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Hyperspace Afterlife

Migrated topic.

DMT Entity

Rising Star
Hypothetically speaking, how comfortable would you be with the thought that Hyperspace is your inevitable afterlife? This question is mainly geared towards those individuals who have actually been there.
A little too chaotic and no control at all. Probably wouldn't like it if I knew I was there for a long time. Even with THH, which gives more control, it was obvious the entities were still in control. Personally, SWIM likes the fluid, poetic feel of ayahuasca.
DMT Entity said:
Hypothetically speaking, how comfortable would you be with the thought that Hyperspace is your inevitable afterlife? This question is mainly geared towards those individuals who have actually been there.

I have thought the same thing as theres part of me which feels it might be, but im not sure. I think after we leave the physical plane, we then go onto the astral planes fora while, but i do think we might all end up in hyperspace at some point!
However,hypothetically speaking if hyperspace were where we go....hmmm not sure, its a tough one.
I think the chaos and uncontrollabilty is only down to the fact it is so new to us. I bet the world seems pretty chaotic and uncontrollable to a freshly born baby, but we get used to it right. So it could be that we would get used to hyperspace and learn how to navigate and control stuff. Guess wel just ahve to wait and see.

Its exciting aint it : )
im not sure you go to hyperspace for good when you die..and if you do..its not going to be experienced like we experience it alive
I've been having these thoughts as well. It seems plausible in a sense. My experience is that there's always a part of you that resists being taken away. I have felt that everytime i realy start to drift away, my body starts shaking, or something happens that pulls me back slightly. It feels as if the body is afraid to be 'forgotten', or 'left alone'. Even we we explore hyperspace we're still here somehow and maybe that's what causes the feeling of chaos.
I think that when we die, we would have to get past that stage, where there's still some resistance.
-Maybe hyperspace is not where we go but the place in between this world and the place we go to.
-Maybe when we die we wil become a part of hyperspace, we will dissolve in it like a drop of rain in the ocean.
-Maybe the entities are guides that will help us finding our way in the vastness of this infinite space and maybe it's just impossible to get to that final destination as long as we're not dead.
Maybe hyperspace is like the space you get inbetween tv/radio channels when you switch channels, that static fuzz.
Maybe its a place where you are experienceing many frequencies simultaneuosly (hence the chaos), until you tune into one wavelength
soulman said:
Maybe hyperspace is like the space you get inbetween tv/radio channels when you switch channels, that static fuzz.
Maybe its a place where you are experienceing many frequencies simultaneuosly (hence the chaos), until you tune into one wavelength

that would make perfect sense actually!

I feel hyperspace could be involved in some stage of spiritual evoloution and transcendance and defo agree that we would not experience it in the same chaotic perspective as we do when we voyage before our time has come.

I have this weird comforting reassurance and I dont know were it comes from that when we do finally cross the bardo we will blissfully slip into our place and operate as if we never left the place.
ambi-lyserganceour time has come. I have this weird comforting reassurance and I dont know were it comes from that when we do finally cross the bardo we will blissfully slip into our place and operate as if we never left the place.[/quote said:
Yeah i feel the same way.
I think this feeling is validated when we go on spice trips and although its so strange and like nothing youve ever experienced before, theres this underlying feeling of familiarity, like wev been there a million times before. Its weird
Hyperspace convinced me that the idea of an afterlife is pretty plausible, however I doubt real death can be simulated with a substance... if you read/listen to NDE (near death experience) reports, maybe Iboga comes closer than DMT as the 'afterlife drug'..

Spice is so wildly variable, I wouldn't fancy the afterlife as an empty, dusty bar (just one example of a strange hyperspace visit).

The stories about DMT being released at death are pure speculation... (ab)used by materialists to 'explain' near death experiences: 'it's just a drug...'.

What if the DMT experience is unique to this material realm, I mean what if hyperspace is not accessible at all to the 'spirits' or dead/unborn souls and you need a solid body for access? After all, DMT is a molecule... that would mean this is a unique opportunity for us here, now! A strange thought but who knows?? The same can be said of dreaming... maybe we don't even realize how lucky we are here.
Many of us seem to have the same suspicions, though.
Or at least we all seem to think along the same lines, concerning this topic.
Or maybe i'm interpreting other people's opinion along the lines of my own opinion, but this seems a recurring thought; hyperspace may not be the final destination but it may be the space in between here and there and as long as we're alive we probably experience it in a different way.
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