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I will blast off for the first time this SHE


Rising Star
Although I have been a member of this board for a while, I have never tried DMT. I have even extracted a few grams of DMT but I never felt ready.

I do now.

I've decided to blast off for my first time during the SHE. I thought it was fitting.

I decided to not have a sign or phrase, I'm trying to keep it simple my first time.

What do you think?

I am very good at vaporization of different compounds via "shillae" or "meth pipe," I don't need any practice in that regards.

Is there any other benefit (not related to perfecting the vaporization technique) to trying low dose DMT (not a breakthrough dose)? Conventional wisdom would tell me low dose DMT would be best to try before breakthrough dose DMT, but I'm not really for sure about that.
SWIM says that low doses of spice is recreational and can be good fun. But it's all about getting a taste of it before really blasting off. Sort of the nobody blasts a satellite or some spacecraft to the moon before having made some experimental lift-offs.

Just think it as a practise run.
crakkbakk said:
What do you think?

I am very good at vaporization of different compounds via "shillae" or "meth pipe," I don't need any practice in that regards.

Is there any other benefit (not related to perfecting the vaporization technique) to trying low dose DMT (not a breakthrough dose)? Conventional wisdom would tell me low dose DMT would be best to try before breakthrough dose DMT, but I'm not really for sure about that.

Those other compounds react very differently to heat in a "meth pipe"!
DMT runs from the heat, spreading itself very thin over the inside surface of the bulb. In other words, it does not always cooperate with the vaporizing that way.
BTW those glass bulb pipes are one of the hardest ways to get a full breakthrough dose for most people.
Infundibulum is right, if you are really wanting to go off with the SHE, give it a test run...you may be surprised.
Vaporizing DMT correctly takes some practice!!.

Plus getting to know the feeling & the time line will only help to get you going further when taking a full dose.

Seriously, you should give it a try first, read all of the reports from the first SHE, most people had trouble breaking through...

I read every report and I thought it was rather ironic how that many people couldn't lift off.

A bunch of exxperienced people decide to blast off at once and most can't do it? Seems strange.

I was under the impression that shillae was how most people smoke DMT, is this not true? Or is it true but also the least effective?
crakkbakk said:
I read every report and I thought it was rather ironic how that many people couldn't lift off.

A bunch of exxperienced people decide to blast off at once and most can't do it? Seems strange.

Not so strange...like I said before, vaporizing DMT takes some practice, there is a technique to learn...your technique.
To tell you the truth, especially if you are smoking by yourself (meaning there isn't anyone else there, to help you with heating the pipe correctly etc... ), most people will end up misfiring & only reach just short of a full breakthrough, more often than not.
If you have someone there to light the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.... tokes for you, this can be less of an issue. Of course they have to have a good heating technique too, or else they'll just burn it anyway.

Not that there is anything wrong with a sub-breakthrough dose, BTW!!
The effects experienced on a sub-breakthrough dose are wonderful in their own right!!
Nothing to shake a stick at by any means, but there is a point where it no longer seems like..."effects"...but more like you've literally "broken into" another dimension, or existence & you are there, for real!!

There are a lot of different ways to vaporize DMT that are much easier & way more reliable than using a "meth" style glass bulb pipe!
Everyone seems to have a method that works better for them than all the others, so you may want to try a few of them.
I prefer to use a piece of Brillo (metal mesh, ala' crackpipe...:? ), stuffed into the bowl of a bubbler-type herb pipe or small bong, with just enough room temp water in there to make it bubble when inhaling through it.

Search for "the Machine" for the original idea & concept of using the Brillo as a vaporization medium.
The metal mesh of the Brillo not only holds the oil perfectly, it also allows the oil to flow over the mesh when it "runs" from the heat source, without being able to get away from it. While doing this, it is also vaporizing it for you, very clean & efficiently & providing extremely smooth, tasteless vapor!! (if done right!)

Here is a link to a thread with a good, detailed explanation of how to do this correctly.
The whole thread is actually about different smoking methods, you should give the whole thing a good reading!!
This is another one, once again this whole thread is about this same issue!!
Check 'em both out! They each have some info the other doesn't.

crakkbakk said:
I was under the impression that shillae was how most people smoke DMT, is this not true? Or is it true but also the least effective?
That's the way a lot of people try it the first time for some reason (myself included:oops: ), probably having more to do with the classic Terrence McKenna reports & explanations, than actual usage though.

At the same time, some people have their best results using a glass bulb pipe.
But for most people it is just way too easy to burn up the spice instead of just vaporizing it...correctly.
And it's nearly impossible to get a good 3rd hit for sure, by yourself.
Once the effects of the first hit start to warp & stretch my vision, I can never tell how close the flame is to the bowl...much less where a clear oil actually is, inside that bowl!!:lol:

DMT melts at around 100-120F degrees, vaporizes at around 140F & then starts to burn at around 160F!! (I think those are the correct numbers. If not, it's right around there...)
So you've only got a small window of vaporization before it starts to burn.
When it burns, the taste gets much worse, the vapor becomes very, very harsh & you loose a good amount of the intended dose to being burned up!!
So some practice is in order!

Let me know if you have any other questions!!😉


Reading your summary of some of the problems/issues of vaporizing only strenghtens my resolve to get the nebulizer concept working. The more I learn the more convinced I am that the great range of success among people has more to do with individual degree of success of vaporization than anything else. It seems that the truth might very well be that nobody KNOWS the ACCURATE DOSE they're really taking. It seems quite possible to me that nebulizer doses might be about the same as IV doses--which are about HALF the doses people claim to need for vaporization...
SWIMfriend said:

Reading your summary of some of the problems/issues of vaporizing only strenghtens my resolve to get the nebulizer concept working. The more I learn the more convinced I am that the great range of success among people has more to do with individual degree of success of vaporization than anything else. It seems that the truth might very well be that nobody KNOWS the ACCURATE DOSE they're really taking. It seems quite possible to me that nebulizer doses might be about the same as IV doses--which are about HALF the doses people claim to need for vaporization...

Yeah, I could see that being true, but there is some serious experimentation needed before relying on that just yet.
Man I can't wait to give it try though!!

The amount you actually end up consuming is broken up into so many variables when vaporizing with heat, there is really no way of knowing for sure how much is actually taken in by the lungs & processed into the blood stream in the end.

SWIM has found that regular cig lighters are better than highly focused butane lighter as it heats a small area fast but can also burn faster.
Xstacy said:
SWIM has found that regular cig lighters are better than highly focused butane lighter as it heats a small area fast but can also burn faster.

All that's really needed is a regular Bic lighter, torches are way too hot & way too focused to work very well when heating the surface area of an oil.

By "regular cig lighters", what exactly do you mean?

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