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I have come across the best dream inducing substance!

Migrated topic.
Well, as I say I had previously been smoking a rollie and making a 3g brew (TCM style) before bed to no avail.
I tried increasing the dosage to a 5g tea, but this didn't work either... and having to drink more of something that bitter just doesn't seem worth it.
I assume it's active because the rollie does make me very mildly euphoric, as it's meant to.
But as for dreams, nothing. This stuff just doesn't seem to do it for me.
First of all, I never tried Calea so I can't say much about it.

I can however tell you about another dream herb: Silene Capensis and for me it works like a charm. Just take 250mg and make a tea infusion out of it by letting it soak for half an hour in hot water, you can add some rooibos for taste if you like. Take this tea first thing in the morning to induce heavy dreaming in the coming night.

Also when you take some melatonin just before you go to sleep it enhances the dreaming, I'm talking about a pretty low dose of only 1mg of melatonin here.
Thanks for the suggestion Traveler. Do you buy it in powdered form or does it also come as herb? Sounds like it could be a good addition to Enhanced Leaf. What other herbs do you know of that have specific effects?
ohayoco said:
Caligulitica said:
I actually have the perfect dream substance... the best and craziest dreams on the face of the planet... just $20 from bouncing bear botanicals... it got to me really fast too... I'm no affiliate of them so I'm not gonna post a link, but if you want to check it out it is really awesome and has been my substitute for weed also =).

...it definetly fills my chamber and get me a killer hit... The dreams are like living life on a different planet but only with extreme euphoria. It also made me wake up feeling like a millions bucks... It has been the most amazing experience for me so far besides lsd and mushies =)
Is this covert advertising?
:?: I kind of get the same vibe as ohayoco here. This SURE seems like a "planted" advertisement for BB Botanicals. I apologize humbly if I'm wrong, but if I'm right then SHAME on you BBB, and may karma have its way with you.

Let's not forget about the Neuro Soup chick who regularly pimps BBB and suggests (on YouTube) that firing 600mg of DMT up ones sphincter might be a wise idea... 600mg:?: :?: :?: Seriously:?: But I digress... Let's just hope this isn't a planted advertisement. I'd hate to see this incredible forum contaminated by bogus marketing.

I hope this didn't come across as negativity or "flaming". It's just a gentle cautionary call out.

Insightful and incredible travels to all!:)
Looking over the phrasing of the post I'm beginning to agree with you.

Although if it was planted advertising then it backfired on them coz I didn't use BBB for my supply, so they directly increased the money going to their competitors!

Either way this sub is definitely interesting although not mindblowing. I'm on a 5g regular dose brewed for 30 mins to 1 hour, no smoking as well at the moment, may start doing that although I'm looking after my lungs at the mo.
Wow yeah I just read the thread that Olibguhl posted... so this isn't the first time that this user has posted suspect ads for BBB. I'd be surprised if anyone would get hacked twice, after changing their password once already. I'd say that was suspicious beyond doubt.

What I find dodgiest is how this person has been mistaken for Ron before because of their choice of avatar. Deliberate? The whole point of an avatar is to distinguish you from others... not to confuse yourself with one of the Nexus's most brilliant members...

Course it could be one of BBBs competitors trying to discredit BBB, anything's possible on the internet!
Well, you're trying to say that they're deliberatly trying to profit from 69rons credibility? Clever. I wonder if BBB approached him and offered a deal. Like they offered Neurosoup a deal?

Well, I'm speculating a little bit too much here, but it sure is dodgy as hell.
The money hungry mules of the psychedelic internet underworld. But who knows, maybe we're all wrong and BBB is really an intergalactic pirate organisation harvesting our dreams with the use of their alleged "herbs".
obliguhl said:
Well, you're trying to say that they're deliberatly trying to profit from 69rons credibility? Clever. I wonder if BBB approached him and offered a deal. Like they offered Neurosoup a deal?
Did they offer her a deal?! Did she accept? She is hot, SWIM'd like to commune with her haha! Do people agree with her or not, given all her youtube videos? I've only watched her video when she talked about putting WAY too much DMT up her butt and on her first time too, silly girl!

They don't need Ron's permission to use the same avatar to confuse people (Ron, Olibguhl isn't suggesting anything untoward here on your part, his statement is just a little ambiguous). Cheaper that way and they have plausible deniability. Whereas if they tried to bribe Ron he might tell everyone and then everyone would boycott them.

smokeydaze said:
maybe we're all wrong and BBB is really an intergalactic pirate organisation harvesting our dreams with the use of their alleged "herbs".
Yeah they totally OWN her.
I just watched her bufo toad harvesting video. She says BBB donated her the toad and tells everyone to go there and the web address etc. Sell out (or on the off-chance that it's actually her business then she's manipulative for not declaring so).
Harvesting a toad looks like animal cruelty to me- certainly it will be if a bunch of youtube kids start buying bufo toads and squeezing their glands like "one of your own zits", as she instructs. Not cool.
ohayoco said:
Yeah they totally OWN her.
I just watched her bufo toad harvesting video. She says BBB donated her the toad and tells everyone to go there and the web address etc. Sell out (or on the off-chance that it's actually her business then she's manipulative for not declaring so).
Harvesting a toad looks like animal cruelty to me- certainly it will be if a bunch of youtube kids start buying bufo toads and squeezing their glands like "one of your own zits", as she instructs. Not cool.

Yeah that's pretty disturbing. Not so much the video as what it leaves to the imagination. If you have a love for an animal, I can understand keeping it... but just harvesting it for alkaloids you can easily acquire from plant sources is pretty twisted.
Has anyone ever attempted to combine the two - taking Silene Capensis in the morning and Dreamherb in the evening ?

Could it be potentially dangerous ?

I thought they might synergize.
i have taken silene capensis in the morning..and then calea tincture at night...the dreams were awesome to say the least
yay ,that Sounds promising :) !In our trials we (3 SWIMS) are going to do Silene Capensis Tea in the morning and encapsulated 10x Extract of Calea Dreamherb in the evening . Maybe smoke some of it through a pipe additionally.

Could it be , that calea zacatechichi and Heimia salicifolia are far more active when taken freshly picked from a plant . I suspect this to be the case.
As this thread has been put in the health section, I'll be grandad: sleep is very important to health, and personally I don't like to mess around with chemicals when my body should be rejuvenating / keeping me healthy / keeping me youthful or whatever it really does. Use moderation :)

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