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I googled "seeing blue horns when closing eyes" and found this forum

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone. As the title says, I'm not interested in trying DMT (too scared to even meditate because of childhood supernatural experiences).

But for the past 5 months, I have been doing inner/spiritual work. Last night was the second time I had this flash of a tall blue thing with horns, I immediately opened my eyes obviously because it scared me

It happened as soon as I closed my eyes. The first time it happened, when I closed my eyes I saw crystal clear pictures/visions of people I did not know, like they were just in their homes. This was interesting so I kept my eyes closed, but then I got the flash of the blue horned thing and opened my eyes.

I have a history of sleep paralysis, it's been happening since childhood, but I have better control of it. The trick is actually to make sounds lol I say "no" or some sort of grunt noise. My grandmother always told us "just tell the spirit not tonight, it's a loved one." She believed it's my grandfather who's "on her" when she has this. During sleep paralysis I have never seen anything but I have been able to see the room around me but I was aware that my eyes weren't open.

So I googled what I saw last night, and found this site. Also watched youtube videos from Terrence McKenna which were amazing.

Do any of you have any thoughts on this? What is the blue horned being for you?
That's definitely one of the more interesting searches to lead you here. :lol:

I don't really have any experience with blue horned beings, but I find your grandmother's insight and technique for dealing with it very interesting. I also find your vocalization method very interesting, this is something that seems to work really well with psychedelic experiences as well. When I find myself in too deep or in a fearful place I just sing and it tends to change the tone of the whole experience. :thumb_up:

What kind of spiritual practices have you been engaged in?

Do you have any experience with any psychedelics at all? Cannabis or anything like that?

Anyway welcome to the Nexus! Glad to have ya here and looking forward to seeing how much your spontaneous experiences may overlap with our chemical explorations.
dreamer042 said:
That's definitely one of the more interesting searches to lead you here. :lol:

I don't really have any experience with blue horned beings, but I find your grandmother's insight and technique for dealing with it very interesting. I also find your vocalization method very interesting, this is something that seems to work really well with psychedelic experiences as well. When I find myself in too deep or in a fearful place I just sing and it tends to change the tone of the whole experience. :thumb_up:

What kind of spiritual practices have you been engaged in?

Do you have any experience with any psychedelics at all? Cannabis or anything like that?

Anyway welcome to the Nexus! Glad to have ya here and looking forward to seeing how much your spontaneous experiences may overlap with our chemical explorations.

Thank you! I actually went back to my search history to get the picture and the phrase that led here was "dmt being eyes closed". And now my post comes up under seeing blue horns lol
Here is the best pic (warning, it's a big picture and idk about you but it scares me)

Is this something people see?

I smoked cannbis for about 3 years. The only semi-trippy experience was the first one (floating, distortion). Very sensitive to it, really bad experiences with my thoughts, but some good. And a childhood memory of flying down stairs, something many people report but the explanation is just not satisfying

For spiritual work, astrology started it. I also did some throat techniques/very brief meditation but I always stop. Now there is more focus on understanding energy, influence, focus on monitoring my thought and more importantly paying attention to how things make me feel. Thought is consciousness. So there is a lot focus around fighting against bad moods/thoughts..avoiding people who cause them, and dealing with issues that cause them. Moon rituals. Paying attention to solar transits. Writing down dreams. I was having trouble understanding a astrological concept because everyone has different opinions. It was on my mind when I went to sleep & I vaguely remember the dream but I remember the subject. Just realized today that I realize how to apply it to myself. There was just the feeling of "drawing a blank" and now there is sense to be made of it

And paying attention to synchronicities The second post I replied to on here was about something I've actually been studying for months so I thought that was cool. Since being more aware of influence (thought, moods/feeling, vibrations/chills from research, thoughts,or songs), I notice that the synchronicities are more frequent.
That character right there is Baphomet, some people have reported seeing him on DMT, but I haven't seen mention of him too frequently, he has a long history in the occult traditions. Interesting that you'd happen upon him.

I'm a bit of an astrology buff myself (don't tell my scientist side :p). I've personally found myself most drawn to the Vedic tradition, it's rather different than the western version and has the bonus of being an unbroken tradition, what with the whole crusades and dark ages and such, and it's also way less complex than the Chinese version.

Sounds like you are naturally pretty tuned in, aligning to the natural cycles, paying attention to dreams, chasing the sync's, these are all pretty powerful practices. It's no wonder you are having powerful experiences.

I'm curious why you have no interest in DMT/psychedelics? With your background it sounds like the kind of thing that would be right up your alley, but I can understand being as open as you are already that it might not be appropriate for you or at this time. You did end up here though and that generally doesn't happen by accident. It looks like some psychedelic research is in your cards, if not an actual experience.

Well I'll leave you to start getting to know The Sabbatic Goat. Keep us posted on how your journey progresses. :)
dreamer042 said:
That character right there is Baphomet, some people have reported seeing him on DMT, but I haven't seen mention of him too frequently, he has a long history in the occult traditions. Interesting that you'd happen upon him.

I'm a bit of an astrology buff myself (don't tell my scientist side :p). I've personally found myself most drawn to the Vedic tradition, it's rather different than the western version and has the bonus of being an unbroken tradition, what with the whole crusades and dark ages and such, and it's also way less complex than the Chinese version.

Sounds like you are naturally pretty tuned in, aligning to the natural cycles, paying attention to dreams, chasing the sync's, these are all pretty powerful practices. It's no wonder you are having powerful experiences.

I'm curious why you have no interest in DMT/psychedelics? With your background it sounds like the kind of thing that would be right up your alley, but I can understand being as open as you are already that it might not be appropriate for you or at this time. You did end up here though and that generally doesn't happen by accident. It looks like some psychedelic research is in your cards, if not an actual experience.

Well I'll leave you to start getting to know The Sabbatic Goat. Keep us posted on how your journey progresses. :)

Thanks again!!! Interesting @ Baphomet. I think leave that alone for now lol but you're right about psychedelic research...some interesting research on this forum related to endocannabinoids, kind of a missing piece of what I was looking into. But never tied to psychedelics. Anywho, happy to be here..great atmosphere!
Hi Stelliuma,

you wrote about sleep paralysis, did you ever try to Astral Project (OBE)? Sleep paralysis is the entrance into the energy / astral-plane.

If you are there and can control the journey, you can easily find out what / who this creature is ;)

"...fighting against bad moods/thoughts.." - in my experience fighting against the mind has never helped, but meditation, be aware of these thoughts and watch them until you understood the insane part of the mind which causes them, with that understanding this part will be re-integrated - the insane mind is the expression of our unhealed wounds.
Sleep paralysis, is a very strange window.

Here's a sample of insanity. When you have multiple level dreams, dreams within dreams, how do you know you're ever awake? We're going to die right? I've died in dreams as a real person, I wake up to here. When I die here, where do I wake up?.. Anywhere, nowhere?

Who knows. But why during sleep paralysis is there ALWAYS something else in the room, your room, almost like you're "awake"? Dreams dont work that way and neither does waking life, unless there is someone there.....

It doesn't make sense. Google image artists that have pictured their sleep paralysis experiences and look at those pictures..

Why is there ALWAYS something in the room, even if not seen it's felt. And why is it ALWAYS dark an menacing, felt. Dreams are all over the place, so you would think an angel or a race track would come into play eventually. But no, it's always evil, almost alien.

Why is that?
Asher7 said:
Sleep paralysis, is a very strange window.

Here's a sample of insanity. When you have multiple level dreams, dreams within dreams, how do you know you're ever awake? We're going to die right? I've died in dreams as a real person, I wake up to here. When I die here, where do I wake up?.. Anywhere, nowhere?

Who knows. But why during sleep paralysis is there ALWAYS something else in the room, your room, almost like you're "awake"? Dreams dont work that way and neither does waking life, unless there is someone there.....

It doesn't make sense. Google image artists that have pictured their sleep paralysis experiences and look at those pictures..

Why is there ALWAYS something in the room, even if not seen it's felt. And why is it ALWAYS dark an menacing, felt. Dreams are all over the place, so you would think an angel or a race track would come into play eventually. But no, it's always evil, almost alien.

Why is that?

Sleep paralysis is scary as hell, never liked them much either.
This could be why (from Wikipedia) :

"REM sleep physiology and somatic symptoms coupled with the awareness that one is paralyzed, can generate a variety of psychological symptoms during sleep paralysis, including fear and worry that are aggravated by catastrophic cognitions about the attack.[18]

This can activate a fight-flight reaction and panic-like arousal. Consequently, when the person attempts to escape the paralysis, somatic symptoms and arousal are exacerbated, as execution of motor programs in the absence of dampening proprioceptive feedback can lead to heightened sensations of bodily tightness and pressure, and even pain and spasms in limbs."[18]
TryptaTom said:
Hi Stelliuma,

you wrote about sleep paralysis, did you ever try to Astral Project (OBE)? Sleep paralysis is the entrance into the energy / astral-plane.

If you are there and can control the journey, you can easily find out what / who this creature is ;)

"...fighting against bad moods/thoughts.." - in my experience fighting against the mind has never helped, but meditation, be aware of these thoughts and watch them until you understood the insane part of the mind which causes them, with that understanding this part will be re-integrated - the insane mind is the expression of our unhealed wounds.

Hi Trypta! No I have never tried to explore the situation, just to break out of it. Funny because it was my grandmother's staircase I have memories of being able to "float" down as a child, and it is also where I remember first having sleep paralysis. I never thought of it as being an astral plane but I can see how it makes sense..strange world for sure I'm starting to realize

& Yes mediation is best when it the thoughts come from you I agree!
....and the insane mind is that part which floods you with thoughts without your request ;)

Sleep paralysis is when your Body is in sleeping state, if you can manage to keep the mind awake you can experiencea condition in which the material body cant be moved, even breathing cant/must not be done ;)

Now your mind is the engine behind your energy body. For instance you can cause the feeling, of how you move upwards while in a lift. Seconds later, dependent on how trained your focus is, you will be out of your body. Now you can move through any dimensions.

And the real funny thing about this...to achieve sleep paralysis...NOthing has to be done (even no eye movement! <.< xD) Just lay down, dont move anything for some time, let your body breath from alone, just like you are asleep. Here you can chant a mantra in your mind or whatever you helps to stay awake, just dont move. Firts signs is vibration, and sound when you leave your body, which can get really overwhelming and strong, keep cool, you are just seconds away from the target.
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