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He guys,

Looking for that breaktrough experience I loaded up my colA  bottle with About 0,08 0,1 gr of Dmt smoke, until I get the gvg this bottle thing works best for me

So I lie down on my bed meditAte A bit and decided to go for it..

I inhale almost everything in one time and took in the remAining bit quickly.

Keep the breAth and....... boom

Everything feels like it's melting I feel different I feel like I'm no longer my body but everything there is, I begin to realize I died.. I feel like a different being but still me.

I panick I think oh shit my son, u asshole u really killed yourself now u can't reverse it.

I think but hey how the fuck did I die so I try regain my sight and look in my room I'm thinking ddid I Burn myself light my bed onfire, all I saw was the bottle but it looked fine.

Then I didn't think oh it's just the Dmt I'll be fine, nope I thought I was gone.

So then I feel like I'm sitting on  A throne in A dark scenery suurounding I felt like I was on my throne in hell or something, like I was this being waking up there like I was the god of the underworld...

I remember thinking ah shit now I'm back here my life was my escape from this lonely eternity and I fuked up by dying..

Meanwhile I was still me inside there and I started pleading and praying begging to get one more moment of life, trying to will myself back in my crappy reality I stArt seeing my window again and force myself up to get A last peek at life

When I look outside everything is made up of small blocks like Lego or in minecraft even the people on the streets looked like HD 8bit characters, while looking I thought that at every moment I could slip back into death I wasn't sure wether I was back or not. I took pretty long before everything became normal again and when I was sure I was alive again... I was crying tears of joy, being in my crappy house again.

I qeuss I had some trouble letting go, and I'm unsure if I will try breaking trough again

Offcourse this description doesn't come close to my experience but it was something like that  haha

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