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Huachuma with a pseudo-shaman in Peru

Migrated topic.
Such an excellent write up Nydex. Beautiful photos as well!

I'm sorry to hear that the shaman detracted from your experience. But I'm glad to hear that you still found value in the journey. San Pedro is an amazing ally. Now that you have experienced it you can start to grow your own cacti. It is very easy. And the tea is easy to prepare as well. These cacti are the ideal DIY entheogen, because they live forever and keep growing and producing more plant material year after year. And they are beautiful!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us.
Awesome write up Nydex :) and love the photos!

Definately goes to show how important it is to have some decent recommendations before embarking on an adventure like this - but it sounds like it was still worth while.
Great to hear from you Nydex!

In addition to what has been said above, forgive me for adding - lighting a fire in the rain is a skill well worth developing. Had you taken a dip in the lake beforehand it may have given you more of an incentive towards success 😁
downwardsfromzero said:
Great to hear from you Nydex!

In addition to what has been said above, forgive me for adding - lighting a fire in the rain is a skill well worth developing. Had you taken a dip in the lake beforehand it may have given you more of an incentive towards success 😁
Yeah, great to be back DFZ. I know lighting a fire in rain is a good skill to have, but learning it while you're tripping balls up high in a mountain with a complete stranger that is stressing you out beyond any reason is not the way to do it. 😁
Nydex said:
Yeah, great to be back DFZ. I know lighting a fire in rain is a good skill to have, but learning it while you're tripping balls up high in a mountain with a complete stranger that is stressing you out beyond any reason is not the way to do it. 😁
You could have a point there. :lol: Had you succeeded, it might mean that due to the resultant conditioning you'd only ever be able to light a fire in the rain if your were up a mountain tripping balls while a stranger is stressing you out, and that sounds rather impractical in the long term. Speaking from experience, I'll still stand by the bit about going for a swim first, however - perhaps rather not while tripping, of course.

Thanks for sharing the pics of the lovely scenery, it made me long for the mountains while briefly considering giving it all up and taking up alpaca farming instead.

Are you back home now, or is your adventure still to continue?
downwardsfromzero said:
Nydex said:
Yeah, great to be back DFZ. I know lighting a fire in rain is a good skill to have, but learning it while you're tripping balls up high in a mountain with a complete stranger that is stressing you out beyond any reason is not the way to do it. 😁
You could have a point there. :lol: Had you succeeded, it might mean that due to the resultant conditioning you'd only ever be able to light a fire in the rain if your were up a mountain tripping balls while a stranger is stressing you out, and that sounds rather impractical in the long term. Speaking from experience, I'll still stand by the bit about going for a swim first, however - perhaps rather not while tripping, of course.
That gave me a good ol' chuckle, not gonna lie! 😁 😁

downwardsfromzero said:
Thanks for sharing the pics of the lovely scenery, it made me long for the mountains while briefly considering giving it all up and taking up alpaca farming instead.

Are you back home now, or is your adventure still to continue?
Alpaca farming seems like a very worthwhile stint, undoubtedly. It's not an easy life, but it has its advantages over comfort-saturated life in big cities.

I'm back home now, reading lots of sci-fi and playing a few games from time to time. Waiting on a company to call me for a job so I can save up some money to go travel again in the near future.

Overall, I'm enjoying my free time a lot. Hammocking often helps as well. Can't complain. :thumb_up:
These pictures are very nice. I spent a while looking at them the other night.
Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. The hammock at home you describe in your last post sounds like the perfect setting for taking more cactus. There's nothing like home. :)
Good gravy! Thank you so much for clarifying that! I was certain I had seen those photos and everything. I’ve had a lot of odd synchronicities as of late and I really didn’t have the wherewithal to call you out :lol:
roninsina said:
Good gravy! Thank you so much for clarifying that! I was certain I had seen those photos and everything. I’ve had a lot of odd synchronicities as of late and I really didn’t have the wherewithal to call you out :lol:

Lol yeah, I had a cathinone-fueled fit of creativity and desire to write last night, and completely blanked out on the fact I've told this story already. So much stuff has happened since that initial write-up that I'm not as surprised, to be honest.
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