hug46 said:
I do have questions for those that like violent video games. Where would you draw the line in regard to enjoying the game?
Is it ok to shoot aliens, nazis or terrorists in a video game, but how about a game that involved clubbing baby seals or shooting babies? Does it matter if nothing actually gets hurt?
I guess I wouldn't draw any line per se, there is no evidence that playing violent video games makes people more violent.
In itself I don't see any problem with doing anything in a video game.
hug46 said:
Or to take the concept further is it acceptable for a paedophile to have sex with a virtual reality child?
I wouln't change my stance even for virtual child porn or using child sex dolls. In itself, I see no problem.
As long as the evidence shows that using such outlets for paedophiles reduces the likelihood of them molesting children (or it doesn't change it).
I don't think this is studied enough or at all, and I think it should be.
There is no real cure for paedophilia, so paedophiles are pretty much trapped. Literally even just viewing the material that they sexually crave is a criminal act.
If there was solid evidence that giving them an outlet for their desires (virtual child porn or a sex doll) reduced the number of actual children being molested, we should allow it or even encourage it.
If the evidence showed the opposite, we should probably not allow it or encourage it (with the exception for offenders with life sentences, at that point no child could get hurt, so no particular ethical problems with the act itself there I guess).
Until this evidence actually appears, I think it's crazy to put people in jail for using these outlets, like these recent cases in the UK of men charged with a crime for having imported a child sex doll into the country:
Border Force officers seize 123 dolls in little more than a year
hug46 said:
Also if you are a person that plays violent video games and it was scientifically proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are living in a simulation ourselves, how would it affect your views on playing these games?
If we were in a simulation sentient beings would still feel pain so it would still be "bad" to cause them pain.
So it wouldn't change my stance. Anything permissible in video games (as long as they don't dramatically increase actual violence committed in real life), but still bad to cause pain to actual sentient beings in the simulation.