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How to handle a second cup of Caapi Tea

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone,
after preparing Aya regularly for almost three years now, the experience it’s still sort of hit and miss. So many times I´m sure that now I found my sweet spot and got everything right, the next time I find myself with a weaker experience.
What I do is preparing a traditional Caapi brew (around 100g) and ingest pure DMT dissolved in lemon juice some minutes later.
The last time I just purged to early. Probably 30 minutes after drinking the Caapi tea and 15 minutes after the DMT. I Immediatey realized that I´ll not have the desired effects. I could barley feel the Caapi and only very little DMT effects.
I know to just drink more. But my problem is that after the purge I really cannot have another cup or the smallest sip. Just the pure thought of it makes me shiver…
Do you have any recommendations regarding the second cup of a strong Caapi brew? I really would love to keep on until I get there…

Thanks for reading and your thouhts :)
Hi tregar, I will put your recommendations to test, thanks for the hints.

You are probably familiar with the following expressions: only filter unreduced brew, don't filter reduced brew. In the sediment are actives.
If I read you right, you do filter the reduced brew.

I feel ready to make some actives sacrifice as a trade off with the bluahh. I know about purge importance, but I like them near the peak to make a shift in awareness there, usually from burdening to flow. But vine is an emetic and I guess nobody is favored by premature dynamics. If I could manage that, I hope with your help, I would be very happy puppy.
Thanks tregar.
What I think I´ll do next, is to add the light to the Caapi and drink them together. So you would say you prefer a warm brew? What I forget to mention is that I also keep the volumes of both liquids as low as possible.
I also have the feeling that the timing between the two is crucial. Before the last time that I threw up too earyl I had so strong effects from the vine that I could see tracers and had weird accoustic effects even hours after the effects from the light were gone. This time almonst nothing. Same vine, which I would really consider good quality.
Maybe it´s just another lesson to be learnt...You can't always get what you want :)

Apart from that. Is anyone comfortable with just having a second cup :)
(Pedantry alert!)
tregar said:
adding citric acid (vitamin C, the common 200 to 500mg is plenty) to convert to the water soluble citrate
Citric acid is not the same as ascorbic acid, the latter of which is known as vitamin C. Ascorbic acid will form ascorbates rather than citrates but for the purposes of alkaloid solubility either will do.

A second cup always has the potential to cause absolute mayhem, the choice is yours.
The reason I asked is the scenario when the effects are either not as strong or I throw up too early. many propose too just keep on drinking till you get there. I just cannot after the first purge. My whole body reacts to the taste, just to think about it makes me shaking. I know vaping some is an option at this point, but sometimes I just want to stuck to the oral ROA.
Strange, the taste of most things doesn't bother me (except, perhaps, cold cactus tea). I rarely get nauseated - maybe I'm low in 5HT3 receptors.

As a possible tip, I often eat bitter salad leaves such as chicory. Westerners typically lack training in accepting bitter tastes which, IMO, is a prerequisite in this game.
Yes, thanks for correction downwardsfromzero, using vitamin C will result in ascorbate salts, not citrate salts.
Yes, fatherseb, prefer a hot brew, vitamin C mixed into hot water with the rest all stirred in for several minutes. prefer actual Hawaiian psychotria as the light portion -- as the dynamics of actual psychotria liquid ingestion is indeed very impressive. Yes, a second cup of even just caapi tea hours later always results in hours of tracers and fantastic closed eye visions, but the sides also increase, like dizziness, not wanting to move from a sitting position, etc.

The "light" or leaf portion should always be kept low to moderate on a 2nd cup of tea if being added, as it's so much easier to throw up with all the long lasting harmalas still in the system from the 1st cup many hours earlier...and too much "light" or leaf can result in "overexposure" like a photographic image with too much lighting. Not something done very often as it's more challenging (a 2nd cup of strong caapi tea) but it sure does result in about 4 to 6 hours of additonal closed eye visions, even lasting into sleep in some cases, quite amazing visions on a 2nd cup--remember seeing city of Atlantis, detached beautiful female faces, flying like a bird over what looked like Los Angeles with all the swimiing pools below, being in other places far away with beautiful interior decorations, decorated Elephants, beautiful women, these visions going on many, many hours with a 2nd cup--but not wanting to move much at all.
^I'm wondering now if perhaps 2-Me-THβC plays an under-recognized role here? Cos in other threads it's been mentioned that A. acuminata phyllodes make a good aya analogua admixture, and in a recent thread we've had another mention of acuminata's high 2-Me-THβC content. Whether it's right to join the dots, I don't know, but I do know that we don't really know what 2-Me-THβC really does (and it's likely no more neurotoxic than other β-carbolines.)

Just a hunch, but might explain the improved effects of whole leaf vs. extracted light.
just a short update.
On my last session I followed Tregars advice and added the light (70mg) to a hot Caapi brew (80g) and drank both together.
I had a wonderful experience. The DMT was much more pronounced this time and the overall bodyload felt very comfortable. I will definetly proceed with this route. It was only one time, but as Tregar mentioned, it seems more reliable than waiting between the two. Highly recommend it!
Thanks Tregar and happy traveling
fatherseb said:
just a short update.
On my last session I followed Tregars advice and added the light (70mg) to a hot Caapi brew (80g) and drank both together.
I had a wonderful experience. The DMT was much more pronounced this time and the overall bodyload felt very comfortable. I will definetly proceed with this route. It was only one time, but as Tregar mentioned, it seems more reliable than waiting between the two. Highly recommend it!
Thanks Tregar and happy traveling
Great to hear that fatherseb!
I have no experience with leave brews. Started with bark brews and then moved on to crystal DMT for easier dosage. This time the DMT clearly was there. At the peak very similar to a Changa experience and lasting for two hours. So not too long, but I´m sure a second dose would habe done the job to keep them coming.
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