom, no doubts. are you prepared to witness your repeated death for hours without end? maybe that was just my experience, but i do think this "uh oh im dying" mentality is just part of the experience, ego death etc. maybe its not so rough if you're on a good path, i was not when i first did it. i needed the psychedelic punch to the face that i received. i havent had a "im dying" experience in a while, but i also havent gone on a legendary journey in a while either.

you also just really need to be mentally prepared for this. dont flame me, but i think this is something to do alone. but only if your are ready, experienced tripping smaller doses like 7g by yourself first. you will go farther, and there will be no one around you freaking out. i think even most experienced trippers don't know how to handle people on legendary trips, or people freaking out. i mean, i only (barely) know how to handle myself, yet i feel pretty experienced. things can get really chaotic and spiral out of hand. if you are by yourself, when it gets really heavy, just go lay down... also drink some water, smoke or burn incense or do some sort of head change, change the music, you have the freedom to do all this without affecting others, but mostly just lay down and ride it out. in a group, taking such actions might send someone in a loop. or someone might send you through a loop. even sober, experienced trip sitters can be distracting and make things uncomfortable, for me.
some people are blessed with an abundance of mushrooms (cough, cough..), and i think a lot of that is for us to eat and stay in a mushroomy state of mind, but i also think a lot of it is supposed to be shared. i like eating 1-4g with friends hiking or camping in the forest, or microdose a small cap each day for a week, and pass out some to folks i interact or hang out with. i dont always get very "high" from this, but funny weird good synchronicities seem to happen, and i connect with the people i am with better. and it feels good to share, friends are always grateful!

but 30gs??!!?? sounds a bit excessive, try eating half that in one go, then see if you want/need more. i would think long and hard about the real reason i am ingesting so much at once. that could be split among 10 newbies and might change their lives, just saying...

so, if you are looking for a fun time, a wild trip, a story to tell, a competition among friends over who can eat the most, following in another footsteps, or a "lets see how far this can go" attitude, i say just skip it, stay low, it probably wont be enjoyable, and might even be mentally/emotionally damaging. especially if you are journeying with other people, someones bound to have a not fun time... sometimes they really get you.
this is partly how i had approached it, was not fun, but i got the message anyway. so im sure some others would too. but it can go a lot smoother with a different approach or attitude.

like, if you are really passionate about mushrooms, and have the intention to grow learn or change yourself, or just have that gut-hunch calling to gorge all those down, then i say go for it. it will change you, don't underestimate it. i would approach it like an ayahuasca experience, with lots of intention, go on a fresh fruit & veggie diet beforehand, or just really bland/simple. when my life and diet are really "bland" before going into experiences like these, then flip to the other extreme of psychedelic sensory overload, the contrast seems to lead to more profound experiences, with more meaning feeling and color. or so i tell myself....

anyway, best wishes on your journeys!
I lost any respect for Klindi after I saw him wrecklessly recommending these mega doses of mushrooms to uneducated 15 year olds (that he didnt even know!) who already had very serious mental health issues that surfaced after their first LSD trip.

I find synergy via combined approaches and getting further with less via increased sensitivity far more interesting than seeing how much you can eat
Amazing posts in this thread.

I think for every psychedelics, for high and mega doses, you have to be sooo willing to let it go, that you shouldn't really be afraid of dying (or loosing everything you have right now in other terms). Otherwise I can't imagine how experience, which by definition roots you out of this world, can be other than endless loops of fear intermingled with sensory overload. You must really be on the 100% understanding side of what "letting go" means, your "letting go" dzen must be impenetrable :)
Users who are dilettantes, casually curious, or just in it for fun [not to imply that I disparage those types] should generally, in my opinion, start low and stick to mid range doses where they can play in the psychedelic surf and have fun without danger of drowning in the rainbow sea of mind-made realities where rapture can be so intense as to be just as dangerous as abject terror.

Users who are trying to do real, serious spiritual or psychological work on themselves or want to explore other realms in a serious manner should also start low and then progressively work up. If your goal is to use these tools seriously you should know them at every level from threshold to the highest dose your willing to go to and by initially starting low and gradually increasing you can see the progression of effects clearly without the confusion or disappointments caused by randomly switching from high to low doses.
If someones calling is to do huge doses, thats perfectly fine. But do it responsibly, without big jumps above what youve previously done. This way you learn more, see more, and dont pole vault over the maximum dose you can handle.
I'm built like an 11 year old girl, whip thin and weighing just 54 kilos, and I've repeatedly done 20 gram doses of ACRB and 750 mg of mescaline with harmine predose, but I built up to those. I couldnt have handled them otherwise.
I tend to focus on just one or two psychedelics at a time for several years straight. When my father was sick and dying and I needed to do some serious personal work to correct my path I worked with psilocybe mushrooms for two years. I gently tore them up and air dried to a 'cracker dry' state and then desiccated them for two days prior to storage. I started with repeated mild 1.5 gram doses and worked my way up to repeated very potent 7 gram doses before taking my freedom to wander around the middle of that dose range. To my continued surprise the dose that led to the most personal transformation, the dose that taught me the most, the dose that literally changed my life and single handedly justified those entire two years of work, the dose that was so complete that I saw a female forest spirit talking to me :lol: that dose was only 2.65 grams and it came after I had previously worked up to 7 grams. The only trip I reflexively think back on when I imagine the healing power of mushrooms: 2.65 grams from a ziplock bag full of shredded and mixed mushrooms which I eventually consumed all of.
Explore all you want, but never make the mistake of assuming you need high doses for profound effects.

And keep a personal psychedelics journal, preferably an encrypted one.
Elrik said:
Users who are dilettantes, casually curious, or just in it for fun [not to imply that I disparage those types] should generally, in my opinion, start low and stick to mid range doses where they can play in the psychedelic surf and have fun without danger of drowning in the rainbow sea of mind-made realities where rapture can be so intense as to be just as dangerous as abject terror.

Users who are trying to do real, serious spiritual or psychological work on themselves or want to explore other realms in a serious manner should also start low and then progressively work up. If your goal is to use these tools seriously you should know them at every level from threshold to the highest dose your willing to go to and by initially starting low and gradually increasing you can see the progression of effects clearly without the confusion or disappointments caused by randomly switching from high to low doses.
If someones calling is to do huge doses, thats perfectly fine. But do it responsibly, without big jumps above what youve previously done. This way you learn more, see more, and dont pole vault over the maximum dose you can handle.
I'm built like an 11 year old girl, whip thin and weighing just 54 kilos, and I've repeatedly done 20 gram doses of ACRB and 750 mg of mescaline with harmine predose, but I built up to those. I couldnt have handled them otherwise.
I tend to focus on just one or two psychedelics at a time for several years straight. When my father was sick and dying and I needed to do some serious personal work to correct my path I worked with psilocybe mushrooms for two years. I gently tore them up and air dried to a 'cracker dry' state and then desiccated them for two days prior to storage. I started with repeated mild 1.5 gram doses and worked my way up to repeated very potent 7 gram doses before taking my freedom to wander around the middle of that dose range. To my continued surprise the dose that led to the most personal transformation, the dose that taught me the most, the dose that literally changed my life and single handedly justified those entire two years of work, the dose that was so complete that I saw a female forest spirit talking to me :lol: that dose was only 2.65 grams and it came after I had previously worked up to 7 grams. The only trip I reflexively think back on when I imagine the healing power of mushrooms: 2.65 grams from a ziplock bag full of shredded and mixed mushrooms which I eventually consumed all of.
Explore all you want, but never make the mistake of assuming you need high doses for profound effects.

And keep a personal psychedelics journal, preferably an encrypted one.

What he said ^

Work your way up, and be sure to take care of set and setting, and specially about integration too. What purpose does it serve to just go higher if lessons aren't being put into practice?

I used to regularly take around 5-7g of a certain batch of mushrooms that would kick everybody's ass, and at that dosage it would be manageable for me. Fastforward 4 years later from the exact same batch that was still sitting in my freezer, and I had a completely overwhelming experience at 2g, it was so intense I totally forgot I had even consumed anything in the first place and was just living the visions I was having.

So yeah, be safe out there please... Its normal for us humans to try to push the limits and see where we go, I've certainly done my share of that, but sometimes less is more...
A friend of mine did a 22g tea earlier this year. It rocked him to the core.

I spent a lot of time counseling him afterwards and working through the problems he experienced from taking such a large dose. He was in a very difficult place for weeks afterwards. I think now he may be better off for it, but he had some really hard core integration to do and if there wasn't someone like me to help him it would definitely have been a much more difficult experience. Possibly quite negative.

It's dangerous territory. I don't really think any but the most intrepid need venture there.
I hang out in a lot of different circles....
He is talked about quite a bit.

One thing I noticed.. he doesn't seem "crisp" like Stamets or McKenna. His presentation that went along with that claim was a bit scattered. Was a good speech overall, but the levels he is projecting are dangerous imho. It would be like someone saying to take 2-3x the DMT with your maoi so you can understand the "real experience". We would be shouting that person down with "stop promoting dangerous irresponsible usage".

It is very possible because of his size it would affect him like it would @ 8-10 for me or that he had mushrooms in his system or that the amount was taken over time etc.

"I think you are telling the truth, but I believe there is some other mitigating situation we may be unaware of." If I get near 5, ego starts fighting everything to make sure I stay awake and get to a place I feel "safe".

The main theme of start low works out well. But I would make sure to REALLY understand the tolerance charts to this. You may take 6g and have a light trip because the mushrooms you took 5-6 days before were still in play then when you move to 7g you panic and call attention to yourself in bad ways.

The only thing I would add as well, if you have any friends who are comfortable having you over or going with you and staying sober or on low dosages as a tripsitter.. grab them. Also get the "stop mushroom trips" kits, its some natural things that state will help you get down a bit after 30 mins.. So you may not be sober, but "more sober" always helps on a critical trip.

Between those 2 things you will have a semi safety net. Also keep all other drugs out and no growing or extracting when you are under at the location you are at. Once you get past 5 all bets are off. You may be answering the door for noise complaints if you are in a house close to others or in some sort of housing complex. Also it's not a time for others to trip with you. This isn't a group thing (though this is my opinion alone). You need to be with yourself to get the messages anything else is a distraction keeping you in this reality.

Make sure your sitter knows they are not there to talk to you or ask you what you see, but rather to be there as an emergency ripcord to help you to get out of your own head for a bit when asked. Or to get things like water and "be around for mental strength".

I find doing he levels that can damage your real life, I won't do without a sober or semi sober responsible party around and when applicable something that if it ever got that bad I could take to bring me down a bit. It means dotting your i's and crossing your t's. It's why I don't do aya outside of a group setting anymore. I am not sure what I would do at home as "I think I am really dying" and knowing there is an MD around just removes all that fear. Where at home that may be me calling an ambulance on myself.

My 2 cents.. on a side note I have hyper-vigilance, so I over prepare for everything :/

I've never needed my sitter, nor to use the kits. But just having those around make me able to stay in my experience and them deal with the reality. I don't use sitters for most things, just high dose multi hour entheogens.
I haven't been able to bring much back when pushing over about 7 grams of good cubensis, and such large doses are really hard on me bodily (even when taken as tea). I've found taking more moderate doses with harmalas is a good way to achieve the same depth without being so hard on the body. Just my experience, as always YMMV.
I have some experience with high doses of ayahuasca analogues in excess of 20-25 grams of acacia confusa root bark. This is equivalent to high doses of mushrooms. It is not joke. Experimenting with potent psychedelics is analogous to entering the black cave of despair. Prepare to face your greatest and most primal fears. The greatest fear of man is his own mortality and the other is embarrassment.

You'll feel like your dying. There is also the western cultural influence. "psychedelics make you go insane" the propogandists say. "Wait when the heck am I ever gonna come down from this stuff?" you ask yourself. "Wow I think I really did it this time. I'm never coming back. I'm going to trip forever. They're gonna take me away to the madhouse." These were my thoughts on my highest ayahuasca dose.

I also forgot that I had even taken psychedelics or who I was at all. A person crosses a certain dose threshold you may just blackout on the peak and not be able to recollect any details from the experience. Psychedelics experience is often synonymous with amnesia. There are impossible thoughts which can only be witnessed in the wake the trip.

You wont be able to use the bathroom or walk around on high doses, so there is very little risk in my opinion. You may have even unwittingly ripped through the fabric of time. The great canvas of life.

How does one escape from repeating the say moment over and over again? actually I think overdosing on alcohol is far more dangerous, but the psychedelics can certainly be more terrifying. I find myself taking a hiatus from tripping and just using light psychedelics like cannabis lately.

I don't personally buy the correlation between shrooms or ayahuasca and psychiatric disorders. You eventually stop tripping. And the psychedelic experience is phenomenologically different from schizophrenia or psychosis. The difference being that tripping helps you tap into the original nature of phenomenon and existence. You can also distiquish between visuals and reality with psychs unlike schizophrenia.
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