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I Get It Now: Beyond The Breakthrough (Level 2)

Migrated topic.


Don't Panic
Senior Member
OG Pioneer

(mind)Set: Calm
(physical condition) Set: Healthy
Setting (location): In my room.
time of day: 1200
recent drug use: None
last meal: Cereal

Gender: M
body weight: 68
known sensitivities: None
history of use: Experienced


Substance(s): DMT, pink lotus stamens.
Dose(s): 70mg
Method of administration: Sandwich method in an old school pipe.


Administration time: T=0:10
Duration: 1/3 hour
First effects: Everything morphed all at once.
Peak: No clue.
Come down: No clue.
Baseline: No clue.

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 2, slight headache afterwards
Afterglow: 4

I Get It Now: Beyond The Breakthrough (Level 2)

Smoked 70 mg of DMT with pink lotus stamens using the sandwich method. For this trip, I was completely naked, and sitting in my bed at noon. I was blasting the didge out of my speakers, full volume.


The universe unfolded around me. I saw the inner machinery of all material things. It was like clockwork. Things were disintegrating in front of me. I knew I was being unplugged. It felt like all of existence was all one consciousness. It was the Matrix. Imagine if every single thing we know about the known universe, from knowledge to the memories of every human being that has ever existed, are all in one human being, in pods like these.


It felt like that, and the human being, is me. It's you. We are all one human. And that human being was being unplugged. I thought to myself, "This is IT. This is a REAL breakthrough. It is final, absolute and permanent."

This trip changed my definition of a breakthrough. I now think there are multiple levels to the breakthrough. Most of the trip reports I've read, all of the trips I've had, were just Level 1 breakthroughs.

But the thing is, I didn't unplug myself, I didn't have a Level 2 breakthrough. There was a singular moment that I could see approaching me. I knew it was the end. I was hurtling towards it, but stopped right before it. I had a good look at it and said "I'm not ready." I walked back. I was scared to go through. I didn't want to leave this world just yet.

The entities were beckoning me away from Level 2. They were trying to reassure me that I made the right choice. I think the entities were people who unplugged themselves successfully. They wanted me to do it, but knew I should when I'm ready. Perhaps I will, someday.


My next hit was approx. the same dose. Except the visuals got really intense, really fast. Everything morphed within a second, and I was not human. I got out of my bed and stood up, just staring at everything. I can't remember the visuals much, but then I was suddenly transported to a red and barren desert.


The Great Sandy Desert. I turned around and saw a few Indigenous Australians running towards me. They were saying "He's here! He's finally here!". The elder stood in front of me and smiled.


Then, like a really fast photo reel, he changed into a another human, and then another human. He transformed at a rate of about 5 people per second. I realised I was seeing his descendents. The final descendent was a cop, in uniform. He stood there like that for a moment. Then his uniform was replaced by a traditional Aboriginal loincloth. He stepped forward and gave me the biggest hug I've ever had. Tears were streaming down both of our faces. The Territory Man let me go. He was back to the original ancestor. He started walking away. For a moment, he changed into the final descendent in cop uniform, but changed back. It was a flicker. It was like he was telling me to look for this cop. When he was about 100 metres out, he looked back and waved.

I know the answer now. To the question we've all been looking for. What is IT? IT IS LOVE.
I really enjoy your posts Bodhisativa!
I have a question for you.
Suppose I unplug. What next?
We've realized we are One, the same being pretending we're different. So what?
Now what?
What does God do now?
Anamnesia said:
I really enjoy your posts Bodhisativa!
I have a question for you.
Suppose I unplug. What next?
We've realized we are One, the same being pretending we're different. So what?
Now what?
What does God do now?

The dance continues, materially we are separate - but there is only one consciousness. At each of its heart beats it shatters into infinite variation and novelty. Each an experience of what it is to be that thing, and then all instances of you/I experience progress through coalescing into higher and higher levels until we finally become the whole. Then the heart beats again.

Since time is probably irrelevant in the holistic process we could be experiencing the reverse: continual bifurcation until the next beat slams us all together. But many witnesses and many stories are told that in this instance of experience the drive is to coalesce and it seems to be reflected in our drives and desires.

Enjoy the journey.
Anamnesia said:
I really enjoy your posts Bodhisativa!
I have a question for you.
Suppose I unplug. What next?
We've realized we are One, the same being pretending we're different. So what?
Now what?
What does God do now?

I honestly have no idea. The more I try to think about it, the more I don't know. I've never been hyperslapped, so maybe a Level 2 breakthrough is a hyperslap.

The earth is a collection of energy. So in that sense, the earth is the singular consciousness. We individual humans are like individual neurons. So, if we want to be hyperconnected, every one on earth needs to drop 10 tabs of acid, hahahaha.
Bodhisativa said:
I had a good look at it and said "I'm not ready." I walked back. I was scared to go through. I didn't want to leave this world just yet.
It seems that we can talk all day about love, oneness, oceanic consciousness and all that, but when push comes to shove, we're terrified to give up our reservations, our privilege to say "no".

I've been there too and it's tantalizing, every time.

In the film "Waking life" there is a piece of dialogue that also touches on this. I've always found that scene very intriguing. It is IMHO the best part of the film, which I find otherwise a bit too pretentious.
Anamnesia said:
I really enjoy your posts Bodhisativa!
I have a question for you.
Suppose I unplug. What next?
We've realized we are One, the same being pretending we're different. So what?
Now what?
What does God do now?
Devil's advocate: maybe the oneness is still an illusion due to the hyperconnectivty in the brain.


And if God realizes it's a lone single entity, it just splits. Bam! Illusion shattered. Maybe it's a law of Nature. As soon as God realizes, it is alone, it splits. Defined by definition. Definitely. Fin!
Devil's advocate: maybe the oneness is still an illusion due to the hyperconnectivty in the brain.

I have thought about that too. On a physical level, the dissolution of the "ego" at least under the influence of psychedelics is probably defined through more and changed connectivity between the brain areas, which eliminates the perception of a self. Still its just altered perception. Just a different activity map in the brain, but still one could define it as an illusion.
I can see my self as me as well as you, just depending on the way my brain is firing, who gets to decide what represents a truth?
woogyboogy said:
I can see my self as me as well as you, just depending on the way my brain is firing, who gets to decide what represents a truth?
Sometimes I think the "enlightning" effect of psilocybin can be toppled by risperidone. R is a mind numbing drug by itself, but it cancels out the effect of psilocybin. I mean realize this: you're in full "enlightning" mode on psilocybin and suddenly the risperidone kicks in (not sure how fast, but I'm sure you can make a fast bio available version). Wouldn't that be "enlightning" as well? Even a little bit more than "just" taking psychedelics?

Still research in the lab or done by edgy hospitals, but at one point in my life I'd like to try it. Benzos have a good anxiolytic effect on the trip, but cancelling out the "psychedelic" effect rapidly would be really interesting.

But then words and trips. They don't mix very well together.
pitubo said:
Bodhisativa said:
I had a good look at it and said "I'm not ready." I walked back. I was scared to go through. I didn't want to leave this world just yet.
It seems that we can talk all day about love, oneness, oceanic consciousness and all that, but when push comes to shove, we're terrified to give up our reservations, our privilege to say "no".

I've been there too and it's tantalizing, every time.

In the film "Waking life" there is a piece of dialogue that also touches on this. I've always found that scene very intriguing. It is IMHO the best part of the film, which I find otherwise a bit too pretentious.

Yeah, it's a bit daunting. Probably because it's the unknown. But then again, doing psychs is already venturing into the unknown.

I think of life as a video game. Not in the sense if you die, then its game over (although, there is that too). More the experience, or xp levels you get while "playing". Many people grind the really easy levels, because you get a steady supply of gold, which you can use to buy things for your character. Some people buy the cosmetic microtransaction stuff. Some people buy better equipment and gear so they can do the hard levels. Some people do both.

Psychedelics are like temporary power ups. They improve your stats for a while, or maybe permanently.

But constantly grinding the easy levels becomes repetitive and dull. You also don't get a lot of xp points for it. The more you challenge yourself, the xp you get. The more you learn, the more xp you get. I just want to get to highest level. So that I can finally take on the Level 2 Breakthrough Boss.
I just wanted to say you are all amazingly bright and wise and it's such a privilege to be engaging with such beautiful souls.

I've said this in other posts, but I'll say it here because it seems so relevant, and this is my favorite thing in the world to talk about.

Ufostrahlen, what you say here:

And if God realizes it's a lone single entity, it just splits. Bam! Illusion shattered. Maybe it's a law of Nature. As soon as God realizes, it is alone, it splits.

I have always suspected this. Until one day, that understanding become a reality on 5 grams of mushrooms.
I believe this is why in Zen they say, nothing to do, nowhere to go, noone to improve.
The realization is a shock. The realization is an anamnesis of who you really are, or who you really aren't.
What's always puzzled me is just what to do with myself after hitting smack into that unspeakable place of buddhahood on a trip. With it comes a complete peace, I feel I could literally leave my body right there if I willed. I know I am Eternity.
What happens is you know you could do anything. But then you wonder what's the point. You remember there isn't a point. To the extent I realize that, THEN I am enabled to do anything, because I'm not taking what I'm doing seriously, because I know what the birds have to say in the morning is equally as important as anything I have to say.

Come on a thought experiment with me.
Imagine each of us are in the center of what we call a reality. Not The Reality.
Each of our realities are only so wide as what we are aware of any one moment.
The edge of your reality is the same as the boundaries of your awareness.
The same as my reality.
Question: where do the edges of our realities intersect? Where do we draw the line between what is true in my reality and what is true in your reality, if that very differentiation depends on our respective degrees of awareness? (keep in mind)
So, what happens when the edge of my reality meets the edge of your reality?
Well, I want to say this is actually an incredibly rare event (only if you're not paying attention).
This event I believe can be identified as a true synchronistic event.
Synchronicity happens when the edge of my reality meets the edge of your reality. It is when my awareness agrees with your awareness. And it is in these very rare moments, that between a certain friend and I, we don't have to speak, because we are instantaneously living the realization there is not two minds here, but one, not yours not mine, but something like God's awareness.

This happens to me guaranteed on psilocybin. I can't even talk - how pointless THAT is. I become incapable of communication with others verbally, because it's so obvious that I'm talking to myself by talking to them. And my friend has the same realization. We, I then sink into a peace unspeakable, becoming the evolution of existence itself.

So, to respond to the person who said that the enlightenment can be cancelled through taking another drug mid trip, well I think that's utterly preposterous! Because the real psychedelic awakening is the realization your entire life is The Trip, your life but a thought in the mind of Your Great Self. You are Eternal. Hard to cancel. It's only possible to go back to sleep, pretending to be unaware of It.

Bodhisattva, I really enjoyed your metaphor of the experience points. I've thought of that before! If we're going to come into Life, we might as well dive.

And psilocybin, through condensing the interconnectivity of the brain, is just the same process as this forum serving to elucidate and balance understanding in all the neurons of the great Human Brain. We are all one mind. There is no illusion. If illusion exists, that is God's game. Without illusion, you'd be a bore and boring knowing you are god forever and ever. Get lost, get lost... get lost. Isn't that what We said in the beginning? Why do we seek to return? and then having returned, seek to get lost? And having gotten lost for the eternalth time, we seek to return again! Why this ebb of come and go? Of knowing and not knowing? Is this the basis of the Buddha's message? Transience? Change.
upwaysidedown said:
Since time is probably irrelevant in the holistic process we could be experiencing the reverse: continual bifurcation until the next beat slams us all together. But many witnesses and many stories are told that in this instance of experience the drive is to coalesce and it seems to be reflected in our drives and desires.

Enjoy the journey.

I personally imagine that, time, being irrelevant in this process, had no reverse, forward, etc.. Perhaps it is beating a different way each time, Perhaps the beat cannot even be distinguished, as if in each moment we are further separated, yet greater connected. Perhaps there is a scattered balance, a noisy layer of equal & opposites, all jumbled together.
Anamnesia said:
I just wanted to say you are all amazingly bright and wise and it's such a privilege to be engaging with such beautiful souls.

I've said this in other posts, but I'll say it here because it seems so relevant, and this is my favorite thing in the world to talk about.

Ufostrahlen, what you say here:

And if God realizes it's a lone single entity, it just splits. Bam! Illusion shattered. Maybe it's a law of Nature. As soon as God realizes, it is alone, it splits.

I have always suspected this. Until one day, that understanding become a reality on 5 grams of mushrooms.
I believe this is why in Zen they say, nothing to do, nowhere to go, noone to improve.
The realization is a shock. The realization is an anamnesis of who you really are, or who you really aren't.
What's always puzzled me is just what to do with myself after hitting smack into that unspeakable place of buddhahood on a trip. With it comes a complete peace, I feel I could literally leave my body right there if I willed. I know I am Eternity.
What happens is you know you could do anything. But then you wonder what's the point. You remember there isn't a point. To the extent I realize that, THEN I am enabled to do anything, because I'm not taking what I'm doing seriously, because I know what the birds have to say in the morning is equally as important as anything I have to say.

Come on a thought experiment with me.
Imagine each of us are in the center of what we call a reality. Not The Reality.
Each of our realities are only so wide as what we are aware of any one moment.
The edge of your reality is the same as the boundaries of your awareness.
The same as my reality.
Question: where do the edges of our realities intersect? Where do we draw the line between what is true in my reality and what is true in your reality, if that very differentiation depends on our respective degrees of awareness? (keep in mind)
So, what happens when the edge of my reality meets the edge of your reality?
Well, I want to say this is actually an incredibly rare event (only if you're not paying attention).
This event I believe can be identified as a true synchronistic event.
Synchronicity happens when the edge of my reality meets the edge of your reality. It is when my awareness agrees with your awareness. And it is in these very rare moments, that between a certain friend and I, we don't have to speak, because we are instantaneously living the realization there is not two minds here, but one, not yours not mine, but something like God's awareness.

This happens to me guaranteed on psilocybin. I can't even talk - how pointless THAT is. I become incapable of communication with others verbally, because it's so obvious that I'm talking to myself by talking to them. And my friend has the same realization. We, I then sink into a peace unspeakable, becoming the evolution of existence itself.

So, to respond to the person who said that the enlightenment can be cancelled through taking another drug mid trip, well I think that's utterly preposterous! Because the real psychedelic awakening is the realization your entire life is The Trip, your life but a thought in the mind of Your Great Self. You are Eternal. Hard to cancel. It's only possible to go back to sleep, pretending to be unaware of It.

Bodhisattva, I really enjoyed your metaphor of the experience points. I've thought of that before! If we're going to come into Life, we might as well dive.

And psilocybin, through condensing the interconnectivity of the brain, is just the same process as this forum serving to elucidate and balance understanding in all the neurons of the great Human Brain. We are all one mind. There is no illusion. If illusion exists, that is God's game. Without illusion, you'd be a bore and boring knowing you are god forever and ever. Get lost, get lost... get lost. Isn't that what We said in the beginning? Why do we seek to return? and then having returned, seek to get lost? And having gotten lost for the eternalth time, we seek to return again! Why this ebb of come and go? Of knowing and not knowing? Is this the basis of the Buddha's message? Transience? Change.

great post bro :)
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