I first experienced the full-bloom of the Carrier Wave, back in 1978, under the influence of LSD. I remember stating out loud to my friends, "what's that sound?" They looked at each other as if I were quite mad... and then someone said, "you're just tripping." Well, later that evening I became so absorbed in the vibration, it was quite overwhelming. This oscillating sonic frequency is prevalent whenever I experience psychedelics, or even when I get high on cannabis. I liken it to catching a buzz, which I feel and hear simultaneously. The same goes for the practice of sitting meditation. In fact, a day rarely goes by that I don't hear it's enigmatic call, deep within the core of my mind, without any use of psychedelics.
Many schools of Indian mysticism focus upon this phenomenon, like Kriya Yoga and Surat Shabd Yoga. I'm on board with joedirt, I believe that it is sound of AUM or OM. There are definitive yogic methods of meditation to attune to the variances of this sound. The Sufis also place immense significance on the auditory Sound Current/Carrier Wave. It is the voice of Allah, the Supreme frequency of the Unified Field of Being.
Essentially, it's the sound issuing forth from nothingness, the very Word of the Sacred One. They refer to it as the sound of HU. But human linguistics cannot exactly encapsulate the wide ranges of tonal shifts and alternate pitches within the Carrier Wave, so no specific human word will suffice.
NN-DMT and psilocybin REALLY bring this frequency of the Sound Current to the forefront of my concentration, and it's intensity often shatters my ego-fixation and allows fore a deep shift in conscious-awareness. so, I wholly agree, that it is both a direct catalyst and an effect of one's mind expanding beyond the modality of the ordinary biological context of self awareness. I feel that it is of the most vital importance to follow the sonic frequency of the Carrier Wave to it's most sublime level and in so doing, loose oneself in the concentric rings of it's oscillating pitch.
When I have the remembrance of these peak experiences, I recall going into the fulcrum of this vibrating tone. Deep, deep, deep within the epicenter of this tone is a depth of vibrationless silence so vast and startlingly profound, it stops the mind from being able to think or even cognize data from an individual reference point. Subjectivity is seemingly erased for the duration of the eclipsing, and one enters into what has been called, "a whiteout experience" (Yogic Science names this state of conscious-awareness, Samadhi).
In other words, the Carrier Wave or Sound Current, draws the attention of the observer into the perceptual field of Divine radiance... or the Clear Light of the Void. Further absorption facilitates a direct perception of the source of all existential being, the Godhead. This is the point of zero, whence all membranes and divisions of being originate. For the friction issued forth from the source and central point within the vibratory field of The Grid, ignites the miracle of light.
What I find the most fascinating about this phenomenon, is that while the sonic and visual aspects emanating energy issuing from the mysterious no-thing, which initiates quantum fluctuation and through it's ineffable expression, flows the creation of all dimensional life forces (energy being consciousness in motion, after all)... thus, the web of reality is spun by these tremendously cosmic forces.
For my own journey of awakening, attunement to this high resonance, is key to my sadhana. I have found that by allowing the Carrier Wave to lift my awareness beyond the fracturing of duality, I am drawn beyond myself into a calm, silent emptiness. An infinite quietness of sorts... within the vortex of the oscillating sonic tone. This opens the gate, so to speak, to a realm void of subjectively noticeable features or aspects of experiential differentiation. Not akin to comatose or deep sleep states, rather, a point of conscious-awareness that exists in a still, unmoving vacuum.
This is what I imagine the Buddha was pointing towards, a realm beyond/within the dichotomy that has no distinction from everything else... and I feel that our "normal" existence is surely a dream we each have, as separate parts of the whole of the Unified Field of Being (The Grid). And curiously enough, without quantifiable differentiation... awareness still survives in it's purest quintessence.
Of course, it has no spoken name, substance or form and cannot be described in human terms, for unless we exist apart from this still, silence epicenter, we do not hold onto individuality or any membrane of self.
In synopsis, I believe that the Carrier Wave serves to lift our attention to a very high frequency of universal (Omniversal) understanding. Our very intention becomes absorbed into it's hypnotic oscillation and we melt into it's eternal buzzing/humming tone. This in and of itself, leads the soul to that state of being underneath all of the phenomenal expression, towards that point from which everything recognizable or unrecognizable emanates.
from my vantage point, it is the Sacred core underlying all existential expansion of Divine Mind. It manifests expression out of nothingness or the infinite, unmanifest potentiality Brahman, to initiate the pulse of life as we understand it, as observers and active participants.
ॐ OM, AUM, Amen, Amin... the same word. The Hindu cosmology places extreme importance of the zero-point (or the dot) above the written symbol of the Sanskrit character of OM. The "dot" above the OM/AUM symbol is called the Bindu. The Bindu exists both within all of this vast fabric of reality as we know and experience it... and also quite freely without form, division or substance.
I believe that it's perceivable, manifested shadow, is the I AM principle in action, as it is born in each of us as our very conscious-awareness. Yet, in it's raw and indivisible state, is is unbound and Absolute. this is perhaps why the Buddha stressed that beyond the confines of the Atman (the human soul), exists Anatman or undifferentiated conscious-awareness. What I like to call, "God" (even though such a term is antiquated and controversial to discuss). 8)
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."