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Humbled to be a new member here.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello to you all. I am very humbled to be here. After months and months of researching the spirit molecule, mainly using the reliable posts from DMT nexus members, I have finally made my first steps towards travelling to hyperspace. After a number of years using Psilocybin for self cares and healing, I feel I’ve matured enough and am aware of myself enough for space flight.

I’m yet to have a breakthrough experience (misfires due to lack of experience), but I don’t want to rush it. Good things come to those who wait. I have recently invested in a GVG which I believe will help my journey. I plan to be here quite a lot, I’d like to learn from the best (you beautiful people).

Again, very humbled to be a part of this community and I look forward to what is ahead.
Welcome to the Nexus!

The GVG is a great tool for DMT. Once you get your technique down, it is one of the more efficient ROAs. Most of the time, I stick with changa, but that is just personal preference.

Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences! I'm also big fan of mushrooms and have been working with them longer than any other psychedelic. The whole process from spore to fruit to consumption has been positively life-changing, to say the least!

Enjoy your time here and may you find what you are seeking!


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