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I built a vaporizer :)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone,

Just felt like sharing my latest project with you guys.

I've always been fond of good design and working with my hands so I put together an electric vaporiser inspired by 'the machine'.

My intention was to create a 'lounge room' electric vaporiser using readily accessible materials which can still look 'good' sitting on a shelf.

Here is the result:

It is a convection style vaporiser that runs on mains power and uses a cylindrical heating element sourced from a 'solder pot'.
The heating element fits nicely around the end of a glass bottle and can be easily removed for re-loading.
Nestled inside the heating element is a wad of steel wool which acts as the vapour pad. The temperature can range from 0 to 450 degrees celsius and is controlled via a voltage regulator concealed in the electronics compartment.
The vapour chamber is made of two half glass bottles and are held together by a timber rig which also houses the control panel.
The glass mouthpiece was bought online and is sealed into the top of the glass chamber with a cork.

It is designed to be controlled by the sitter and not the smoker which is why the mouthpiece is facing away from the control panel. That way the smoker only has to worry about inhaling the vapour and nothing else.

I don't use it as much as I used to since I discovered changa... But it works great and I like the look of it. Eventually I might try experimenting with some DMT e-liquid.

Let me know what you guys think :thumb_up:



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