DMT Entity
Rising Star
Hypothetically speaking, how comfortable would you be with the thought that Hyperspace is your inevitable afterlife? This question is mainly geared towards those individuals who have actually been there.
DMT Entity said:Hypothetically speaking, how comfortable would you be with the thought that Hyperspace is your inevitable afterlife? This question is mainly geared towards those individuals who have actually been there.
soulman said:Maybe hyperspace is like the space you get inbetween tv/radio channels when you switch channels, that static fuzz.
Maybe its a place where you are experienceing many frequencies simultaneuosly (hence the chaos), until you tune into one wavelength
ambi-lyserganceour time has come. I have this weird comforting reassurance and I dont know were it comes from that when we do finally cross the bardo we will blissfully slip into our place and operate as if we never left the place.[/quote said:Yeah i feel the same way.
I think this feeling is validated when we go on spice trips and although its so strange and like nothing youve ever experienced before, theres this underlying feeling of familiarity, like wev been there a million times before. Its weird