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Hydroponic Cacti Project

Migrated topic.


Stay true.
So after talking with a few members, they have peaked my interest in the form that I think Im going to attempt to bring back to life some old passions I had growing up. Growing hydroponically.
It was a huge step for me at that point of my life and it was something that I really started to fall in love with and got tons of enjoyment out of.

Now I think with my peaked interest of mescaline cacti and wanting to bring back old hobbies.
Going to try to grow a few sets of trichocereus bridgesii and possibly some other types of herbs for some enhanced leaf. Deep water cultures are what I specialize in but Im not sure if that may exactly be the best route. Almost seems like it will be too much..
With that being said, Im considering a wick style hydro, or ebb and flow. The wick system might be the best bet just for the fact that the cacti will only absorb as much as they're wanting at the time.
Always subject to changed based on the enviornment granted Ill have full control over that also.

Just wanting to know if anyone on here actually has some experience on this topic that can chime in?
Even if its just in general on the topic of growing characteristics or tips on trichocereus bridgesii.

I will be using this thread to also post updates and photos on this subject as time goes by.
I currently prefer growing via bog-ponics which is exactly as it sounds... soil based grow in which the soil stays perpetually soaked. Problems I've encountered with that method are mostly insect related as the soil can become a hotbed for gnats if not kept under control. I prefer to use a bit of diatomaceous earth mixed into the soil in addition to a healthy dose of malathion if an infestation should begin to become apparent.

As regards to growing cacti in water without soil you can do a quick search for growing cacti hydroponically on the web and all sorts of stuff will come up. It requires slightly more or rather different investments[/url] to a much larger investment depending on how fancy you want to get with it than bog-ponics. Easy enough that most people can do it, but you may want to fool around with what works best for you and your own budget. I'm always amazed at how technical some people want to get when it comes to growing cacti hydroponically. Yet, I remain one of those that prefer the simple route which is perhaps why I prefer bog-ponics over hydro when it comes to cacti growing.


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Wakinyan said:
I currently prefer growing via bog-ponics which is exactly as it sounds... soil based grow in which the soil stays perpetually soaked. Problems I've encountered with that method are mostly insect related as the soil can become a hotbed for gnats if not kept under control. I prefer to use a bit of diatomaceous earth mixed into the soil in addition to a healthy dose of malathion if an infestation should begin to become apparent.

As regards to growing cacti in water without soil you can do a quick search for growing cacti hydroponically on the web and all sorts of stuff will come up. It requires slightly more or rather different investments[/url] to a much larger investment depending on how fancy you want to get with it than bog-ponics. Easy enough that most people can do it, but you may want to fool around with what works best for you and your own budget. I'm always amazed at how technical some people want to get when it comes to growing cacti hydroponically. Yet, I remain one of those that prefer the simple route which is perhaps why I prefer bog-ponics over hydro when it comes to cacti growing.

Interesting, Never heard of "bogponics". Is this a legitimate term used or something you created?
The 4th pic and on, are basically DWC systems without oxygenated water.
Its not a fact of wanting to "go technical" I just always love hydroponics. So its kind of taking one hobby and integrating another into it. Kill two birds with one stone per-say. I've always had great luck with neem and eucalyptus oil for natural insect repelants. Could react differently with cacti though not sure. Thanks for the reply though Im going to do some more digging on the topic. The research literally never ends. 😉
Just wow! So, now if you happen to be the first to do something your illegitimate? Is that right? No worries, I really don't know if I am the first to coin that term or grow cacti in a bog like that. It would be cool if I was and I found something new out, but lets be real... the likelihood is that someone else has done the same experiment and came up with the same results before me. The truth is, I'm not aware of it though. Some of the ways I grow in bog-ponics could be termed deep water bogponics though as I use 5 gallon buckets filled with water many times. I also use shallow water systems... so shallow water bogponics. SWP and DWP.... creating acronyms all day like a champ.

Most definitely do some research on cacti hydroponics. I just barely scratched the surface for you. I'm all for going as deep down the rabbit hole as you wish on a subject. My personal preference though, do a little research and then dive in head first as I chase my own rabbit and experiences as I tend to learn best by doing. Noting what works and what doesn't for me. Not that you can't also "do" and continue to research at the same time.

I wish you the best and can't wait to see some of your cacti in hydroponics setups.
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