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How would you approach this situation?

Migrated topic.
MalargueZiggy said:
Ayawasqero said:
Does Your friend attend some psychoterapeutist? Maybe he ought to.

No. For him to do that would take him accepting that he has a problem. Like I said, the approach he takes is not 'I have a problem, what can I do about it', it's 'the problem is existence itself so how can anything help.' Also there's no way he could afford it. He lives on state benefits and handouts from his gf - that's more or less £50 a week.

Your friend seems to have an awful example of an bipolar disorder, previously known as ,depression´. Is there any way some state health insurance company could pay his psychyatric pharmacotherapy? Because the only alternative to it would mean either use a DMT as the nature´s best antidepressant, oops, sorry, antibd remedy,:lol:, or find a good ayahuascero to chase the demons from his sick head away, which both would probably change his false life opinions. I really do think he ought to start his offical psychiatric treatment, before any psychedelic therapy. If I´m wrong, please let me know.

Peace to You, Your unhappy friend and his straight edge girlfriend.
One of the best, safest and uncontroversial remedies for depressive dissorders is physical activity. If you would get him to, as a sort of hollidayvacation, walk around for a few days in a beautifull environment like a forest or something, then after two or three days he'l be more open. That would be a good moment to see if he is open for ayahuasca.
[quote='Coatl]Nothing makes you so happy to be alive as thinking you are going to die.

Give him a huge dose of Ayahuasca.

Those are at least two people suggesting aya. Remember classical psychotherapy is where to begin. Society is responsible for causing mental disorders, so she ought to take full responsibility for their curing treatment. Is it?
Ayawasqero said:
[quote='Coatl]Nothing makes you so happy to be alive as thinking you are going to die.

Give him a huge dose of Ayahuasca.

Those are at least two people suggesting aya. Remember classical psychotherapy is where to begin. Society is responsible for causing mental disorders, so she ought to take full responsibility for their curing treatment. Is it?[/quote]

Perhaps, as I have seen suggested somewhere else recently - the key is to use Aya (or similar) to 'dislodge' and expose aspects of a person to themselves, which could then be dealt with using psychotherapy/councelling. However, I think psychotherapy may not be for everyone. I also think there needs to be shift in perspective, as the use of Aya and other entheogens may not be compatible with traditional schools of psychotherapy. Perhaps we need a new school of entheogen-based therapy? (would this be classed as shamanism???)
I´m glad we agree. We ought to circumwent the ,entheogen-based therapy´ and jump in to the amazing world of entheogen shamanism. Peace! How´s our unhappy pacient doing?
shamans are a role within an animist culture. calling their beleif system "shamanism" is like calling any other role a beleif system... for example, dentists... dentistism... doesnt really work... shamans participate in an animist beleif system and practice shamanry. all the semantics aside though. your right entheogen assisted therapy is like sex with a condom... oh its safe and all but it really doesnt feel as good... and it isnt as fulfilling.
In short, shamanic culture doesn´t have to be always animistic and Eliade calls this religious phenomena shamanism. Have You ever tried an entheotherapy?
seriously? come on... how can a culture who has shamans not be animist? and eliade was full of poop. the suffix ism indicates a beleif system. religious scholars and anthropologists that came after eliade and have corrected his mistake. eliade took shamanry out of the context of animism made it some sort of ungrounded universal out of context ideal of primoridal religion, he disconnected from animism and he himself confused a role with a beleif system and ignored animism. seriously... dentistism.... farmerism... sculpterism... aritism.... basket weaverism... seriously? you can just boil it down to bad grammar. check out graham harveys animsim: respecting the living world.

yeah i studied entheotherapy, and entheogenic shamanry in college and worked with it a bunch. its effective but not as effective as shamanic healing ceremonies. i would have to say from lookign at the results in people before and after each one has a more drasitic effect then the other.
LLB said:
seriously? come on... how can a culture who has shamans not be animist? and eliade was full of poop. the suffix ism indicates a beleif system. religious scholars and anthropologists that came after eliade and have corrected his mistake. eliade took shamanry out of the context of animism made it some sort of ungrounded universal out of context ideal of primoridal religion, he disconnected from animism and he himself confused a role with a beleif system and ignored animism. seriously... dentistism.... farmerism... sculpterism... aritism.... basket weaverism... seriously? you can just boil it down to bad grammar. check out graham harveys animsim: respecting the living world.

yeah i studied entheotherapy, and entheogenic shamanry in college and worked with it a bunch. its effective but not as effective as shamanic healing ceremonies. i would have to say from lookign at the results in people before and after each one has a more drasitic effect then the other.

This may be vearing more off-topic - but LLB and others, how do you see shamanic healing ceremonies in the context of modern city dwellers? This is a subject i'm becoming more and more interested in; how can we integrate shamanic healing into our mashed up culture full of sceptics and fear-led zombies?

I dream of one day setting up a local centre to hold such ceremonies.
LLB said:
seriously? come on... how can a culture who has shamans not be animist? and eliade was full of poop. the suffix ism indicates a beleif system. religious scholars and anthropologists that came after eliade and have corrected his mistake. eliade took shamanry out of the context of animism made it some sort of ungrounded universal out of context ideal of primoridal religion, he disconnected from animism and he himself confused a role with a beleif system and ignored animism. seriously... dentistism.... farmerism... sculpterism... aritism.... basket weaverism... seriously? you can just boil it down to bad grammar. check out graham harveys animsim: respecting the living world.

yeah i studied entheotherapy, and entheogenic shamanry in college and worked with it a bunch. its effective but not as effective as shamanic healing ceremonies. i would have to say from lookign at the results in people before and after each one has a more drasitic effect then the other.

Because the culture, like ours, have developed many different religions among essentialy late paleolithic phenomena of shamanism. What poop? What mistake? Maybe he did all the fails because he was an historian of religion. But still, shamanry? Everybody understants it as a profession, not a skill (the art of healing). And what is so great about animism (another -ism
! :lol:)? I don´t think the belief of spiritized nature is useful anymore. Maybe...

All correct.
Ayawasqero said:
I wonder what our EBPD (endogenous bipolar disorder) patient is doing. I hope he hasn´t do some BS (bullshit).

He's doing ok actually, and thanks for asking! When I'd finished it I took the plunge and lent him The New Mood Therapy. We also all clubbed together and sent him away for a long weekend. It seems like even that brief time apart has given both of them a perspective on their relationship and they both seem a lot more positive, he's got purpose about him for the first time in ages. We're building on this by buying him another ticket and making the effort to get my close but scattered friendship group together in one place (without her) next weekend and I'm going to have a long heart to heart about everything with him then.

I'm feeling quite bleak at the moment myself actually. Despite a generally relentless optimism and a mood that bounces back in an instant when I compare my situation to guys like B, on the whole I feel hollow, directionless, like my life is drifting past me and I'm wasting moments I can't ever get back. Self-cognitive therapy only goes so far, a concrete philosophy on life and existence only goes so far when you have to continually struggle against things that bring you down. It boils down to my job, my family, and the fact my partner of 5 years is in emotional turmoil herself I think. Only 21 weeks left though so I'm living in the moment, practising walking meditation right up to the door and getting on with it! I know from experience that every day and then every week will ultimately end.

Any supplements you guys can reccommend? Unconcealable entheogens are out of the question due to living arrangements.
MalargueZiggy said:
Ayawasqero said:
I wonder what our EBPD (endogenous bipolar disorder) patient is doing. I hope he hasn´t do some BS (bullshit).

He's doing ok actually, and thanks for asking! When I'd finished it I took the plunge and lent him The New Mood Therapy. We also all clubbed together and sent him away for a long weekend. It seems like even that brief time apart has given both of them a perspective on their relationship and they both seem a lot more positive, he's got purpose about him for the first time in ages. We're building on this by buying him another ticket and making the effort to get my close but scattered friendship group together in one place (without her) next weekend and I'm going to have a long heart to heart about everything with him then.

I'm feeling quite bleak at the moment myself actually. Despite a generally relentless optimism and a mood that bounces back in an instant when I compare my situation to guys like B, on the whole I feel hollow, directionless, like my life is drifting past me and I'm wasting moments I can't ever get back. Self-cognitive therapy only goes so far, a concrete philosophy on life and existence only goes so far when you have to continually struggle against things that bring you down. It boils down to my job, my family, and the fact my partner of 5 years is in emotional turmoil herself I think. Only 21 weeks left though so I'm living in the moment, practising walking meditation right up to the door and getting on with it! I know from experience that every day and then every week will ultimately end.

Any supplements you guys can reccommend? Unconcealable entheogens are out of the question due to living arrangements.

Thou art welcomed. Glad to hear that he is getting better. But on the other side, it does seems like Your most dearest friend infected You with the EBPD (the diagnosis) so far, so try the shamanic response (the remedy) would probably be to be in nature as much as You can, try to relax and get some sleep. You know during a sleep a powerful hallucinogen is unborne, the famous N, N - dimethyltryptamine, the best and most efficient natural antiEBPD remedy (previously known as antidepressant). For me and my dirty little EBPD it works miraculously.
Take care, pal, and report soon. Peace in heart!
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