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I just got hyperslapped... and I loved it

Migrated topic.

magic mike

Rising Star
After a third failed breakthrough in the last two days, I said "**** it, let's smoke some more." So I did. As I reached right for the table to put down my vaporiser, it felt as if my left arm and shoulder became separated from my body. I've had "violent" breakthroughs where my body felt ripped or sliced apart, but I usually wouldn't remember any of these trips. This time I remember. I was being shown something hyperspacey, and that thing was split into atleast three other things. This was split again and again. I also felt my body being in several pieces. I started breathing deeply and with every breath I had the feeling of being torn apart. I moved my tongue. I felt it being torn into million pieces and reassembled into something else. Each breath was being torn apart again and again. The sound of breathing was so weird. I said outloud "what is the meaning of this?". My voice was unrecognisable. I opened my eyes at one point. The painting on the wall, in which I stare often while tripping, looked nothing like itself. I realised that this was a hyperslap. So terrifyingly beautiful. It taught me one thing about myself that I wasn't completely aware of - I am a masochist.
Sounds pretty intense Mike.

I'm pretty sure that's a ways from a hyperslap, which is generally considered very traumatic and intensely negative.

Thanks for sharing. I love these sorts of things too. :)
Northerner said:
Sounds pretty intense Mike.

I'm pretty sure that's a ways from a hyperslap, which is generally considered very traumatic and intensely negative.

Thanks for sharing. I love these sorts of things too. :)

Yeee buddy, you don't wanna go looking for one of those. As astounding as the measured experience of hyperspace is, if you take it too far she will slap you silly if you abuse her. It's like being tortured with fear then being histerically laughed at that you are so weak and stupid to make that mistake.
I'm talking about something like going from breaking through at 60mg to then taking a stupid dose like 110mg. There are no colours, no astonishment, no infinity, no wonder, only paranoia and struggle to affirm the desire to survive.

That experience has forced me to take a big break from trips because the fear is spilling into further trips. Work a muscle too hard and fast and you tear it.

If you look too hard for lessons then expect a portion of suffering to accompany them.

Take it light heartedly but respectfully.
Northerner said:
Sounds pretty intense Mike.

I'm pretty sure that's a ways from a hyperslap, which is generally considered very traumatic and intensely negative.

Thanks for sharing. I love these sorts of things too. :)
Maybe it wasn't a hyperslap, but I remember thinking throughout the whole experience that someone else would be absolutely terrified by what was happening.
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