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how to remember?!

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Staff member

I know I just had an amazing experience, but I can´t remember shit.. just very general stuff, specially from the very beginning and from the end.. The middle is gone, all I know is much happened.

any tricks to remember this stuff better?
actually...SWIM has noticed that sHe cant remember latest excursions..SWIM tried almost a dozen times..but the middle is always completely gone...SWIM is thinking it might have to do with whats happening between the 7th and the 14th
I think i read somewhere someone was trying to condition themselves to be able to write things down while in hyperspace. Well on the spice anyway. I'm not sure if they did enough to be in hyperspace. From what i've read in this forum and from other places when your in hyperspace your like a vegetable to the outer world. But i've also read stories of people "sleepwalking" while in hyperspace. I've also read in DR. Rick Strassmans book that people were talking while they were in hyperspace. But talking as if they were dreaming. Not making any sence.

Has anyone ever had something like that happen to them? Do you think it would be possible to condition yourself to write things down while tripping? And another question... when your in hyperspace... would you compare it to lucid dreaming? Or do you just sit back and enjoy the ride? Not having any control of what your doing or whats happening :roll:
SWIM has had experiences when they can talk during a breakthrough and describe what they are seeing...it is like making bookmarks...
I keep my laptop right next to me after every trip, I write as much down as soon as i come back. Often things come back to me a few days later or after a good nights sleep. Your brain isnt used to that frequency of experience and so much crams in in such a small amount of time, it all stays in there somehow, it just needs time to bubble up to the surface. Its the same with dreaming, i learnt how to remember my dreams by keeping a notebook beside my bed, if id wake up from an amazing dream id write it down as soon as i woke up, and id find more and more would come back to me as the day went on.

Lucid dreams and astral projections are also very hard to hold in the everyday mind, our animal brains seem to be designed to filter out all the useless psychedelic information and function on a survival mode in the 3d world. We have to train ourselves to be multidimensional beings, i believe its part of our evolution to migrate up into the realms of hyperspace. I think about my trips alot it seems and the more i try to understand and remember what happened the better i get at holding it all in.
practicing lucid dreaming techniques helps greatly...

but bringing back meaningfull knowledge that can be effectively integrated is the key to our journeying...

I guess thats why shamans spend great amounts of time isolated in the jungle mastering these techniques

great thread btw :) sharing knowledge is very important
SWIM's FOAF is experimenting with different carrier herbs for spice and he's noticed that some of them aid the recollection of the trip. This guy had consistently very good recollections when damiana was used. Oral harmine/harmaline 20-30min prior to the trip also aided recollection.

Experiments are on the way.
For me DMT resembles a dream. When I come back, the memory is fresh, but soon after it fades, and fades quick. When I want to remember my visions, I have a note pad next to me. I will sketch and/or write (to the best of my ability) what I saw/experienced.
there is also a device called a Bio-Tuner...it helps balance the neurochemicals in your brain...when used for dream work...SWIM can usually remember 5-7 dreams per night after using the device for a week or so...its absolutely amazing..also gives you this really relaxed sort of buzz...love it...this is the best trick SWIM knows in remembering...
Jorkest said:
there is also a device called a Bio-Tuner...it helps balance the neurochemicals in your brain...when used for dream work...SWIM can usually remember 5-7 dreams per night after using the device for a week or so...its absolutely amazing..also gives you this really relaxed sort of buzz...love it...this is the best trick SWIM knows in remembering...

Wow. That sounds interesting. I remember one dream a night if i'm lucky.
There is a difference between remembering dry facts and the actual feeling of being there. The facts are easier to remember. When I asked an entity this exact question: how to remember all this when getting back to the 'normal' world, something stabbed from the entity straight into my heart, I felt that stab (not a bad feeling) and was deeply impressed. Maybe it wanted to say: remember with your heart, not with your head.

This actually happened to me, I remember this, but it's almost impossible to remember or take back the knowing and feeling of this incredible different reality. As the spice is being broken down in the body, the other world just seeps away like water through your fingers... the typical spice taste in the mouth is dissipating simultaneously.
another thing that SWIM has noticed is that...the days and weeks after a breakthrough reveal more of insights that you receive..something will just jump out at you and you will be like OHH!! yes i remember now
Jorkest said:
another thing that SWIM has noticed is that...the days and weeks after a breakthrough reveal more of insights that you receive..something will just jump out at you and you will be like OHH!! yes i remember now

Quite true. I have also noticed that during a breakthrough parts of old voyages are remembered.
agreed obliguhl...haha SWIM just only smokes it to breakthrough:)

SWIM feels that when you first breakthrough..you are starting a holographic filing cabinet..and every time you do it..you are adding to that holographic cabinet..but you are also re-experiencing every other trip you have ever had there...so after awhile...youve got tons of memories there...and every time you go back in you are allowed access to all of that information...but since our world view is so linear we cannot hope to bring back a holographic packet of information...it gets scrambled by our silly perspective of linear time
focussing your attention will help you remember. I know this is difficult, especially with breakthrough experiences, but basically you tend to remember all the things that really matter to you, so when you keep looking for all that's relevant, and especially when you just after your comedown just tell yourself what you have seen, you will remember more. That last thing works incredibly well, you dom't even have to write anything down. Once you've found words to describe it, it has found the neurological pathway in your brain to recollection.

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