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How often do you use DMT?

Migrated topic.
[quote:55b9087286="Atanonchronon"][img:55b9087286]http://www.performance-unlimited.com/images/mp2.gif[/img:55b9087286] Use the guide above and get a general sense of how much time you devote to survival, then security, then social acceptence/esteem. Try to draw the pyramid in your mind culminating in your time devoted to self actualization. Imagine a personally comfortable fraction of that timeslice devoted to DMT. [quote:55b9087286]Maslow originally found the occurrence of peak experiences in individuals who were self-actualizing, but later found that peak experiences happened to non-actualizers as well but not as often[/quote:55b9087286] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslows_hierarchy_of_needs[/quote:55b9087286] Nah man, DMT is on the social acceptance thing also. Since i<b been accepted in the hyperspacial community by a bunch of crazed machine being i feel acceptance and i dont care for survival and security. lolol :D
so far only twice over 2 years(the first just a small dosage, the second......... Hyperspace :) anywayz.... as soon as swimz elven friends get bizzy in the treez.... after experiencing TRUTHyperspace, you know when you look at a TV and it's all pixelated and fake looking, poor resolution, etc... that'z how this physical realm feelz.... one feelz that, there is an otherworldy calling to explore and become an AstRoNauT... to reach as far as one ever could... and continue furthur...... then to create music DireCtly inspired and explaining HyperSpace... whenever the sky sez so :) LuV
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