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Iboga&harmaline: proposal for a collaborative research

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In the "compilation of caapi&harmala's only.."-thread, some phenomena are described that are very simmilar to what one experiences after having taken iboga.
Some of the research that's being mentioned in the thread, suggests that pure harmaline may be on par with ibogaïne when it comes to it's visionary quality.

I think this is worth investigating for a couple of reasons:

1-For people who're interested in the iboga-experience, but who're put off by the perspective of being incapacitated for a couple of days, the shorter duration of the harmaline-experience may offer an oportunity to have such an experience.
2-Harmaline could maybe be a more ecologically responsible alternative to iboga, wich is being endangered by unsustainable harvesting.
3-Maybe harmaline has medicinal properties that are simmilar to those of iboga.

I thought of posting this in the collaborative research section, but i think the iboga section is just as appropriate. Because of the fact that it will probably take very long to realy get a good picture of how exactly ibogaïne and harmaline are related to eachother in terms of effects, there is the risk of the research dying-out before it's even begun.

So i'm thinking of making a checklist. We list effects, typical of iboga, and we just wait for people to rate to wich extent they've experienced these effects after having taken harmaline.

So people, your input please. Wich are effects, you think are typical of iboga?

My input on this:1-halfway the experience the are these spectacular tracers that are paired with bright flashes of white light. You can just name them iboga-tracers. Everybody who's ever taken iboga will know what i mean. 2-The feeling of endlessly falling. 3-A constant feeling of loosing counsciousness or passing out, simmilar to what you also experience when you sit still for a long time and then suddenly stand up quickly. 4-vividly re-experiencing early childhood memories. 5-slowing and speeding-up of time, in waves. 6-a vibrating sensation, especially when you move. 7-being totally immersed into other worlds that are very realistic, when you close your eyes. 8-enhanced perception: nightvision and superhearing (i once could hear the sound of an ordinary lightbulb, several meters away).
9-Visions with african themes. 10-Seeing ghost-like or smoke-like figures. 11-seeing random patterns of colours, that are not completely unlike DMT or shroom-like Visuals, but lacking the refinement and elegance. They rather appear like random spatters, stripes or very rudimentary cave-paintings. They don't seem to be symmetrical or otherwise organised.

Maybe i'll think of a few more, later on.
I think we should only list effects that most people agree are typical of iboga.
Since i've been interested in iboga but havent taken it yet but have relatively acceptable experience with syrian rue seeds as whole/tea/extract for some years i wanted to include some points here

Most people i talk to are not aware of what a high dose harmala trip can be like, for me that would be roughly a gram of very pure freebase material, or more unless ive been taking it everyday or every other day for some time which does increase my overall sesitivity, a high dose harmala trip is a full on, enganging, very long experience with considerable effects on the inner biology of whoever takes it, which of course differs to that of iboga but is interesting to see the general similarity

Unpopular opinion: harmalas are not nauseating or digestive distrupters, only that we have normalized a diet inconsistent with our 2-4 million year span of hypercarnivorism which leads to inflammation of many sorts and chronic stress and damage of the inner organs, which the harmalas seem to seriously address,

with the case of iboga, you may observe recent studies that show carnivorous humans to have zero arterial plague and calcium formations or heart disharmonious palpatations etc, something to consider

With regards to comparison of effects
Low doses of iboga seem to hold a firm grip on the sensory and cognitive facualties of those under its influence yet harmalas specially at lower doses seem to be easily subdued, you may even have heard of amazonian peoples saying that you need to learn to listen to or dance with the cappi
Although cappi does have far less harmaline content and more harmine / thh in the vine which imo makes it gentler and more feminine as in "subtle"

Imho theres no replacing iboga with anything else, for the explorer that has communicated with these entheogens mixing them with foresight could be advantagious tho

My 2 cents
Seeing things (e.g. African warriors, animals, masks) indistinguishable from reality
Hearing sounds, music etc. indistinguishable from reality, often songs from childhood in high definition
I guess a while later and I've tried iboga + Syrian rue, I have to say that by now I'm developing a liking for rue, iboga and cactus due to a shared quality of not draining my energy as opposed to dmt, mushrooms and lsd which do, I'm not including cannabis bc it's sort of a different active but I'd consider that draining too, also mdma and ketamine, that's really all I have experience with

Anyway tho I was very excited to receive some iboga for a long time and I have been drifting into a suitable state to experience it, I did end up taking it on its own too aside from taking it with harmalas, so I just had fruits and a easily digestible raw vegan diet before trying it and tried to bring my whole system to a pause by remaining silent and in meditation for a few days before eating about 100mg of harmala salt with about 1g equivalent of root tincture, I am reading its better to try it sublingual so I'll try that, when I took the dose slowly the energy of my presence changed and I found myself easily accessing the underlying mechanisms that drive my decision making, how I feel and how I see life, I thing it would be quite impossible to really touch what iboga can do for you while not being in a sensitive state of perception and having a considerable amount of un-attached free energy, compared to just Iboga, this mixture had much longer effects, I feel as tho some interesting physiological changes in my organs and nervous system specially since I remember watching a presentation about ibogas effect on the body's enzymes and genetic structure which I believe is still up on YouTube, which felt very important while it was happening, I don't think I'm going to continue microdosing iboga without harmalas as it seems like a sort of waste to me, and am also interested in trying a higher dose of harmalas with the same iboga dose of 1g or so, it was really lovely how grounded and direct the experience was for me but there is certainly a sort of having to take some steps to meet it in a sort of middle ground where you feel as tho you can't go much further on your own and the iboga Comes in and helps remove some of the lingering resistance to what seems to be going on, I understand higher doses of iboga can be very uncomfortable or dangerous with harmalas, so I'm not going to try that, but am very excited about trying a flood dose when I feel like I'm in the right place for it, after so long I feel like I'm entering the entheogenic space fresh again and with a new perspective, I think iboga can help maintain a level of honesty with myself thats normally hard for me to get a hold of

I'll write more about it when I have something to say !
I recently had a strong rue experience which I brushed upon in terms of technique, and getting slightly more than I bargained for, over here. Harmaline, perhaps with a solid backing from harmine, is perfectly capable of giving a deep, plant-teacher experience. I feel like I did two decades of maturing in those few hours. Hence it is really timely that Espurr offers these additional insights (and how wonderful it is to see you here again, Espurr - I smiled a big smile as soon as I saw that you had posted!)

Are you saying that concurrent use of harmalas allows the more efficient use of iboga, at least at micro/mini-dose levels? It seems like too much of a coincidence that I found my somewhat forgotten iboga powder at the back of a drawer the other day. I would really appreciate some safety-oriented tips for including iboga with my rue-based practice. The claims about iboga's effects regarding physiological changes are particularly intriguing, and this will have me looking into the interplay between gene regulation and enzyme expression that iboga influences so some any pointers in that direction will be gratefully received as well.
Hi ! Ive been working with syrian rue for years now and i have to say that depending on what you are when you take it completely different and unique experiences occur, if there is already this deeper understanding of what it is to be alive in you then you will see a very rare aspect of the rue seed, as in it does not nauseate or discomfort you but unhinge the ordinary bounds of your relaxed state into a indescribable dimension of pure energy and aliveness and sentience
This took alot to understand and for this reason i maintain the rue seed (which is usable without the need of a fire or stone/metal boiling ware etc like mushrooms and the iboga root, which is interesting to me) as one of the most helpful things ive experienced in my entire life

Now having said that, let me also say something about iboga

Id like to think that over the last 6 years which ive basically dedicated my life to experiencing and cultivating shamanic botanicals with the occasional grand delusions in the middle, having used combinations of these while regularly fasting and experiementing with diet to the extreme of the spectrum, i feel as tho ive gained several key insights into whats going on in the larger picture of why we are here, why we have access to entheogens and so on

Firstly having experienced a wide variety of actives alone and in combination while fasted and usually in some sort of a meditative state ive come to the conclusion that any and all animal products have a completely tangible effect on the ability to experience life free of stress and mental processes which you did not freely choose, im also talking about a tendency to regress back into a primal and unevolved state after an entheogenic experience by the consumption of animal products specifically, which is directly linked to its effect on deep (tissue) relaxation and your personal experience of energy

The reason im putting an emphasis on this is that it may be harder to realize on mushrooms or ... that a very small tension is locking you out of yourself but on harmalas and iboga (and cactus but in a different way) it seems to be way more pronounced ( i think it makes a big difference when you take the iboga or harmalas after your intestines are completely emptied out and you are able to disengage with those digestive organs which can occupy a large portion of your brain's processing capacity)

Secondly and i think this will be harder to put into words but an upward flowing energy state which results from one pointed ness or in other words having no other directions and desires within you at all during this iboga experience is cruicial to maintaining full concsciousness of whats going on and not falling into some "stand-by" state so that you remain unaware while the iboga is literally rewiring your brain on the most fundemental level, this is a challenge for me

Now since i wrote that post on iboga ive experienced it again for 2 consecutive days combined with harmalas and each day me and my friend took about 1.5g of the dried vinegar extract of iboga roots, he did take about 200mg of harmalas along with his last dose in the first night and 400mg in the second night but my stomach wasnt empty so i only took 300mg of harmalas in the second night

This did not seem to cause any issues for us but i also have to say that we are very healthy individuals, and i wouldn't consider us a good reference for analyzing the dangers of this and that

People talk about mdma as a heart opener but trust me, there is nothing that can do what iboga does to your heart and your brain, patient, a very patient approach, who would have guessed what was stuck in those deep deep trenches of my unconscious mind, masterfully it brings it all out, like you would never guess.

Things that have been with me since before i was even born which i inherited from my parents that were affecting literally every thought, emotion, decision...

How could i have ever brought them out? Now i that i know i think it would have required a commitment on my part to be honest with everything to such a degree that i don't fall back on leaning onto something for support that i couldn't really imagine to bring to consciousness all the hidden tension that iboga did without its help, and i feel as tho ive only begun!

Id like to say more but i think i'll have something worth to say as i continue on with this

I did try to lay out the key points i think will play an important role downwardsfromzero , other things like putting aside alot of freedays so you wont have to worry at all etc and complete silence would also be important , i may open a thread about the specific diet im on since i think it helps me not eat for days without facing any nutrient deficiency etc ... which feels pretty important
Thank you, indeed, Espurr for your considered and detailed reply.

You've given me plenty of food for thought there, along with the reassurance that my practice with rue appears to be going in the right direction.

One thing that concerns me at the moment is the often excessive degree of various kinds of transport noise where I live, making it hard to be assured a satisfactory level of silence. I'm somewhat averse to stopping up my ears, as hearing what the birds have to say is an important part of my experiences. Persistently staying up late into the night isn't sustainable - but in typing this I realise all the times lately where I've been waking shortly before 4 a.m. have been opportunities to use that precious, silent time of the day.

I look forward to finding out about your approach to diet and the insights you have attached to that, thanks again.
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