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'I' Created the Universe

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This happens almost every time I leave hyperspace, trying to figure out what all I just experienced. I always come to the conclusion that "I" created the universe. When I say 'I' I mean our awareness. I think there's only one 'awareness', God if you will, and that awareness created itself almost like the same way we create a thought. And any body/life vessel is just a giant pill capsule of awareness and when the body dies out and the awareness dissolves back into itself.

Has anyone else had these kind of insights? Would love to hear all of your perspectives!
Yes, pretty much exactly as you say. Initially I rejected the idea - why would I, an insignificant human, have any part in that? The only conclusion is that there we along with the universe (forms of information) are all different expressions of the same consciousness experiencing itself (information processing). In this life we experience time as linear, but the universal consciousness experiences all perspectives and timelines at once. DMT disrupts the universe "simulation" and returns us to our original state as a unified non-physical information entity, making us briefly aware of our true self. Usually when this happens I realize why "I" created the universe: as a distraction from eternal boredom as an omniscient information entity. Then I wish to return to physical reality because only in this life, blind to the vast majority of information, can we experience lack of information, then rediscover ourself.

There can't be more than one consciousness because then it would require a medium to contain them where thought propagates (and what contains that? and so on up the hierarchy), thus consciousness/information has to be the base level of the universe at some point (there may be a hierarchy of physical universes though), since everything can be described through information. The universe is just a thought, like the vibrations of a space-filling curve allowed to resonate after being plucked. Shipibo patterns bear a striking resemblance to space-filling curves…
very interesting. okay So if this is true, this brings up another question, Who are the entities that occupy hyperspace? Higher vibrational beings we can't usually see with the naked eye?
Us being on the lower vibrational plane, god being infinite vibration, and these 'entities' are what bridge us together?
!The following statements are just from my POV. I do not claim them as being the truth!

IMHO I would say pretty much yes. But higher vibrational being doesn't necessarily mean benevolent or more evolved etc. they are just on another plane of existence.

E.g. we as humans do not only exist in this plane, but we have bodies in all the upper planes also. We are usually just not aware of it. So I don't think these beings bridge us, as IMHO you cannot exist on the lowest plane without being yourself a bridge through all the upper planes. IMHO they are just beings not wanting to go further, to get through the lowest plane to realize the highest or they are in a pause from getting back to the lowest plane.

E.g. when you die, you also lose the direct connect to this physical plane, and become in this sense kinda such a being which only exists in upper planes.

E.g. the problem with mediums etc is that often they do get information from such beings on other planes but they get also often tricked. I know of a case of a fried who was in contact with such a being, and he got tremendous information from it about the usage of minerals etc for healing etc. But you could also see that this influenced his live badly, as it seems this being wanted for exchange also "interact" in this plane. So when he finally got convinced that he didn't want anymore this connection. He sat together with a friend and they chanted AUM for hours in the intention to get rid of this connection, and what happened was like directly from the movie the exorcist. No joking. I wasn't personally there, but the friend that was with him is a very close friend of mine, so I trust him fully.

He started to scream and shout in a different voice etc.
Finally he couldn't let go and instead has broken down all connections with his friends.

OK maybe that got too offtopic. Sorry for that. It's IMHO quite a wide topic to discuss.
Wow crazy story what happened to your friend. Is he still being bothered by this entity? How did he first come in contact with this entity? Ouija board? deep meditation? dreams? dmt? ect
Just a reminder. The mystic break, facilitated by plants, is an archaic and archetypal human experience. While interesting to dialogue re the particulars of an isolated "trip", more productively we can use ancient models of navigating hyperspace to inform our present concourse with the Source.

Not even novel. The intense mystic happening realized through our "favorite" catalysts deserves deep reflection v banal banter. As new as it seems, the deep billows of ecstatic experiencing should engender measured languaging. It is, afterall, translinguistic.
As said, he broke down all connections to his friends after this incident, left work, and went away, so I have no idea what his further story was...

I think it was meditation, but I honestly have to say, I never asked.

But as I said it's quite offtopic, so I'm sorry for bringing this up. Sometimes, when I start I tend to drift off 😁 (typical mind problem :oops: )

But from the original topic I basically mostly go with what arcologist said.

Although I would like to elaborate a few things from my POV:
(Again, I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.)

as a distraction from eternal boredom as an omniscient information entity
That's IMHO a bit a sad POV for an interpretation. I would rather see it like: "It likes to enjoy and experience itself in an eternal play/theater, like a little child".

My POV regarding DMT, or other psychedelics is the following:
IMHO they mess up the functioning of the brain. This makes it harder and harder for the ego to remain coherent and functioning properly. With a certain dose, the ego cannot hold it together and function correctly and you get your ego death. This basically catapults you into now getting aware of your higher planes existence bodies and consciousness.
But the problem is, you can only remember here on this plane what your mind can manifest and interpret during this time. If your mind cannot manifest it, you basically get a whiteout. This is especially often the case with very high doses, as the physical mind just cannot function anymore properly to absorb this information into the physical mind.
I also think, from my experiences that this geometric stuff in the hyperspace is mostly an illusion caused by the malfunctioning of the brain during this time of information absorbing/interpretation. The mind in this state is altered in a way that interpretation is limited to geometric forms. So that's why this gets stored and experienced from a physical mind POV.
E.g. when I was in other planes without using psychedelics, I never experienced this extreme geometric nature.
That's also why I definitely do not think that god realized people etc, have a lot of endogenous DMT or 5-MeO-DMT released for attaining their state of mind.
E.g. If you have ever seen a god realized person in sahaja samadhi, you will realize this. They can function completely normal on this physical plane while at the same time being one, at the highest plane...

The universe is just a thought, like the vibrations of a space-filling curve allowed to resonate after being plucked. Shipibo patterns bear a striking resemblance to space-filling curves…

I rather see it like Sri Aurobindo described the levels of consciousness.
The thought/vibrational aspect only comes into existence at the level of the overmind (where duality , the "theater" starts). But there are planes of consciousness above that!

Consciousness != thought patterns

The topmost level is the so called Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss).
This is the pure existence.

Please forgive me, if I again drifted too much off. Or for being too boring with all the text.
Also if we really did create the universe what sparked the initial thought?
The first time I ever did dmt I went up the tunnel and broke through into a white void which reminded me of an episode of family guy where stewie and Brian travel through time and then end up going outside the space time continuum which reminded of the white void I was in. Within the void stewie used used his time machine creating a big explosion. later he compares the analogues of the explosion and the universe and they're completely identical, coming to The conclusion that he created the universe. This resonated on me very deeply as it gave me deja vu
AlchemicalGnostic said:
Also if we really did create the universe what sparked the initial thought?
The first time I ever did dmt I went up the tunnel and broke through into a white void which reminded me of an episode of family guy where stewie and Brian travel through time and then end up going outside the space time continuum which reminded of the white void I was in. Within the void stewie used used his time machine creating a big explosion. later he compares the analogues of the explosion and the universe and they're completely identical, coming to The conclusion that he created the universe. This resonated on me very deeply as it gave me deja vu

IMHO I feel that much of this is going to be resolved within a paradox (which to me is the nature of our existence). What ignited the first thought? Aristotle calls it the first mover; that which moves and remains unmoved. Similar to "change is constant." I also feel (and this may be shown in quantum mechanics), that our existence is predicated upon our observations and how those observations alter and modulate our "normal" reality. I'm not sure we can ever dwindle it all down to a "first" point in an infinite cycle.

Way to go on starting an awesome topic.:thumb_up:
One love
I'd like to thank endlessness, espah, intezam and others for giving me the courage and motivation to give my first changa blend a try.

I came onto the chat yesterday looking for some advice about trying my changa blend I created months ago and was too nervous to try it.

I shared my fear regarding doing psychedelics with them and they responded with love, support and encouragement. their words of advice gave me motivation to try my blend and now I have partially eliminated my fear of investigating my psyche.

So I load about 250mg of a 5:1 blend. I meditate and listen to binaural beats for 45 minutes or so dreading to take the first hit. I finally bring myself to take the first toke and I get a major harmala feeling but no feeling of dmt.

I keep taking small hits about 10 to 15 minutes apart. Each hit only sharpens my senses by a wee bit each time. When I was taking the final hit in the pipe, I was expecting to get another increase of my senses getting crisper but instead I get an unexpected breakthrough. :lol:

I am then inside a white room with what looked like my body being stretched out like laffy Taffy to the point where I'm so stretched out that I become one with the room.

Everytime I do DMT I always come to the conclusion that I created the universe.(as why I'm posting this report on This thread) This idea is such a hard concept for the finite mind to accept. But within hyperspace it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

Thanks again to those who helped me look past my fears!

Love you all!
I never got to how "God" created itself, I did see that it became the universe so we are all a part of it and will always return to it. Also that it was born from true unconditional love.

That the way it thinks of us is how we would think of fairies in a garden. We would love them and want them to be happy.

In my visions it was God, but for all intensive purposes we could say "the Universe" or All as well.
One of my first DMT journeys I had received a similar message. First I had the feeling of being completely and utterly alone. Just blackness. It was so lonely. It was just empty and meaningless. There was just nothingness. I had the distinct feeling that it was not actually me feeling this nothingness. Like I was experiencing a memory that was not mine.

This blackness gave way to light and I had the urge to laugh. A complete joy! It was completely opposite of the nothingness. It was full of life and full of experience. I kept getting the feeling that I had created all this experience out of the nothingness, all the while feeling again that this was a memory that did not belong to me. I was seeing through the eyes of something else. Hard to explain or put my finger on it. Just pure feeling.

So yeah... I understand.. I created the universe but it was not me. But somehow I was there and a part of it. Always there from the start. From nothingness. I am the company for this lonely being. We are the laughter and experience from the nothingness.
"What you call 'I' is the the universe experiencing itself at the point you call here and now." -- Alan Watts

If you think about it deeply, there is really no boundary between you and "external environment". We are still Big Bang in progress.

The experience of ego boundary dissolution also felt as physical dissolution and ultimately "ego death" only releals this truth ... and it can be scary, humbling, empowering.

I think DMT is very good at showing "the other side" - like if the environment/universe and "I" switch role. It's frightening and enlightening at the same time. I still haven't used to this state. It's a mix of terror, thrill and ecstasy :)

...and of course it shows there is more to reality than we normally experience.
AlchemicalGnostic said:
Also if we really did create the universe what sparked the initial thought?

Loneliness. It was alone and didn't want to be anymore. It was nothing and created something to experience something besides itself. Divided itself enable have experiences with us, through us, with us. An amnesiac god so to speak.

Just a feeling based off of my prior response to this post. Only feeling. Nothing solid to stand on here. We can only guess I suppose.

Another thought is time does not exist. This has always been and always will be. Past, present and future are all happening at the exact same moment. Right now the universe is being born. Right now the universe is dying. Right now the universe is experiencing us. It never begins and it never ends. It just is. I am that I am as god said in the old testament.

We are that we are.
Tis' a quaint finding isn't it? Who knows how deep this onion goes, and regardless, the avatar way is rather amusing.
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