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Iboga TA microdosing for emotional-anxiety issues

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I would like to know, if anyone has already tried iboga microdosing with TA tincture from reset site for anxiety issues? If so, please let me know about your experiences. Thx.
I highly recommend using the rootbark for microdosing. Microdosing TA can get weird. A slip up in dosing could easily give you something more than a microdose.

pssst: No source talk, please.
so you wouldnt recommend me to go to TA tincture ? I actually wanted to try Bancopumas protocol, which he posted on both sites as Iboga Microdosing Guide.

I also posted this topic on eboka forum, but besides your response I didnt get any other. I really need to make a decision , instead I will end up with pharmaceuticals again. Currently I am not doing well at all and i also dont have many options.
I am still quite scared of potential side effects and so far i have not found at least one successful report from iboga microdosing for anxiety issues...

I have some question which i have already asked on different forum but no one responded to me at all there :
I dont fully understand why someone microdosing with iboga everyday and some other ppl recommend microdosing every fourth day? What is the difference ? There is even a guy on youtube who takes 1 gram of root bark everyday, what is quite a lot in my opinion. Since I do not take any antidepressants maybe I will need more, i mean stronger dose to get any relief for my crippling anxiety.

Can i still take xanax (benzodiazepines) while i will be microdsing ? I know that taking any benzos is not very recommended, but there are still stressful situations in my everyday life where i simply need to take xanax, sometimes i need to take more and some other days less, but i am trying to keep my dosage as low as possible.

Also some ppl recommended me to start with Iboga HCL for microdosing, other recommend to take iboga root bark and then there is that protocol with TA tincture... i am quite confused about which one to pick and what dosage and frequency would be the best option?

I really do not want to get back to psychiatrics drugs with all of these horrible side effects and minimal profit, but in current situaton it is very hard and exhausting to deal with every day life even with aid of xanax.
It indicates a desire for well-being and a lack of belief in the industrial pharmaceutical paradigm on your part for thinking about this. Congratulations.

I do not have experience with iboga/ibogaine, but have used psilocybin (mushrooms) to treat the same issues that you speak about to great benefit and success where other pharmacological approaches fail.

My protocol is basically every other day or maybe maybe several days in a row, but doing so in frequently. I find that after a week or so of doing this, the mood elevation renders it unnecessary for a period of time. It's not something that needs to be relied on daily.

Since all these approaches are theoretical, putting them in the practice can be somewhat difficult if you're relying on outside information on how to develop a protocol. My advice to you would be just do it.

The symptoms of depression and anxiety and the way they manifest in our lives can be debilitating and paralyzing, effectively destroying any promise that we may have and making being of service to others difficult if not impossible. I do not need to engage in discussion with you regarding the side effect profiles of the pharmacological agents that are currently available, you seem to be quite self educated as to that as well as your underground options.

These themes plagued my life for a very long period of time, and I can say I am now in a place where my existence is not as much ruled by as it used to be and I can put my finger on psychedelics ias being the only effective outside source of relief I was able to find.

However, it is a very small part of the equation and whatever benefits you experience will be in direct proportion to the amount of work you put in to getting there. Of course, once you open up to it, The universe does provide.

If you ever want someone to talk to you and don't want to do it publicly on the forum, feel free to personal message me. Peace, and be good to you my friend.
Can i still take xanax (benzodiazepines) while i will be microdsing ? I know that taking any benzos is not very recommended, but there are still stressful situations in my everyday life where i simply need to take xanax, sometimes i need to take more and some other days less, but i am trying to keep my dosage as low as possible.

Avoid using benzos if at all possible.

At least try your best not to use them on consecutive days. Benzo withdrawals are no joke.
null24 said:
It indicates a desire for well-being and a lack of belief in the industrial pharmaceutical paradigm on your part for thinking about this. Congratulations.

I do not have experience with iboga/ibogaine, but have used psilocybin (mushrooms) to treat the same issues that you speak about to great benefit and success where other pharmacological approaches fail.

My protocol is basically every other day or maybe maybe several days in a row, but doing so in frequently. I find that after a week or so of doing this, the mood elevation renders it unnecessary for a period of time. It's not something that needs to be relied on daily.

Since all these approaches are theoretical, putting them in the practice can be somewhat difficult if you're relying on outside information on how to develop a protocol. My advice to you would be just do it.

The symptoms of depression and anxiety and the way they manifest in our lives can be debilitating and paralyzing, effectively destroying any promise that we may have and making being of service to others difficult if not impossible. I do not need to engage in discussion with you regarding the side effect profiles of the pharmacological agents that are currently available, you seem to be quite self educated as to that as well as your underground options.

These themes plagued my life for a very long period of time, and I can say I am now in a place where my existence is not as much ruled by as it used to be and I can put my finger on psychedelics ias being the only effective outside source of relief I was able to find.

However, it is a very small part of the equation and whatever benefits you experience will be in direct proportion to the amount of work you put in to getting there. Of course, once you open up to it, The universe does provide.

If you ever want someone to talk to you and don't want to do it publicly on the forum, feel free to personal message me. Peace, and be good to you my friend.

thanks for your response, I appreciate it! I am glad i can read about your success with mushrooms for your issues. So far I cannot send you PM it is because of site rules as I have only status of "new member"

I was also interested in psilocybin micordosing, but as for magic truffles (btw they are completely legal in my country) i have read that once that are open they wont last long and there might be a problem with potency because some strains are more potent than others (for example Mexicana vs Utopia). So I was thinking about trying 4-AcO-DMT for microdosing which is also probably more accurate for dosing, but then I have read about some potential cardiotoxicity from this stuff. I really do not want to cultivate something (it is not my hobby and i would like to start with microdoisng as soonn as possible), so what would be my options regarding to microdosing with psilocybin ?

Could you pls. sent me through PM what specifically i should order and from which site (I am from Europe)? Thanks!
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