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I wouldn't be here without Lindsay Lohan

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone,

I haven't bothered to join any forums in many years. I have some acacia root bark and thought maybe I'd join this community for a little bit of insight.

Any helpful finger pointing to guide me during my preparation and experience of a little ayahuasca spiritual realness would be greatly appreciated. Thx to Lindsay Lohan's testimonial on how it shifted her perception on everything, fate has brought me to this forum. Side note- I've experienced other spiritual journeys and thought this would, as I've read it done to others, act as a catalyst to insights and growth in life.

so hiii.
Yeah me either. :?:
Lindsay Lohan. Okay that's cool. It's hard to believe a simple troll would go through all the trouble of navigating their way in here, but I'll tell you what, that is probably not the best appeal to authority to use not to sound all closed off and elitist or anything. But Jeez, come on, Linsa...nevermind, I'm sure she's a splinter of the unity too.

What you are asking information on is all here, and people will gladly help you with specific questions that arent easily solved with a search, but I'm going to guess that folks are going to want more proof of veracity than that intro.

A first question for you- what is your living situation? Roommates? On your own renting? living with parents? Other? Just asking because these variables bring up different ideas.

A good first step is to answer the ???airre, it shows some initiative.

I have a feeling my response would've been far differently worded had it been early morning pre-coffee instead of late afternoon post bowl. 😉

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! That's a riot!! Thanks for the laugh!!!

:lol: :surprised :lol: :shock: :surprised


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null24 said:
Yeah me either. :?:
Lindsay Lohan. Okay that's cool. It's hard to believe a simple troll would go through all the trouble of navigating their way in here, but I'll tell you what, that is probably not the best appeal to authority to use not to sound all closed off and elitist or anything. But Jeez, come on, Linsa...nevermind, I'm sure she's a splinter of the unity too.

What you are asking information on is all here, and people will gladly help you with specific questions that arent easily solved with a search, but I'm going to guess that folks are going to want more proof of veracity than that intro.

A first question for you- what is your living situation? Roommates? On your own renting? living with parents? Other? Just asking because these variables bring up different ideas.

A good first step is to answer the ???airre, it shows some initiative.

I have a feeling my response would've been far differently worded had it been early morning pre-coffee instead of late afternoon post bowl. 😉


Hahaaa! My posting was mainly just being silly. I don't really follow her. In fact, I found out she would be making an appearance at this one rave in NYC, so I started googling her and about her drug use. Come to find out she was using ayahuasca to help her move on in life and for once I listened to her sound kinda credible-like. a force to be reckoned with. something going on upstairs.

SOOOOOO yeah, sorry if my intro is like totes basic. I live alone in a 2 bedroom apt in a 4 apartment house. I do have a 60-year old lady neighbor above me with a cat. her name is katie. Sometimes I get paranoid when I hear katie's footsteps following me around the house. or maybe it's just the cat.

I am hearing so much about how "I should truly decide whether I'm ready" to take ayahuasca. I am kind of the contemplative type who overanalyzes everything (not in an anxious way, but a curious way, sort of determined to understand people and the way they think) Soooo, my motivation to do this is to see what I can understand further about myself, but in a way my own mind and potentially from that, human behavior.

I've experienced a cool pretty tame LSD trip once in the past. I've also experienced a bad trip on it once as well. Basically the sort of trip where one negative thought spiraled into many more. as if my mind had a voice telling me all the things wrong with me. I remember one thought told me "you don't even know who you are anymore / who are you even trying to be" while I stared off into the nyc skyscrapers like a deer in headlights in a taxi cab. felt like I was going to go psycho. Just wondering if ayahuasca has the potential to make me go through something like this bad trip.

and kinda want to know what is the "scary" part that could happen during the trip, how is is triggered, are there always entities that appear, and are they usually startling, a bit disturbing to see interact with you, etc.. I don't think I scare easily, and think I would just be intrigued and curious by the profound experience.
lordaya said:
...you don't even know who you are anymore / who are you even trying to be...

Just some friendly words of caution here lordaya:

If you feel (or think) that an LSD trip that engendered in your mind the thoughts that you expressed above was a "bad trip", you might possibly want to reconsider any psychedelic explorations.

I only say this because I have found from a lot of psychedelic experience that that kind of thought is "par for the course" and, in most cases, is just the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, I personally would never suggest that anyone take any psychedelic in the middle of a big city, but that's just me.

Depending upon the individual, anywhere from a moderate to a heavy entheogenic experience can, and most invariably will, take "you" apart into more pieces than most people ever care to be in. This phenomenon is often a huge test of your Will, of your ability to let go of all that "you" think that "you" "know", and of your ability to keep calm and observe yourself in a very detached, objective way (i.e. meditation skill-sets). All this, even if it seems as if your heart is beating so hard that you're having a heart attack, or perhaps it feels as if your eyeballs are melting out of your head. The mind can play an infinite number of tricks on you while tripping.

So, proceed with caution, but without fear. Be careful, but be free. Take it seriously, but be content and smile, smile, smile.

Its terrible journalism. The article says he had just had septum cirgury so he was most likley given meds for that...hooked on ayahuasca? It reads so phony.

The only reason you should do this is if you are 100% commited to doing it cause you totally want to do it, cause you're already high just thinking about seeing these strange things. If that isn't you now it might be you in some time. There has to be a deep desire for truth, a love of god, a yearning to see the pure land, to be free from attachment and worldy things.

Its totally shocking u would have never imagined these things were possible or even existed...its so shocking
The Daily Mail is a well-known source of ill-intentioned, right-wing hate and bile for anything that challenges the middle-aged, white-man status quo. So, no surprises there whatsoever.

Sample quote:
The hip Hollywood drug ayahuasca is prepared as a tea from a number of different plant species, some of which include the psychedelic chemical, dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, and it distorts brain waves to create a vivid 'waking-dream' state.

'Distorts brainwaves' - that sounds so, er, subversive :roll:

This bit seems more relevant:
Harry's half-sister, the model turned bounty hunter Domino Harvey, died aged 35 of an overdose of the painkiller drug fentanyl

A number of other, more balanced (not difficult) websites highlight that the cause of death has been deferred for autopsy.
Wow, you guys are being pretty harsh on the OP.

BTW, if you have a scary experience on LSD, that does NOT mean you wouldn't have a better time on other psychedelics.
I think we frightened him off already last year, tbh.

chat said:
13:16:04 ‹downwardsfromzero›kikker seen lordaya
13:16:08 ‹Kikker›lordaya? Never seen that entity in chat, only on the forum on: Saturday 24 March 2018 05:27:05
downwardsfromzero said:
The Daily Mail is a well-known source of ill-intentioned, right-wing hate and bile for anything that challenges the middle-aged, white-man status quo. So, no surprises there whatsoever.

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