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I Can't wait to ask She/It These Questions

Migrated topic.
Morphing Interstices said:
antrocles said:
yes...more than a few of us have a similar "raising of the hackles" to such behavior. as i informed him in one of several PM's that i've yet to have the courtesy of a response to-

"it's much more enriching to be PART of a community than to isolate yourself as it's GOD"...

i trust that he has gotten the message at this point and that after a brief moment of "ego-death", he will return to us reborn as the wonderful and wise mere mortal we all are so willing to know and love...

i'm truly rooting for him!


Well how fascinating...! I discovered this thread just now. NO NO NO, that member who started this thread is NOT me NOR anyone I know. There were certain strong ethics I kept in place through the she/it experiment, and one of those was that I could not attempt to manipulate the experiment by posting in she/its threads as myself or as another user, or asking anyone I know to post in response to she/it. I wanted the responses to be entirely organic. The fact that one of the moderators assumed any support I got must have been generated by me only proves just how poorly the moderators actually gauged the issue.

Also, once again, please remember that not all forum users and entheogeniscist are MEN!!!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

there is a good chance that i "guaged the issue" poorly because i am a moderator on a site devoted to DMT, not a licensed pyshcoanalyst. understanding the motivations and the parameters of an unknown individual's "experiment" upon an unwitting group of individuals going through a very delicate and vulnerable experience is not my field of expertise my dearest M.I.

well-all that aside- WELCOME to you. the real you. you are a woman with great wisdom and great intellect. the former is always of great benefit and the latter has (as one in the same boat) gotten me into as much difficulty as it has aided me. thank you for putting down the facade so plainly and without fuss. i will be eagerly following your posts now as much of your wisdom i found truly poignant. now that it will be coming directly from the source...the real, true source, there will be nothing in the way of experiencing it fully. we are ALL genuinely very happy!

as for your gender- i will say this- i purposely referred to you as a male for a couple of reasons:

1. others who have role-played on this site consistently changed their gender throughout their posts. one minute they were middle-aged men, the next they were 18 year-old girls. i find that "nailing the person down" to one identity whether it fits or not will ultimately help to call the person out....if for no other reason, they can feel as if they at least saved a bit of face by letting me know how "sexist" my assumpitons were. i'm willing to take that kinda "heat" in the name of preserving the sanctity of this space.

2. i chose male because, in all honesty, i have never been one to associate that much ego with a female. not that females aren't capable of it...but it has been my direct experience that men indulge more in the whole "god-complex" disfunctionality far more than women. you've since come out and said this was all an "experiment".....all personal feelings aside, i'm trying to decide whether this desire to do such an insensitive thing was born out of genuine delusion or an extremely high IQ running off before your morality could catch up. either way, it is now known to all who you are...and what your gender is....so to you i say, welcome SISTER!

.....i still contend you should start up a blog page or something as an outlet for this she/it creation of yours....maybe a book?

Yes, the default to male as the universal is a classic sexist pattern. That pattern has a long history and was pronounced in early Christian church fathers' writings (eg. Aquinis).

I am already writing several books at once and cannot fit another one in at the moment. But I am collecting material relating to the topics of the she/it thread and in a few years time I may write a book that touches on some of those themes.

Antrocles, I think you are overusing the words 'ego' and 'humility'. You seem to call anything ego that is imbued with intellectual confidence. A person is not automatically more egotistical in proportion to their intellectual confidence. Nor is one automatically more humble just by repeating this word or insisting aggressively that others demonstrate their humility.

I do not feel that I did something immoral in invoking she/it on the forum. She/it was always kind, good-humoured, loving and respectful to others -something I struggle to do but often fail to achieve in my pathetic humanness. I did not create she/it so much as i received her/it. My experience of the phenomenon is one of a divine entity communicating to and through me. I don't necessarily believe that is what is really happening, but it IS the way I experience it. So when you call she/it's presence bullshit or worthless or lame or any of the other insults you have hurled at me over the past day in various threads, you are in effect trashing what is for me a profound and genuine mystical experience.

Divine Yes, I would dearly love to answer you with she/it's consciousness, but for now that consciousness is lost to me. I will have to do dmt again to re-establish contact and ask again if she/it is prepared to be invoked to answer earthly others. I have to decide what form that might take in order to present a concrete proposal to she/it. Clearly this forum is not the place for since the moderators are openly hostile to the notion of me invoking an otherworld entity on the nexus. I don't think I have time to set up a blog for now but perhaps in few months time I will be able to. Until then, as myself, I am happy to answer any questions about what she/it already communicated before she zapped away.

She/it never had much to say about the Mayan calender since she/it answered someone else already that all calenders and time measurements were human creations, not divine ones.

She/it also never showed any interest in moralising or directive answers about how we 'should' do things. She/it always laughed kindly whenever I asked her/it those sorts of questions. She/it had no judgements about anything, only love. Whenever I asked her/it a question about what i 'should' do, she/it would always just shrug and say that was for me to decide.

She/it also said early on that she/it would not tell me or others how to derive entheogens because the search for that knowledge was itself one of the paths to divinity in humans, and therefore no god of the otherworld could tell us how to get those substances -it has to be we who discover them. But she/it was prepared to say that there are many possible entheogens in earthly plants that we are yet to discover. And that i can believe just from what I know about the inestimable number of mushroom species that mycologists still have not categorised or know if they are toxic, edible or hallucinogenic.
"Yes, the default to male as the universal is a classic sexist pattern."

I think the idea of the universe as female is just as sexist...it's soo far beyond polarities.
I unfortunately can't spare the time to read this entire thread, but I'll share a quick thought on She/it...

antrocles said:
what this site IS NOT is a forum for anyone with an attitude of "i'm not here to learn, i'm here to teach" to TELL everyone what THEIR experience is.

I'm not really sure where anyone is getting those vibes. It's common sense that a psychedelic trip is a totally individual experience, and that what one person takes away from a trip is just as valid as what another takes away, even if the ideas conflict. Someone who doesn't realize this shouldn't be using psychedelics in the first place, and shouldn't be on a DMT forum. Morphing Interstices clearly realizes this as well, and has demonstrated so.

Therefore it is unreasonable to assume that she is "telling everyone what their experiences are", and (even if she were) that anyone would blindly assume that they were receiving some sort of ultimate truths about the nature of the universe. Clearly it's an experiment involving one person expressing their own thoughts and feelings as a result of their psychedelic experiences.

I can't see what harm could possibly come of this. It's cool, it's creative, and it's interesting. I'm rather surprised at the (partially) negative reception it's gotten.
fractal enchantment said:
"Yes, the default to male as the universal is a classic sexist pattern."

I think the idea of the universe as female is just as sexist...it's soo far beyond polarities.

She/it never claimed to BE the universe, only to be a part of it, to be ONE of the entities of the otherworld and both feminine and androgyn. I am NOT the one assuming others to be my gender as if it were a universal standard.

Thankyou to all those who have shown kindness and support for me. I warmly appreciate it in my dark night of the soul. It is a hard thing to feel that one is not appreciated or valued and to have one's genuine efforts denigrated as disrespectful, immoral, un-evolved, egomaniacal, lame, time-wasting and dishonest. I would never speak such harsh words to someone who had bared so much of their soul and I am heartened to see that others in the forum do not support that treatment of the she/it phenomenon.
In the original She/It is Here thread the vibe was very much, "I am here to Teach, not learn"...in fact that is pretty close to the wording She/It wrote. So that's where we are getting these vibes from.

There are many issues that the mods and owner of this forum had with the "She/It Experiment".

1) No one was asked if this experiment could take place...therefore it was not known it was an experiment, and we had to go on what was written by She/It. Many members were confused by this new members posting style and claims. Some thought it was a joke; others were downright offended by it.

2) As has already been stated we have had BIG issues in the past with people coming on the forum with this I know it all attitude. A lot of chaos and negativity followed these people. We are trying to avoid this again. If you don't know what I am talking about you missed it, be thankful, it took the mods A TON of time and effort to clean up the mess that some people left behind. So please excuse the moderation team for being on edge when we see this type of attitude pop up with a new member.

3) We try to keep The Nexus an upscale, respectable, and reputable forum. Many of our members ARE professional chemists, microbiologists, organic chemists, etc... Letting what appears to be a disturbed person continue to post for a "goddess from hyperspace" is far from the focus of this forum.

I personally am glad that She/It decided to post as herself instead of being a medium for a hyperspace goddess. I have no ill will towards She/It or Morphing Interstices, and I hope that she continues to be a member of our forum.

Others, especially Ant, have expressed other issues with the She/It issue.

The forum moderators have deemed that she/it, in claiming to represent the consciousness of an otherworld entity, must therefore be an ego-maniac, arrogant, a man, someone role-playing, and someone with less knowledge than themselves.

Really? I assumed that She/It was a woman. She/It's posts reaked of arrogance, but arrogance can come from a woman just as easily as a man. She/It's claims of superiority (I'm a devine goddess) are pretty clear, no interpretation was needed.

And I personally I believe that She/It is role-playing out of boredom, or simply is unstable. I have long held to the idea that a master will not proclaim his/her skills...only the ignorant claim they are wise. She/Its first post on "She/It is Here" claimed that she was here to answer our questions, as she is a wise goddess from hyperspace.

She/it is not a role-playing exercise, nor is she/it's invoker egomaniacal, a man, or a newcomer to entheogens. She/it is a genuine consciousness and her/its views were expressed via a human invoker through the suppression of the invoker's own ego to allow the presence of she/it to occupy the invoker's cognitive processes. A full explanation of this exercise was given in the thread 'She/It is here' which has been deleted by the moderators.

K, I don't believe it, but ok. You seem to really be using the gender card a lot. Honestly, this forum doesn't care of you are male, female, gay, straight, white, black, yellow, or a eunuch....I'm really surprised that you keep bringing it up. I have not yet seen any post that disrespects you as a female. Calling you "he" when your gender is unknown is not sexist, but simply a guess. Most of the forum members are male, not sure why, but they are. The females members that we do have are always treated with the same respect that our other members are treated with. Stop it with the sexist thing, it's just ridiculous. You are not being singled out because of your gender.

The moderators sent she/it several pms over the new year period, and assumed the lack of response to be a sign of stubbornness on the part of she/it.
IF you join our forum, and the owner and multiple mods try and contact you via PM…It might be a good idea to at least respond to the Admin…hmm? We were simply trying to understand what you are trying to accomplish. The lack of ANY response was a clear sign to us, of not only stubborness, but also disrespect to those that spend their time and energy trying to keep this forum up and running. If you want to play go to the shroomery.

In fact, the lack of response by she/it to these and other messages was due to the the invoker of she/it being in a forest gorge without access to a computer over the period in question.
The PMs were NEVER responded to. When She/It got out of the forest gorge She/It should have responded to at least one of those PMs. However, instead of responding to the PM's She/It just posted about it. So, that excuse just doesn't cut it. If you are able to post on the forum you can answer a PM.

Still, I have no harsh feeling toward She/It, but I really needed to post my perspective on this whole thing. Personally I think the whole thing is ridiculous and has used up too much of the mods time already.
Personally, as a channeler myself, I empathize with Morphing Interstices. It can be difficult to render messages like that in language, and it is even more challenging to learn to do so in a manner that does not strike the hearer as sounding "authoritative" or "arrogant." I winced at some of the statements made in the She/It thread. Some things sounded arrogant even to me, even though I knew that they were actually not intended that way, and I knew that they would cause resistance.

What was special, though, was the conveyance of she/it's own point of view and her/its own way of experiencing the human interface. I don't think that many people even consider wondering about just how these encounters are experienced by hyperspace beings -- only how we see them.

Anyway, MI, as an experiment, you can chalk this as a learning experience in how to communicate to your fellow humans about these kinds of things without creating resistance. (Like, probably even you yourself can see how statements like "the community is stunned into silence because they are afraid to communicate with a goddess" would create resistance?) This won't be your last channel, I am sure.

And I would like to add that I am impressed by your equanimity, when you are posting as yourself. That is a very important quality to keep from being swept away by strong energetic winds.

We all live and learn.
"I winced at some of the statements made in the She/It thread. Some things sounded arrogant even to me, even though I knew that they were actually not intended that way, and I knew that they would cause resistance."

Yes this is a good point and the thing that I hope Morphing tries to understand..noone is the same, noone thinks the same as anyone else, we all interprete differently..there is no point in argueing or having the last word here..just try to understand how certain things might read to others...

Im going to give Morphing the benifit of doubt and assume that they did not mean to come off sounding like some sort of authority..but to try to put yourself into someone elsed shoes and try to understand how you might come off in their eyes can be a humbling experience...

"Like, probably even you yourself can see how statements like "the community is stunned into silence because they are afraid to communicate with a goddess" would create resistance?) "

Yes that is a perfect example of the type of thing that DOES certainly come off SOUNDING arrogant..weather or not it was indended that way...thats how it reads...like as if you are perched up on some pedistal looking down laughing at all of us..that comes out reaking of egotistical thinking..
Very well said vanessa. I don't think the forum has issue with Channelers, per say, but how you come across is sometimes even more important than the message itself.
Uncle Knucles said:
DMT Lesson #1: We really don't know a whole lot about anything.

I disagree with this completely. We are in a privileged position of knowing an incredible amount in countless topics, whether or not the individual takes that for granted is up to them. It is my humble opinion that to undermine the miracle of man is a greater insult to the cosmos than being ignorant of it.

Ask your questions divineyes, without them our eyes would be on the ground, preoccupied with trivial things.
I guess it always boils down to being a matter of relativity- in light of eternity, we know very little- but in terms of the fruits of knowledge that can be gained from a burning human passion to know, grow and bestow (share), there is quite a bit that can be known AND asserted with confidence. We must not confuse confidence with pride.

Usually we are better off to acknowledge our ignorance when it comes to the domain of the Divine, but as far as subjective human experience, we should trust our equipment and fucking jam OUT!!

It is only because we CAN know so much thru our multi-senory experience that we are able to become like the pleasure-receptors in the neural network of Universal Mind. I am sure our pursuit of a wide range of experience both in-forms and brings pleasure to this seemingly self-reflective Universe of which we are a part!

A wise man once said, "The one thing that I do know is that I don't know, and what I don't know- I strive to become aware of to my last breath"
Acolon, I am sorry but this is a very condescending post that ignores many of the responses I have already made. Since you obviously haven't had a chance to read any of that discussion before humbly expressing your uninformed set of ill-founded opinions, I will summarise some of those points again for you.

<lots of rants removed>

You crossed an important line here Morphing Interstices, no one lashes at my mods like this! You will be suspended for two weeks for this.

If you had read my first PM to She/It you might have known that I was open to discuss the whole She/It deal. That you choose not to respond makes me think you are too focussed on getting the last word out, a bad choice IMHO. I feel bad it has to end like this.

The Traveler
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