Esteemed member
This was a while ago, and I'm only writing this because I don't want anyone to experience what I experienced.
At that point of my life I haven't tripped on anything for three months, my longest break from psychedelics since I started using them. Than I managed to get hold on some pharmaceutical grade LSD, very clean stuff.
I dosed without expectations, having a free day, nowhere to be etc. It came on pretty fast, 20 minutes or so and I was clearly feeling it. Thinking I'll manage to sleep in the morning and do my afternoon shift I said to myself "why wouldn't I dose at about 17:00". This is not a trip report so I'm going to skip the part where I describe what I felt, needless to say it was intense.
I didn't managed to sleep a minute that night regardless of how hard I tried, so before I knew it was morning already and I just went with the routine I would normally do.
At about 12:00 I was feeling dead tired, and I wanted to sleep so badly but I couldn't because I should be in work two hours later.
Now this is the mistake I made which probably caused the breakdown. I drank a coffee to keep me up so I can do the shift. At various points at the time I saw visuals again, some smudge looked like fairies playing around and knowing that this isn't typical I just went by as "this is sleep deprivation and some residual hppd it will go away after I sleep".
I finally finish my shift and I think finally I will get some sleep. Than visuals start going like crazy, and I saw creepy shit when I closed eyes like monsters and some weird beings.
All I know at this point is that I am dead terrified and can't sleep regardless of what, I go into panic mode and call my friends since I'm obviously having some breakdown and I can't help myself.
I did manage to crash at a friends house explaining what happened, and stating that I can't be alone right now. I try to sleep there, ignore the closed eye visuals hoping to finally daze off but no. I get scared because I continue to see people, monsters etc etc.
After several tries I didn't move for 20 minutes, and as time passed the breaks got longer until I finally managed to go to sleep. I remember vividly dreaming about talking to a female cop that was not in a uniform, convincing her I don't have anything on me. As the time went by in the dream and I was coming closer to the moment she finds the L I jumped out of bed and screamed my guts off. It was insane...
The morning after I felt the groggiest I felt in my entire life, but I was normal again and thanked the invisible LSD entities I got my sanity back.
After this kind of experience someone would think I would never touch L again, but contrary to that I did more psychedelics than ever before in my life but of coarse taking set and setting way more serious now.
At that point of my life I haven't tripped on anything for three months, my longest break from psychedelics since I started using them. Than I managed to get hold on some pharmaceutical grade LSD, very clean stuff.
I dosed without expectations, having a free day, nowhere to be etc. It came on pretty fast, 20 minutes or so and I was clearly feeling it. Thinking I'll manage to sleep in the morning and do my afternoon shift I said to myself "why wouldn't I dose at about 17:00". This is not a trip report so I'm going to skip the part where I describe what I felt, needless to say it was intense.
I didn't managed to sleep a minute that night regardless of how hard I tried, so before I knew it was morning already and I just went with the routine I would normally do.
At about 12:00 I was feeling dead tired, and I wanted to sleep so badly but I couldn't because I should be in work two hours later.
Now this is the mistake I made which probably caused the breakdown. I drank a coffee to keep me up so I can do the shift. At various points at the time I saw visuals again, some smudge looked like fairies playing around and knowing that this isn't typical I just went by as "this is sleep deprivation and some residual hppd it will go away after I sleep".
I finally finish my shift and I think finally I will get some sleep. Than visuals start going like crazy, and I saw creepy shit when I closed eyes like monsters and some weird beings.
All I know at this point is that I am dead terrified and can't sleep regardless of what, I go into panic mode and call my friends since I'm obviously having some breakdown and I can't help myself.
I did manage to crash at a friends house explaining what happened, and stating that I can't be alone right now. I try to sleep there, ignore the closed eye visuals hoping to finally daze off but no. I get scared because I continue to see people, monsters etc etc.
After several tries I didn't move for 20 minutes, and as time passed the breaks got longer until I finally managed to go to sleep. I remember vividly dreaming about talking to a female cop that was not in a uniform, convincing her I don't have anything on me. As the time went by in the dream and I was coming closer to the moment she finds the L I jumped out of bed and screamed my guts off. It was insane...
The morning after I felt the groggiest I felt in my entire life, but I was normal again and thanked the invisible LSD entities I got my sanity back.
After this kind of experience someone would think I would never touch L again, but contrary to that I did more psychedelics than ever before in my life but of coarse taking set and setting way more serious now.