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I Can't wait to ask She/It These Questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I Can't wait to ask She/It These Questions

I am hoping to be admitted to the Nexus on the next round so I can pose some questions to the amazing entity She/It. Whether or not she is human is immaterial- her wisdom and insight are relevant and precious. Among my first few questions will be

1) Is the Mayan Calendar transition into a new era related to an immanent dimensional convergence where "men and angels" walk between worlds and share a common ground.

2) The impulse to render praise and thanksgiving to a Prime Creator- would you say that this is healthy and desirable- and if so, how is praise and worship directed to Prime Creator from your dimensional community?

3) What are some clues as to the "new places" in the garden where we might find entheogenic compounds and particularly- might they be found in various species of Evergreen?

4) What are the guidelines that you would prescribe for "successful" entheogenic journeys?

I feel deep love and respect for everyone in this community.

Divine Yes
1. No, it's like when you're running multiple time signatures at the same time in a song and then they begin bars at the same time again.(try 4/4 with 5/4 they'll come together every 20 bars.)
With the maya's many calenders, it takes some 26,000 years for all calenders to end and begin again. This has nothing to do with walking with angels....we already do....open your eyes....
2. ___________________
3. Get a DMT Detector ! (aka ask the plants in hypersensitive states. certain characteristics indicate)
4. Datura Stramonium+LSD+Harmalas+DMT changa spliffs. Throw your roaches in the fire....

I am not she/it but I am an alien so there ya go
I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure she/it is not a full member yet either, so ask away any questions you may have for her/it. She/it can be found in the nursery section, the same as you and I.
Thanks for pointing that out- I've already posted the questions. Will be eager to read She/It's response!

Sorry to hijack the thread but

۩ said:
4. Datura Stramonium+LSD+Harmalas+DMT changa spliffs. Throw your roaches in the fire....

be careful offering such advices... remember this is the nursery and some people (not talking directly to the OP, but just about other people that may be reading this) may not have good sense and/or experience and discern enough to take this advice well..

So just to clarify: Firstly, when ۩ talks about Datura stramonium, he is talking about MICRO doses, like, 3 seeds, which will NOT have any real effects on its own.. Mostly everybody in this forum agrees that it is NOT recommended to take large(r) doses of datura, as it is a quite unsafe substance that people shouldnt be playing around with.

Also, anybody that wants to attempt trying any substance or combination of substances for the first time, like the elaborate one mentioned by ۩, should be extra careful and start with VERY low doses of ALL of the substances taken, and gradually in subsequent sessions raise the dosage if desired. ۩ is an experienced tripper and he knows his dosages and combos, but please people, be careful
1. No, it's like when you're running multiple time signatures at the same time in a song and then they begin bars at the same time again.(try 4/4 with 5/4 they'll come together every 20 bars.)
With the maya's many calenders, it takes some 26,000 years for all calenders to end and begin again. This has nothing to do with walking with angels....we already do....open your eyes....
2. ___________________
3. Get a DMT Detector ! (aka ask the plants in hypersensitive states. certain characteristics indicate)
4. Datura Stramonium+LSD+Harmalas+DMT changa spliffs. Throw your roaches in the fire....

I am not she/it but I am an alien so there ya go

Help me understand your reply to question # 2 - which was "2) The impulse to render praise and thanksgiving to a Prime Creator- would you say that this is healthy and desirable- and if so, how is praise and worship directed to Prime Creator from your dimensional community?"

Thanks for clarifying, ۩ - Peace and only Love, Divineyes
welcome new members! let me dive right in here...

with all of the love in my heart i feel it extremely important to point out some very important truths. the most important of these is this:

this is the DMT-NEXUS. it is a forum dedicated to the exploration and subsequent wonderment and mystery that is dimethyltryptamine. we have some wonderful rooms here covering many areas of entheogenic exploration. it is a sacred, beautiful site where brave souls who have touched the inexpressible can share in the extremely vulnerable process of incorporating and sifting through profound teachings. this is an invaluable resource in the lives of all entheogen users...just try to imagine having gone through the life-changing throes of a DMT breakthrough and NOT having anyone to share it with... :shock:

what this site IS NOT is a forum for anyone with an attitude of "i'm not here to learn, i'm here to teach" to TELL everyone what THEIR experience is. it is irresponsible for anyone to come into such a place of wonderment, take on the personae of a hyperspace entity and put their "the guru is now here to take your questions" sign in the window. this is NOT that place. if you are looking for someone to simply answer a list of questions you have, perhaps you would be better suited to joining a cult or humbly requesting that she/it start his own blog/page.

how about doing your OWN explorations and gleaning your OWN answers from the humble, honest experiences and wisdom of so many of the members here. you do the site a HUGE disservice by discounting the THOUSANDS of insightful, educated and profound REAL LIFE dialogues and recounts of people who truly are beyond ego. as much as she/it would attest to his egolessness, i would argue only that anyone claiming to know all the answers and making it absolutely clear that they will have nothing to do with anything YOU have to share/teach is simply a delusional person with a god-complex. i have no anger or hatred for she/it....but i do have tremendous compassion and, more relevantly to this thread, a deep protective responsibility as a moderator of this site to not allow someone consumed by their own ego to derail a profoundly tender awakening taking place within everyone here.

this is NOT to say that she/it's advice isn't beautiful or sage at times....quite the contrary! i have read things within this person's writings that are incredibly beautiful, insightful and poignant. unfortunately they come wrapped up in an indigestible shell of role-playing facade that anyone who has truly made contact on the other side would immediately take great offense to. do you know me, she/it? can you tell me where i've been, what i've been and what i have GIVEN in that dimension? feel free to PM me and let me know...after HUNDREDS of breakthroughs and an EXTREMELY gradual process of understanding that i am only just in the infancy of, i would still NEVER have the arrogance to TELL anyone anything.

i share. that is what we do here. we share. we learn from one another's impossible experiences and we give deep love and gratitude for the gift of that sharing. we recognize our process as our own and we have deep humility in every slow development we make. in regards to THIS site: we listen. the truest sign of TRUE wisdom. we listen and learn. especially in the beginning of our time here. there is so much experience and wisdom here...you could spend years (and trust me, many have been here from day one and never made a single post! ) and learn and grow indefinitely.

in the case of she/it....his first post was a sign of a genuine lack of true wisdom. i'm here. i speak. only. i do not listen. this is a red flag in the eyes of anyone open to the wisdom of the experienced while on their own, unique path. there is no place for this kind of arrogance here.

i would like to encourage you- divineeyes- to not shill for she/it. the brown-nosing, overly campaigning attempts to draw attention to she/it are neither appreciated nor healthy for this community. whether this person is your friend, or you with a different IP address, please do not try to introduce such a one-dimensional energy posing as a multi-dimensional god into this sacred place. if this IS you she/it....or if you have put your ego aside long enough to read this, i make a humble plea for you NOT to go away....but rather to shake your internal etch-a-sketch clear and start over as a genuine individual with genuinely wonderful insights to add to our already impressive lexicon of widsom.

be one of us....don't try to be "the one".

with deep love and gratitude...
...and humility..

Word up, Brotherman.

DMT Lesson #1: We really don't know a whole lot about anything.
DMT Lesson #2: Those who claim to hold the answers generally know less than most.

This has been bugging me mightily as well. Thanks for keepin' it real.
yes...more than a few of us have a similar "raising of the hackles" to such behavior. as i informed him in one of several PM's that i've yet to have the courtesy of a response to-

"it's much more enriching to be PART of a community than to isolate yourself as it's GOD"...

i trust that he has gotten the message at this point and that after a brief moment of "ego-death", he will return to us reborn as the wonderful and wise mere mortal we all are so willing to know and love...

i'm truly rooting for him!

To the OP: REALLY????

I have to agree what what has been said here.

The one that runs in scream I KNOW IT I KNOW IT...it usually the pesron that doesn't have a real grasp on the situation.

If She/It is what is driving you to become a full member, you should maybe reconsider what you really want from this forum.

Really not trying to sound too harsh.

We are all here to learn, share what we already know, and improve ourselves in some way. This should apply to all of our members, new and old alike.
Hey Brothers and Sisters- Divineyes here. I thank you for your helpful suggestions and contributions. I am very new in my membership and was gratefully received officially into this community on Dec. 28. Being a part of this community is truly an honor and privilege and I really wish to start off on a positive note as a member here.

I am not a big believer in defending myself when I am misunderstood and I think it's often unhelpful to make a big deal out of it- so i just wish to take a moment to clarify a few things from my end.

I noticed the She/It correspondences a few days ago and they struck my interest only because it seems plausible to me that a non-corporeal entity might wish to initiate communication through a digital medium such as this. I kind of even expect such activity more and more as dimensions inter-penetrate increasingly into the future.

No entity is G/d- and no entity is inerrant- so Guru/Entity worship is ultimately a dead end. People should forge their own paths, like so many intrepid sojourners here at the Nexus.

Nevertheless, I thought it harmless to pose some questions to this person/entity just out of my own personal curiosity. I even started my query by saying whether She/It was human or entity is immaterial to me, as I found most of she/it's ideas and information both thought-provoking and intriguing. So for me- it doesn't even matter who is the true identity behind the mask. To me it is like play. Just a fun part of this greater play of life that we experience thru the Spirit Molecule.

So although I take She/It with a grain of salt, in the spirit of open discussion, free thought and non-censorship, I hope to playfully engage She/It and hope that the forum moderators will give her/it free reign to respond.

This forum is like the ultimate free-for-all, and although the moderators feel an obvious responsibility to protect the Nexus, I hope they will trust the individual and collective wisdom of the body of intelligence and discernment represented here to field through the ocean of ideas and separate the diamonds from the crap. Ultimately, I hope that people will engage those particular ideas that serve their growth in wisdom and humility.

I am new to DMT, to the Nexus and to life in general- so I make no special claims and only wish to grow in coherence with the whole. If I have offended anybody here, I do apologize and I wish only to enter into the River of Love and Understanding that I feel exists here every time I visit to share in the rich experiences of my new friends.

If anyone is interested in reading about my very first DMT experience, you can read it here-http://bit.ly/8ZWDnq (Hyperspace- 1st Launch- in the Nursery under First Steps in Hyperspace)

Happy New Year to all and many blessings of love and sharing!

Hello Divineeyes. These questions are easy, you don't really need to ask an entity them! And even if you did, why not ask a real DMT entity face to face in hyperspace, rather than the rather convoluted way of asking someone on a forum who claims to be an entity but most probably isn't?
divineyes said:
1) Is the Mayan Calendar transition into a new era related to an immanent dimensional convergence where "men and angels" walk between worlds and share a common ground.
Everything will work the same as it did before, I'm sure. Just as it did after 2000, and every other mystical apocalypse/era-change prediction.
divineyes said:
2) The impulse to render praise and thanksgiving to a Prime Creator- would you say that this is healthy and desirable- and if so, how is praise and worship directed to Prime Creator from your dimensional community?
I would imagine that a supreme being worth worshipping would not be interested in brown-noses. I'd imagine it would be supremely secure and have no need for ego-boosts. I would imagine a supreme being worth worshipping to either be neutral and indifferent to our actions, or if benevolent to just want us to live good and happy lives. And I don't think it would feel like we owed it anything, if it were worth worshipping. I believe the ideal is to treat all entities as fellows.
divineyes said:
3) What are some clues as to the "new places" in the garden where we might find entheogenic compounds and particularly- might they be found in various species of Evergreen?
Hmm I'm not sure if there are new ones in our gardens. If there were, they'd have to be ones that can only be extracted using modern methods, because honestly our ancestors have tried EVERYTHING that they had the technology to try. Every poisonous mushroom etc is known to be because some unlucky souls came a cropper and gave us the knowledge... we are forever in debt to our ancestors for the knowledge they had struggled to accumulate.
divineyes said:
4) What are the guidelines that you would prescribe for "successful" entheogenic journeys?
See the notes on optimal set and setting, which I think are in the Wiki?
divineyes said:
I noticed the She/It correspondences a few days ago and they struck my interest only because it seems plausible to me that a non-corporeal entity might wish to initiate communication through a digital medium such as this. I kind of even expect such activity more and more as dimensions inter-penetrate increasingly into the future.

not on this forum. if someone wants to "be a channel" so they can "teach and not learn" and they possess the corporeal ability to join an internet community, create a username and password, choose an avatar and type on a keyboard, they have all the requisite skills to start their own blog where they will be more than free to "teach" all who care to learn from such a person...

divineyes said:
Nevertheless, I thought it harmless to pose some questions to this person/entity just out of my own personal curiosity. I even started my query by saying whether She/It was human or entity is immaterial to me, as I found most of she/it's ideas and information both thought-provoking and intriguing. So for me- it doesn't even matter who is the true identity behind the mask.

it does for me. and for many others here. this isn't a dungeons and dragons forum. we are all real people: scientists, chemists, conscious explorers, humans. each of us trying to come to grips with the ineffable wonderment we are shown through the use of a very specific molecule. of the top of my head, i can think of a handful of people who have "role-played" on this site in the not-so-distant past....ALL of whom caused tremendous dirsruption to the harmony of a process we all are contributing to. if you don't have the courage and respect to be on this site as yourself, all the wisdom you could otherwise gift us with is choked down with great resentment. PARTICULARLY when you come here in the extremely distasteful guise of a "hyperspace being"...

you say you want to be a part of this community...why is that? could it be, perhaps, because you feel the peace and mutual cooperation we all engage in daily? have you seen how a handful of posts by a delusional ego-maniac has put a rift in that? many of us here....many MODERATORS here...are ALL rubbed the wrong way by this person. can you be equally sensitive to the feelings of those you claim you want to have a rapport with?

divineyes said:
So although I take She/It with a grain of salt, in the spirit of open discussion, free thought and non-censorship, I hope to playfully engage She/It and hope that the forum moderators will give her/it free reign to respond.

probably not. if you are truly a fan of this kind of role-playing and of she/it in particular, perhaps YOU could get this self-proclaimed deity to respond to a PM? you would be doing something no moderator....or even the founder of this site...has been able to do. inconsiderate behavior such as that keeps directly in line with she/it's original "i'm here to teach, not to learn" spirit and sends a strong message (irony?) to us all that we are NOT dealing with a "member" as much as a "lecturer".

again....a blog/webpage would be a better forum for this sort of approach. if you CAN manage to "make contact" with this person, perhaps you could encourage him to start one up. i won't lie- i would actually visit it from time to time! it just has no place here amongst a community that is "keeping it real" more than anywhere imagineable. that is WHY moderators are here in the first place- to look for red flags, make EVERY attempt to give that person EVERY tool to correct their approach and then, if we are met with disruption or disrespect, to take action.

i haven't seen this many red flags since i watched china's entourage in the olympics' opening ceremony. :shock:

i have sent she/it TWO very detailed PMs now....both written with compassion and love. I WANT THIS PERSON TO BE HERE!! he DOES have wisdom to share. but...as this scenario slowly unfolds it reveals more and more exactly the scope of the disrespect, delusion and disfunction we are dealing with here.

i'm still rooting for him though....

with love and gratitude
Antrocles, yes . This site is for the exploration of entheogens,specificaly DMT.I love any meta physical thought on entheogens.I mean come on its all meta - physical.Life is meta -physical.I personally have been to other "dimensions".You showed me that "IT" is real.As in, "hey,other humans have been there."

"Wow what else can i say?" "Blop tuf turp nefp hefphalim"
antrocles said:
yes...more than a few of us have a similar "raising of the hackles" to such behavior. as i informed him in one of several PM's that i've yet to have the courtesy of a response to-

"it's much more enriching to be PART of a community than to isolate yourself as it's GOD"...

i trust that he has gotten the message at this point and that after a brief moment of "ego-death", he will return to us reborn as the wonderful and wise mere mortal we all are so willing to know and love...

i'm truly rooting for him!


Well how fascinating...! I discovered this thread just now. NO NO NO, that member who started this thread is NOT me NOR anyone I know. There were certain strong ethics I kept in place through the she/it experiment, and one of those was that I could not attempt to manipulate the experiment by posting in she/its threads as myself or as another user, or asking anyone I know to post in response to she/it. I wanted the responses to be entirely organic. The fact that one of the moderators assumed any support I got must have been generated by me only proves just how poorly the moderators actually gauged the issue.

Also, once again, please remember that not all forum users and entheogeniscist are MEN!!!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Morphing Interstices,

I'm glad you found this thread! I am still very eager to see if She/It will respond to my questions at the top of the page. I remain open to dialog. I believe the moderators have expressed their wish that no more She/It dialog occur at the nexus- but if She/It were willing, I would be happy to provide my email address for further exploration.

I am very sorry for the treatment you and She/It have received here- I thought it was a wonderful and exciting possibility to remain open to!


Divine Yes!
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