Rising Star
You may find some of this familiar.
I posted similar things on another account which I cannot remember the password for and don't have access to the email account for anymore.
This is a combination of multiple experiences.
I felt my best introduction essay would be to share how precious DMT is for me.
In the beginning I found DMT by looking up psilocybe mushrooms because I wanted to get high to be completely honest.
Fast-forward a couple experiences and I met Vishnu. I never knew anything about Vishnu until after the experience some searching led me to find Indian texts describing him as well as pictures. I am 100% certain it was Vishnu and I'm 100% certain it was real.
At THAT point I started thinking "wow that's weird, coincidence maybe?" ...
Fast-forward again.. I was a heroin junkie. On one trip I appeared on a thing very similar to a hospital bed. Basically the entities around me told me if I didn't stop shooting up I'd be dead soon. I would rather share the whole experience as another post as to not derail but the important thing was that I took it seriously and quit heroin within a couple months. After doing it for years it took a lot of willpower even with DMT entities pushing me.
I've always seen "things". They could vary from dead children showing me who murdered them to "shadow beings". Some instances have been validated by other people with me that saw the same things without me mentioning it in fear of sounding crazy. I'm working to a point here ...
Every DMT trip it would tell me not to question it, to accept it as real. Since I started it just to trip I found it really odd that my mind would insist I believe my trips were real.
One day these "shadow beings" appeared again - and my fiance also saw them although she refused to accept it as real. She left for work and I decided it was time to truly give DMT a chance/take it seriously. An entity appeared that took control of my body and made me perform an intense meditation that included flowing mudras to pull energy into myself. Once the energy was built up the entity showed me how to release it which created visual waves in the room like heat waves look like. This expelled energy disintegrated the shadow beings and they never came back.
One night camping with my girlfriend in the woods I saw an old man peeking from behind a tree. He started approaching us. We had permission to camp where we were but I thought we'd possibly gone too far in and trespassed on mistake so before he said anything I apologized and told him I'm sorry if I trespassed. He told me "don't worry, that's not why I'm here."
He carried a weird black staff and was dressed in a way suiting to the camping environment. He walked to and stared in the stream beside us while he talked to me. He told me multiple things but the ones that stuck out were "It's all true" in regards to a conversation I was having with my fiance about life being one massive entity and that literally anything is possible. He also told me "help her" without an explanation of what he meant. The last thing he said was to pursue the sort of trances monks do to supposedly leave their body. As I practiced astral projection (with rare luck) I knew what he meant.
Keep in mind, I had drank about 4 beers but had not taken any drugs. I was an alcoholic so 4 beers for me was like 1 beer for a normal person.
Once he quit talking I attempted to ask him some questions but he .. disappeared!
I asked my girlfriend "where'd he go?" She says "who?" and I respond with "the old man I was just talking to" ... She said "babe, you just stopped in the middle of a sentence (in response to something she asked me) and asked where he went".. She didn't see anything. After thinking about it, she didn't move the whole time he was there. Our torches did not flicker. The stream did not flow and the trees did not blow. Time was frozen except for him and me.
I thought I was crazy/had a brain-glitch. The following morning I woke up and walked to where he came from. There was footprints in the weeds/dirt leading up to us and they came from a perfectly round ~3ft diameter circle with all of the weeds pushed down like a crop circle. I had not imagined him. There was a spot in the middle of a big weedy area that was perfectly round, pushed down and had a very visible trail leading up to us the exact path he walked.
This changed me forever. At this point I started believing the DMT consciousness. As enlightening as it was, it drove me insane with confusion and questions.
Fast-forward again ... I started vaporizing DMT much more often to try to acclimate to it and figure out how it worked. Most of it's better for other posts but during one experience I wound up in a quite physical looking room.. no pretty colors or anything. There was a table with with a couple chairs and a grey human-looking thing sitting in one. He looked mostly human except his eyes were all black and his skin was a VERY pale grey ... like the being that had taken over my body for the mediation years before.
He told me he would not allow me to learn anything about the dimension DMT opens our perception to unless I quit drinking. He said if I didn't quit drinking I'd die of a heart attack so allowing me to learn was a waste of energy.
Here's one thing I haven't mentioned yet - I have epilepsy. It started out not too bad but over the years it's gotten a lot worse. Alcohol HELPS when I can't stop seizing. It will actually prevent reoccurring seizures. The thing is that's all fine and dandy but if I drink to get drunk, I'm guaranteed to have many seizures the next morning.
One day I had bad seizures from a hangover and wound up in the hospital. I died in the hospital. While I was dead I appeared in a space with this old man from the woods. He started flipping us through different realities to find one where I could continue living. Once he was happy with the reality he chose he put me back in my body and brought me to life. This was before the doctors had a chance to shock me. It was like 10 minutes from my perspective but only seconds from the doctors' perspective. It winds up that I quit breathing during a seizure and basically died of suffocation from the seizure stopping my lungs.
I've had worse seizures since and guess what started happening? They've been affecting my heart. My blood pressure goes from an average of 130/75 (I have an electronic cuff at home) to over 180/110. If I had kept being an alcoholic I could have very well died from a heart attack.
Unfortunately one day a few weeks ago I did almost have a heart attack. I tried my epilepsy meds, emergency BP meds, aspirin, normal meditation and even alcohol to try to calm my seizures. My BP was extremely high, I was going numb, I could not stop puking and dry-heaving and I was DIZZY... REALLY DIZZY. I contacted some family and told them I'd be calling an ambulance, laid in the tub while my fiance washed me and then got ready to go.. ya it was stupid to wait but I really didn't want to go to the hospital. I KNOW it was stupid.
I had one last thing to try. Something really weird... for some reason the unusual "meditation" for controlling my energy the DMT entity popped into my mind. I call it weird because unlike most meditations it involves movement and well, it came from an entity I met while on a hallucinogen.
I put on a looped om namo narayana chant and told my girl "I'm about to look really weird but you have to let me try this" .. she was crying afraid I was going to have a heart attack but I insisted.
I proceeded to do the meditation. After a bit it brought me into a trance. You know how when you come out of deep DMT sessions you can start yawning and having tears stream down your face from the trance? It brought me that deep and I could start to feel the energy.
I focused on moving this energy around and trying to balance it out/slow it down. I did this until I felt okay, maybe 10 minutes? This was HOURS after trying everything else. Before I attempted this meditation I was as stated ready to call 911, I was just that bad.
Once the meditation made me feel normal I took my blood pressure. I was down to 140/73 from my last reading of 187/115. My seizures also stopped. For the rest of the day I was completely fine.
So if someone asks me "what is DMT to you?" my answer would be "DMT is an absolutely magical substance that's led me to meeting entities that in multiple ways have saved me life."
I have to feel like the old man is tied in with these entities somehow.
I feel the need to say that I'm quite intelligent. I'm not bragging. At 16 I was going through college psychology courses while teaching myself computer programming from Assembler,C to C++,Perl. All of the psychology crap made me VERY reluctant to accept anything as real. Even after seeing the physical evidence from the old man visiting I did not believe it right away. It's taken me 1/2 a decade to even begin to entertain any of this as real.
A couple years ago once I started to believe I started a programming business. Getting fired from jobs for seizures while it's supposed to not be legal has a loophole - "For insurance reasons" ... and it makes you feel like crap.
I originally started this business for that reason and because I love programming. I've multiple websites I own and make money from selling software, penetration testing and marketing. I will never share which sites are mine. I do not yet want this sort of stuff in any way possibly associated with my business.
My mission has changed now. My goal has transformed into what is now a mission to turn this one-man show into a full-fledged business with employees making me money. I want other people to make me money (fairly of course and them getting paid) so I can free up my time. Why? Because I want to fund and start various research to look deeper into the possible reality of DMT as well as various mystical experiences.
A few years ago if someone told me the entities they've met were real I'd laugh inside a little but folks I am adamant that DMT and other hallucinogens (mushrooms especially) open our perception to the true nature of reality. Well, "more true"... I don't think we'll ever know the full truth but I believe we can learn enough to advance as humans.
If you spoke with me in person you'd never tell I even think about these sort of things. I fought the possibility of any of this being real but life has left me no choice but to accept it.
DMT has saved me. Each thing it saved me from might not be "a lot" in itself but all of them combined I am sure I would be dead if I'd never found this wonderful substance.
Now I just have to figure out where to go next ..
Rather than "Hey I'm XXX and I'm XX years old and I love DMT" I figured sharing these experiences would show how I really view DMT and how much I respect it and almost literally love it, as much as one can love a substance.
I'm here to learn more but also to be here to talk with others that have had significant experiences they're afraid to talk about. If you don't want to post it in public, I'm happy to take messages.
I'm here to learn and to help others learn.
Thank you for reading.
- OfTheVoid46
I posted similar things on another account which I cannot remember the password for and don't have access to the email account for anymore.
This is a combination of multiple experiences.
I felt my best introduction essay would be to share how precious DMT is for me.
In the beginning I found DMT by looking up psilocybe mushrooms because I wanted to get high to be completely honest.
Fast-forward a couple experiences and I met Vishnu. I never knew anything about Vishnu until after the experience some searching led me to find Indian texts describing him as well as pictures. I am 100% certain it was Vishnu and I'm 100% certain it was real.
At THAT point I started thinking "wow that's weird, coincidence maybe?" ...
Fast-forward again.. I was a heroin junkie. On one trip I appeared on a thing very similar to a hospital bed. Basically the entities around me told me if I didn't stop shooting up I'd be dead soon. I would rather share the whole experience as another post as to not derail but the important thing was that I took it seriously and quit heroin within a couple months. After doing it for years it took a lot of willpower even with DMT entities pushing me.
I've always seen "things". They could vary from dead children showing me who murdered them to "shadow beings". Some instances have been validated by other people with me that saw the same things without me mentioning it in fear of sounding crazy. I'm working to a point here ...
Every DMT trip it would tell me not to question it, to accept it as real. Since I started it just to trip I found it really odd that my mind would insist I believe my trips were real.
One day these "shadow beings" appeared again - and my fiance also saw them although she refused to accept it as real. She left for work and I decided it was time to truly give DMT a chance/take it seriously. An entity appeared that took control of my body and made me perform an intense meditation that included flowing mudras to pull energy into myself. Once the energy was built up the entity showed me how to release it which created visual waves in the room like heat waves look like. This expelled energy disintegrated the shadow beings and they never came back.
One night camping with my girlfriend in the woods I saw an old man peeking from behind a tree. He started approaching us. We had permission to camp where we were but I thought we'd possibly gone too far in and trespassed on mistake so before he said anything I apologized and told him I'm sorry if I trespassed. He told me "don't worry, that's not why I'm here."
He carried a weird black staff and was dressed in a way suiting to the camping environment. He walked to and stared in the stream beside us while he talked to me. He told me multiple things but the ones that stuck out were "It's all true" in regards to a conversation I was having with my fiance about life being one massive entity and that literally anything is possible. He also told me "help her" without an explanation of what he meant. The last thing he said was to pursue the sort of trances monks do to supposedly leave their body. As I practiced astral projection (with rare luck) I knew what he meant.
Keep in mind, I had drank about 4 beers but had not taken any drugs. I was an alcoholic so 4 beers for me was like 1 beer for a normal person.
Once he quit talking I attempted to ask him some questions but he .. disappeared!
I asked my girlfriend "where'd he go?" She says "who?" and I respond with "the old man I was just talking to" ... She said "babe, you just stopped in the middle of a sentence (in response to something she asked me) and asked where he went".. She didn't see anything. After thinking about it, she didn't move the whole time he was there. Our torches did not flicker. The stream did not flow and the trees did not blow. Time was frozen except for him and me.
I thought I was crazy/had a brain-glitch. The following morning I woke up and walked to where he came from. There was footprints in the weeds/dirt leading up to us and they came from a perfectly round ~3ft diameter circle with all of the weeds pushed down like a crop circle. I had not imagined him. There was a spot in the middle of a big weedy area that was perfectly round, pushed down and had a very visible trail leading up to us the exact path he walked.
This changed me forever. At this point I started believing the DMT consciousness. As enlightening as it was, it drove me insane with confusion and questions.
Fast-forward again ... I started vaporizing DMT much more often to try to acclimate to it and figure out how it worked. Most of it's better for other posts but during one experience I wound up in a quite physical looking room.. no pretty colors or anything. There was a table with with a couple chairs and a grey human-looking thing sitting in one. He looked mostly human except his eyes were all black and his skin was a VERY pale grey ... like the being that had taken over my body for the mediation years before.
He told me he would not allow me to learn anything about the dimension DMT opens our perception to unless I quit drinking. He said if I didn't quit drinking I'd die of a heart attack so allowing me to learn was a waste of energy.
Here's one thing I haven't mentioned yet - I have epilepsy. It started out not too bad but over the years it's gotten a lot worse. Alcohol HELPS when I can't stop seizing. It will actually prevent reoccurring seizures. The thing is that's all fine and dandy but if I drink to get drunk, I'm guaranteed to have many seizures the next morning.
One day I had bad seizures from a hangover and wound up in the hospital. I died in the hospital. While I was dead I appeared in a space with this old man from the woods. He started flipping us through different realities to find one where I could continue living. Once he was happy with the reality he chose he put me back in my body and brought me to life. This was before the doctors had a chance to shock me. It was like 10 minutes from my perspective but only seconds from the doctors' perspective. It winds up that I quit breathing during a seizure and basically died of suffocation from the seizure stopping my lungs.
I've had worse seizures since and guess what started happening? They've been affecting my heart. My blood pressure goes from an average of 130/75 (I have an electronic cuff at home) to over 180/110. If I had kept being an alcoholic I could have very well died from a heart attack.
Unfortunately one day a few weeks ago I did almost have a heart attack. I tried my epilepsy meds, emergency BP meds, aspirin, normal meditation and even alcohol to try to calm my seizures. My BP was extremely high, I was going numb, I could not stop puking and dry-heaving and I was DIZZY... REALLY DIZZY. I contacted some family and told them I'd be calling an ambulance, laid in the tub while my fiance washed me and then got ready to go.. ya it was stupid to wait but I really didn't want to go to the hospital. I KNOW it was stupid.
I had one last thing to try. Something really weird... for some reason the unusual "meditation" for controlling my energy the DMT entity popped into my mind. I call it weird because unlike most meditations it involves movement and well, it came from an entity I met while on a hallucinogen.
I put on a looped om namo narayana chant and told my girl "I'm about to look really weird but you have to let me try this" .. she was crying afraid I was going to have a heart attack but I insisted.
I proceeded to do the meditation. After a bit it brought me into a trance. You know how when you come out of deep DMT sessions you can start yawning and having tears stream down your face from the trance? It brought me that deep and I could start to feel the energy.
I focused on moving this energy around and trying to balance it out/slow it down. I did this until I felt okay, maybe 10 minutes? This was HOURS after trying everything else. Before I attempted this meditation I was as stated ready to call 911, I was just that bad.
Once the meditation made me feel normal I took my blood pressure. I was down to 140/73 from my last reading of 187/115. My seizures also stopped. For the rest of the day I was completely fine.
So if someone asks me "what is DMT to you?" my answer would be "DMT is an absolutely magical substance that's led me to meeting entities that in multiple ways have saved me life."
I have to feel like the old man is tied in with these entities somehow.
I feel the need to say that I'm quite intelligent. I'm not bragging. At 16 I was going through college psychology courses while teaching myself computer programming from Assembler,C to C++,Perl. All of the psychology crap made me VERY reluctant to accept anything as real. Even after seeing the physical evidence from the old man visiting I did not believe it right away. It's taken me 1/2 a decade to even begin to entertain any of this as real.
A couple years ago once I started to believe I started a programming business. Getting fired from jobs for seizures while it's supposed to not be legal has a loophole - "For insurance reasons" ... and it makes you feel like crap.
I originally started this business for that reason and because I love programming. I've multiple websites I own and make money from selling software, penetration testing and marketing. I will never share which sites are mine. I do not yet want this sort of stuff in any way possibly associated with my business.
My mission has changed now. My goal has transformed into what is now a mission to turn this one-man show into a full-fledged business with employees making me money. I want other people to make me money (fairly of course and them getting paid) so I can free up my time. Why? Because I want to fund and start various research to look deeper into the possible reality of DMT as well as various mystical experiences.
A few years ago if someone told me the entities they've met were real I'd laugh inside a little but folks I am adamant that DMT and other hallucinogens (mushrooms especially) open our perception to the true nature of reality. Well, "more true"... I don't think we'll ever know the full truth but I believe we can learn enough to advance as humans.
If you spoke with me in person you'd never tell I even think about these sort of things. I fought the possibility of any of this being real but life has left me no choice but to accept it.
DMT has saved me. Each thing it saved me from might not be "a lot" in itself but all of them combined I am sure I would be dead if I'd never found this wonderful substance.
Now I just have to figure out where to go next ..
Rather than "Hey I'm XXX and I'm XX years old and I love DMT" I figured sharing these experiences would show how I really view DMT and how much I respect it and almost literally love it, as much as one can love a substance.
I'm here to learn more but also to be here to talk with others that have had significant experiences they're afraid to talk about. If you don't want to post it in public, I'm happy to take messages.
I'm here to learn and to help others learn.
Thank you for reading.
- OfTheVoid46